L.A.H3. feb. 202227 min lesingDiscussion on the Old vs the New law and covenantPrint/ download: Sometimes it is easier to learn something better by following a debate on a subject, so here is a recent discussion...
L.A.H25. jul. 20213 min lesingOld vs New Law, covenant and order. Part 6.Print article: (Try Google Translate if you have problems understanding the English language) Here in Philippians 3:3-21, the FLESH is...
L.A.H18. jun. 20218 min lesingThe Old vs the New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 5.Printable version; If you have not yet read the previous parts, start first with part 1, click here. The Old covenant: 1. Corinthians 9:...
L.A.H17. jun. 20217 min lesingThe Old vs The New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 4.Printable version: Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the English languag.e 2. Corinthians 3 (entire...
L.A.H17. jun. 20217 min lesingThe Old vs New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 3.Print article: The battle of the Christian is not a battle between nations, race, creed, gender, between rich or poor. Nor is it a...
L.A.H17. jun. 20219 min lesingThe Old vs New law, covenant and order. Part 2Printable version. The old, immature law and covenant also represent the legalist mindset. This is to think we obey the law of God...
L.A.H7. mar. 20219 min lesingThe Old vs New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 1.Print article: The spirit of the flesh, of the world versus the character traits belonging to the spirit of God, the holy spirit. "What...