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The 7 Series

FROM 666 to777 SERIES.jpg
The Image seal mark of God SERIES.jpg
Old vs New law covenvant order SERIES.jpg
Apostacies and Deceptions series.jpg
Salvation and sanctification SERIES.jpg
Character of God 6seres DOVE.jpg
The kingdom of God vs the world SERIES.jpg

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Via Veritas Vita -is dedicated to serve and defend the Lord and Creator of the Universe: Jesus Christ (Yeshuah), His Father: Jahve and the Holy Spirit. Their government, Law and Character. The enemy of souls has managed to convolute and almost destroy the very gospel of Jesus Christ and His Law and character, and cause a Babylonian confusion that has heavily seeped into the Christian churches. This spell and prison of mind can only be broken by a close cooperation with our commander in chief, Jesus Christ, and by obeying His orders.

We are saved by grace, which is underserved power through the agent of the Holy spirit, through faith in Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior and by continual communion with  our Father in heaven. Like Christ admonished of us: We are to take up our cross and follow Him. For there is no salvation without sanctification, which is the higher school that will prepare us, educate us, discipline us and transform us for the celestial government and the heavenly kingdom where God resides and rules, forever. 


Heaven and the gift of salvation is free for all to obtain, no matter what race, nationality, birth, gender or any other outward factor. But heaven is not cheap. Christ's way, the path of righteousness, is not called the narrow way without a good reason. For there is no true salvation without: sanctification,"without which no one will see the Lord."

We must overcome by the blood of Christ, which include the atonement and forgiveness of repented sins,. And by baptism of water and fire through the Holy Spirit of God, and communion with God. Not simply by rites and sacraments in the outward which are only figures and shadows pointing us to the antitypical greater and true fulfilment. But as a continual process and cooperation with the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are to build our house upon the eternal rock of ages: Christ. A spiritual house, in our inward temple, molding our wordly spirit and character into a new being, formed by the spirit of God. In this way, if we advance, our inner nature will become more and more in harmony with that of the heavenly government rather than the government of this world, which is contrary to the kingdom of God. We are all born of the flesh and have transgressed the laws of God and as a consequence deserving of everlasting death. But Christ has made a way of restoring our image, into His, and give as a chance of being reunited with  and live in the presence of God, and receive life everlasting. 

"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts.."
"The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith."

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
"The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."

( Hebrews 12:14, James 4:8, Matthew 5:8 , 1 Timothy 1:5, John 1: 1-5 )

November 2021  (About one year after I started posting on this blog)


If I am to analyze these teachings, I would say they contain important teachings and warnings for these last days. Much of these has has been revealed to me in a very special way, in my very challenging Christian journey. I have also written these as Christ is gradually, but miracously healing me spiritually from maybe the worst Satanic witchcraft attack performed in history. From total confusion and darkness, to clearness and light within a few years. A miracle and healing only possible with God and His sanctifying power and a cooperation, trust and attitude of never giving up.

I believe I have received some very important messages here, that should be read before making a conclusion. We are individually responsible for the light that are attainable within our reach. So to just brush these away without having a very good reason, could have consequences. I am very critical myself, and test and try the messages I feel inspired to write. Strangely also, I did not have any plans to write anything. And yet now I have written and published 85 articles so far since summer 2020. 7 series, and they all seem strangely connected as if I had a very careful plan. Yet, I had no plans at all...


To those who wish to critcize me for coming with private interpretations of prophecies. Which is why we need the Holy Spirit to reveal the deeper things of God.

1. Cor 2:10 states:

"these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. 
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God."

I do not claim to be correct about every detail, as I am not God (not even Ellen White claimed to be infallible btw), and only try to understand what He try to show me through His word and in my Christian Journey. But I also understand that I would never have been able to write more than 80 articles since early summer 2020, having no plans of writing anything, no theology degree and often under very difficult circumstances, were it not for the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

And there is an overall "red thread" that connect the messages and a natural progression. It is not chaotic or confusing as long as you read and understand the messages, even though I admit it gets very deep and intricate at times. Rather they will set you free from the Babylonian confusion and witchcraft of this world. They are not just random articles posted here and there. 

It has been and still is like solving a very intricate puzzle where the puzzle pieces has been delivered and discovered over many years. Even though most of the pieces has been put in place by now I think. It has also involved that I have had to take up my cross and stick to it and not give up over long periods of time, despite so many obstacles and attacks. I have had to crucify my own flesh and repent of my sins, even many in public. Not only that, but I have had to go back and relive all the deepest traumas that I have been through in order for God to heal me spiritually, and also to be able to go forward and be able to figure out this puzzle. So I can share the messages to the world and the churches, so they can hopefully understand and be liberated and escape the Babylonian confusion and witchcraft, and the slavery of sin and its father. But I can not force anyone to read the articles either. Each individual is responsible for how they handle the truths and light that are made available within their reach.

As for image used:

Here I have merged two images. I used the three swords from Hafrsfjord. They have actually played a role in this SPIRITUAL BATTLE with a very different meaning than what they are traditionally supposed to represent.

July 9th 2022


I believe Lucifer and also other angels who had fallen characters, like all humans have (as all humans have transgressed and fallen short of the glory of God) had a chance of being sanctified and restored in the image of God. Like all humans who have fallen also have a chance of being made pure and sanctified by the two-fold purpose of grace.


So, it's about our current character more than title.


Everyone, both humans and angels, have been given the free will to choose which way to go.


To be sanctified we have to advance from a fallen character, which is all humans and fallen angels. That is, from 666 to 777. From a worldly, fallen character to receive the character of God. And receive the seal of the Holy Spirit. The 7th Day Sabbath is also included. Remember what happened yesterday on Sabbath the 7th of May 2022.


I believe the whole Universe has been tested now in the last chapter in this earth's history. Both angels and humans, even Christ.

Also all beings can fall, except for the highest God, Which is why continual advancement and/ or maintenance of our characters are crucial.

Lucifer and Satan is not the same thing. Lucifer was his name before the fall. It is an honored name. Lucifer the lightbearer.

Satan means the adversary of God, that is in general the fallen character who is naturally at emnity against God, His law, character and kingdom. Same with the Antichrist.

Since truth progress, and new light is revealed in time, what I have written earlier concerning the same issues, I wrote based on the knowledge I had at the time. So the last articles posted, if corrections are made on certain topics, are the ones that count.

All articles are written by:

-Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland



Ad Victoriam. Ad Vitam Aeternam.
Ad Caelestis Caritas. Ad Christi.

To Victory. To Life Everlasting.

To Agape. To Christ.


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