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16. mars 20222 min lesing
Revelation 19 : - a deeper interpretation
Print/ download: Bible text: Look up and read Revelation 19 Interpretation: The Babylonian or beastly character of each individual must...

15. mars 20222 min lesing
Not everything should be interpreted in a spiritual, wider sense. Examples.
Print /download: I see no need to interpret Revelation 20 in a wider, spiritual manner, like I did with the 7 Last plagues. I agree with...

12. mars 20222 min lesing
Matthew 24. A deeper interpretation.
Print /download: Matthew 24:15-18 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of...

11. mars 20229 min lesing
7 Last Plagues. A deeper interpretation.
Print /download article: Bible text: Revelation chapter 15 -16: Ch 16: "The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 16 Then I heard a loud voice...

27. feb. 20222 min lesing
Fire balls destroying larger cities. A wider interpretation.
Fire balls raining down, destroying larger cities. End time prophecy by Ellen G. White. - Tongues of fire that came over the Apostles...

15. feb. 202210 min lesing
Daniel 11, the King of the North and the wider Abomination of desolation. It is not what you think.
Print /download: The king of the North: represent the right-wing, conservative mindset. The king of the South: the left-wing, liberal...

5. feb. 20222 min lesing
Daniel 5. "You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting". A deeper interpretation.
Print /download: Daniel 5: Verse 1- 6 "King Belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine with them. 2...

3. feb. 20222 min lesing
The Golden Image of the king of Babylon in Daniel 3. A deeper interpretation.
Print /download: Read Daniel chapter 3. King of Babylon, Nebudchadnezzar, set up a statue of himself in gold, and ask people to worship...

17. jan. 20222 min lesing
Gog and Magog and the King of the North.
It hit me when reading about Gog and Magog in Ezekiel ch 38 -39, that Gog could be the same power/character/belief system as the King of...

15. des. 20213 min lesing
"They raised the sword to kill us, but it broke..."
Print / download: "In the time of trouble we all fled from the cities and villages, but were pursued by the wicked, who entered the...

6. nov. 20214 min lesing
Kingdom of Hearts.
Print / download: The Beast is a kingdom. We can agree on that. Yes. What kind of kingdom? An unrighteous kingdom. Kingdom of the...

31. okt. 20216 min lesing
“That no man might buy or sell.” Interpreted in a spiritual context.
Print /download: Revelation 13:15-17: “:.and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great...

30. okt. 20214 min lesing
The King of the North and the King of the South. Right-wing vs Left wing philosophies.
First a link to a guest article from a ministry I am not associated with, but who I think has one of the best interpretations in terms of...

25. sep. 202111 min lesing
King David. A King fallen and restored. God's Amazing grace.
Print /download: THE STORY OF KING DAVID, HIS GREAT SINS/CRIMES, PUNISHMENT AND REDEMPTION. Bible text: 2 Samuel chapter 11 and 12. .......

20. sep. 20217 min lesing
The Fall of The Metal man in Daniel 2 & Babylon in Revelation 18.
Print/ download: Read first: - Daniel chapter 2 - 1. Corinthians chapter 3 - Revelation chapter 18 Read the article: “The Metal man in...

14. sep. 20213 min lesing
The Messages in a greater perspective.
Download/ print article: - The Loud cry: The messages of Christ our righteousness, Righteousness by faith. - The Everlasting gospel and...

9. sep. 20215 min lesing
The Metal man in the book of Daniel. A continued, deeper interpretation.
Print /download article here: Read Daniel chapter 2. Excerpt from the bible text (verse 31 to 35) "31 “Your Majesty looked, and there...

25. aug. 20213 min lesing
From 666 - 777. Part 3. Three unclean spirits like frogs and "Can a leopard change his stripes?"
3 UNCLEAN SPIRITS LIKE FROGS (Revelation 16:13-14) “Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth...

16. juni 20219 min lesing
From 666 to 777. Sanctified in the Image of God. Part 2.
(Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the English language) Print/ download article: 11/2.21 THE...

15. juni 20218 min lesing
From 666 to 777. Sanctified in the Image of God. Part 1.
Printable version: (Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the English language.) 777 Sanctified by the The...
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