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15. mars 20222 min lesing
Not everything should be interpreted in a spiritual, wider sense. Examples.
Print /download: I see no need to interpret Revelation 20 in a wider, spiritual manner, like I did with the 7 Last plagues. I agree with...

12. mars 20222 min lesing
Matthew 24. A deeper interpretation.
Print /download: Matthew 24:15-18 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of...

11. mars 20229 min lesing
7 Last Plagues. A deeper interpretation.
Print /download article: Bible text: Revelation chapter 15 -16: Ch 16: "The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath 16 Then I heard a loud voice...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
10. mars 20223 min lesing
Perfection of the last day church, and what it means.
Print /download: The first generations were saved under an age of limited light, yet they were saved individually by advancing from...

9. mars 20221 min lesing
The sanctuary message and the sanctification process.
Print /download: The sanctuary message is really about the sanctification from 666 (law and spirit of the unholy trinity)- 777 (law and...

5. mars 20221 min lesing
Serving in the New way of the spirit, not by the written code.
"When he (the Holy Spirit) comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment." - John 16:8 This...

27. feb. 20222 min lesing
Fire balls destroying larger cities. A wider interpretation.
Fire balls raining down, destroying larger cities. End time prophecy by Ellen G. White. - Tongues of fire that came over the Apostles...

25. feb. 20222 min lesing
Revelation 17 and The setting up of the Abomination of desolation
Read Revelation 17. Why the 10 kings who receive power from the Beast will hate Babylon. The 10 kings who receive power from the Beast...

21. feb. 20222 min lesing
The Abomination that causes desolation set up in the individual sacred heart.
First read "Matthew 24. A deeper interpretation". Do we start to see how the Abomination that causes desolation has to do with *going...

19. feb. 202214 min lesing
The abomination that causes desolation. Sept 2018?
Print/download: The abomination by the first beast, "Rome", paganism mixed with Christianity, September 2018. The abomination is mimicked...

15. feb. 20222 min lesing
The wider Abomination of desolation for this time, the last chapters in the history of this earth.
Print / download: If Satan understand he is not self existing, and his religion is the yin yang philosophy, he understands that he must...

15. feb. 202210 min lesing
Daniel 11, the King of the North and the wider Abomination of desolation. It is not what you think.
Print /download: The king of the North: represent the right-wing, conservative mindset. The king of the South: the left-wing, liberal...

9. feb. 20226 min lesing
Standing alone like Daniel? Left, Right or Center?
Print /download: The world is not so much the literal government, but the kingdom of the world, where the kingdom is the kingdom of...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
8. feb. 20223 min lesing
My interpretations regarding the image, seal and mark
I try to advance from just focusing on the literal, and move more over to the spiritual, to the heart of the matter. The core of the...

7. feb. 20224 min lesing
3 main levels of Abominations & Omega of Apostacies.
Print /download: Just like there are 3 main levels of holiness, there must also be 3 main levels of unholiness/ abominations. (Sin/...

5. feb. 20222 min lesing
Daniel 5. "You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting". A deeper interpretation.
Print /download: Daniel 5: Verse 1- 6 "King Belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine with them. 2...

3. feb. 20222 min lesing
The Golden Image of the king of Babylon in Daniel 3. A deeper interpretation.
Print /download: Read Daniel chapter 3. King of Babylon, Nebudchadnezzar, set up a statue of himself in gold, and ask people to worship...

3. feb. 202227 min lesing
Discussion on the Old vs the New law and covenant
Print/ download: Sometimes it is easier to learn something better by following a debate on a subject, so here is a recent discussion...

31. jan. 20228 min lesing
A good example of where the Spirit trump the Letter of the law. Temporal vs. Everlasting laws.
Download/ print: Exception to the general rules. That is where the spirit of the law comes in. What was the purpose for the dietary laws...

29. jan. 20224 min lesing
The Letter and Spirit of the 7th Day Sabbath, and the temporal Mosaic laws.
Print/ download: Both the day (letter) of the 7th Day Sabbath, but more so the deeper significance of the Sabbath is part of the seal....
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