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Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
22. juni 20231 min lesing
The heart and the law and covenant of Christ
Left side of the heart : Old covenant. Represent main commandment 2. Love for Physical kingdom. Creation. Right side of heart: -represent...

11. mai 20231 min lesing
The LAW and SPIRIT of GOD, interconnected, or the same?
God's law is built upon His character. His character is also spirit (ual), the inner (spiritual heart and mind), the deeper, the unseen,...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
1. mai 20235 min lesing
Relation of Grace vs. Works.
Print /download: One more text that shows the relation of grace and works. Fruits/works of righteousness produced by receiving the law of...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
30. apr. 20232 min lesing
God is multicolored and multidimensional
God is multicolored and multidimensional Oppdatert: 31. jul. 2021 Print/ download article: God is multicolored and...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
30. apr. 20231 min lesing
The Last battle. In short.
Print/download: The great controversy is not quite over, and now we see that the last battle can really be summed up as a battle between...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
30. apr. 20238 min lesing
Barbara Marx's Christ and teachings VS. the Christ of the Loud Cry message.
The following excerpt is from an article, penned by Warren Smith. Although Marx died a few years ago, she is only one of many prophets...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
29. apr. 20232 min lesing
Step by step, toward redemption, or perdition. The final movements will be rapid ones.
Print/download: A professed Christian who get the taste for rebellion and for the taste of the wine of Babylon, is a far, far worse...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
28. apr. 20231 min lesing
M(aster) 44
Print/download: M44: Master on the way of the cross, of the straight and narrow path, of Christ. To build our house/temple on the...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
11. nov. 20222 min lesing
A Temple made in time
Print/ download: Sabbath 11.11.22 "A temple made in time" ...a line from a song about the 7th Day Sabbath. We, our characters (innermost,...

Linda Aanestad
5. mai 20223 min lesing
Even the Son will be made subject to God the Father.
Print /downlaod: "The way, the truth and the life". The way is the way of sanctification, to travel the narrow way for advancement from...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
4. mai 20221 min lesing
Print/download: You can get overdosed on just about anything. Even the Bible. Even the best and highest quality music, literature, movies...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
4. mai 20221 min lesing
God is Light
Print /download Light often apppear as darkness, and darkness as light. We are not supposed to end up loving darkness, where darkness is...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
1. mai 20222 min lesing
This earth right now is at a climax of darkness and hell.
Print/download: This earth right now is at a climax of darkness and hell, both physically, mentally and spiritually, unparallelled to any...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
28. apr. 20221 min lesing
Higher magic over lower magic.
I believe today, April 28th 2022, it was demonstrated before the entire Universe, that everlasting love trump sensual love. That wisdom...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
21. apr. 20221 min lesing
Diamond vs. Cube
THE DIAMOND I believe symbolize the immature doctrine, belonging to the Old order. 666. THE CUBE 3X, I believe rather represent the...

27. mars 20225 min lesing
Accepting the challenges (the path of the cross) to be able to comprehend the messages.
As for the messages being too deep or heavy. The way I understand it, this is mostly a message that is for those who have received a more...

19. feb. 202214 min lesing
The abomination that causes desolation. Sept 2018?
Print/download: The abomination by the first beast, "Rome", paganism mixed with Christianity, September 2018. The abomination is mimicked...

27. jan. 20224 min lesing
Priority in terms of lesser to higher holiness.
Print /download: We see examples in the word of God of dividing the sanctity of commandments either in two or three categories or levels....

Linda Aanestad
5. jan. 20221 min lesing
8 laws of health.
God's 8 Laws of Health: *Nutrition * Exercise * Water * Sunshine * Temperance * Rest * Air * and Trust in God. Here is a good link to the...

Linda Aanestad
27. des. 20212 min lesing
3 Angels' messages simplified:
Worship/Love the Creator First, Creation secondly 》 Worship the Spiritual kingdom over the physical kingdom 》 Worship the higher, deeper,...
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