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Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
10. mai 20221 min lesing
Lucifer vs. Satan
Print /download: Satan is merely a fallen, not sanctified, unholy character, and is not necessarily attributed to Lucifer except for the...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
7. mai 20222 min lesing
The sanctification process vs. The way of progression on the New Earth.
Print/ download: The main sin that pretty much incorporates all, is the sin of remaining settled in a fixed, conservative doctrine, and...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
7. mai 20222 min lesing
Not power or worship for the sake of power and worship, but for the sake of carrying the light.
Print/download: The true God does not want worship or power for the sake of worship and power. He only want to be worshiped based on His...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
11. apr. 20221 min lesing
True sanctification is to reach a mature state where we are not easily tossed to and fro.
Print /last ned: If God would just sit ready trying to catch you in a moment where you are doing something else than reading the bible,...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
3. apr. 20221 min lesing
"Up to that time the Spirit had not been given." What does this mean?
Print /last ned: Those who were saved in old testament times were also saved by faith. (Hebrews 11). They had to advance from immaturity...

2. apr. 20222 min lesing
There is no faith without works. What does it mean?
Print /download article: There is no faith without works. Why? Because even a thought is a deed, a work. They are interconnected. In...

9. mars 20221 min lesing
The sanctuary message and the sanctification process.
Print /download: The sanctuary message is really about the sanctification from 666 (law and spirit of the unholy trinity)- 777 (law and...

5. mars 20221 min lesing
Serving in the New way of the spirit, not by the written code.
"When he (the Holy Spirit) comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment." - John 16:8 This...

6. nov. 20213 min lesing
The natural heart is not just like a beast, but like vampires who do everything to escape the cross.
Print /download It is impossible to call these teachings hypocritical, because it demolish all the hypocritical interpretations on the...

30. sep. 202110 min lesing
The way, the truth and the life. Part 2.
Print /download: LITERAL APPLICATION Physical, environmental, chemical, mental stress, virus/bacterial/fungal infection, lack of...

29. sep. 20219 min lesing
The way, the truth and the life. Part 1.
Print /download: (Please use Google translate if you have difficulties comprehending the English language) Attacking the “the way, the...

26. sep. 20214 min lesing
The Two sides of the Cross. & The Two-fold purpose of Grace.
Print /download: The everlasting promise of the everlasting gospel of redemption for sinful mankind. By the cross, by the fire (holy...

8. aug. 20214 min lesing
Running the race vs Competing
Print/ download article: We are not to compete against other churches or our brother and sisters in the church or churches, or even those...

14. juli 20216 min lesing
We are all on death row. Yes, all...But there is good news.
Print/ download article: We are all guilty before God. How guilty? Guilty of deserving death. So just because our crime record seem...

9. mai 20213 min lesing
Purified by fire unto everlasting life or everlasting death.
Print /download: OLD EARTH (under the banner of the prince of this world, Satan) Walking in accordance to the old law, covenant and...

5. mai 20215 min lesing
What is the good news, the gospel and what it means to be saved by grace through faith.
Print/download article: The good news is that by Jesus' mission, His life, death and resurrection, and His atonement for all the sins of...

15. mars 20217 min lesing
The Israelites dying in the wilderness versus Moses death before entering the promised land
Print /Download: It is written… While Jesus conquered Satan in the wilderness with an “it is written…”. He also exposed the Scribes and...

15. mars 202114 min lesing
Advice on our path toward righteousness.
Print/ download: We should aim to have a: - Humble, teachable spirit. But at the same rate, also understand when we are to walk away and...

15. mars 202119 min lesing
Christ can set us free from the bondage and mind prisons of Babylon.
Print/ download article: The Immature “Christian” or immature people of God, is the same as those of the spirit of the world and the...

20. okt. 20205 min lesing
The Higher School of Christ
Print article here: (Please use Google translator if you have a difficult time understanding the English language, It should be...
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