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Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
26. juli 20217 min lesing
The terrible deception most Christians fall for, believing they stand on truth.
Print article: (Try Google translate if you have problems understanding the English language) The terrible deception most Christians...

25. juli 20213 min lesing
Old vs New Law, covenant and order. Part 6.
Print article: (Try Google Translate if you have problems understanding the English language) Here in Philippians 3:3-21, the FLESH is...

14. juli 20216 min lesing
We are all on death row. Yes, all...But there is good news.
Print/ download article: We are all guilty before God. How guilty? Guilty of deserving death. So just because our crime record seem...

Linda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland
2. juli 202114 min lesing
Christ first vs second coming. Why it matters.
Printable version: Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the Enlgish language. -There are many different...
Linda Aanestad
23. juni 20214 min lesing
Christ the sanctifier and goldsmith
The sanctification of God: From Old, immature, incomplete/limited law, covenant, order. To new, mature, full law, covenant and order. =...

18. juni 20218 min lesing
The Old vs the New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 5.
Printable version; If you have not yet read the previous parts, start first with part 1, click here. The Old covenant: 1. Corinthians 9:...

17. juni 20213 min lesing
The cross also symbolize the shift from the old order, to the new order of Christ.
The new law and covenant is the law of Christ, by faith. Jesus Christ was flogged to the point that he was stripped of His skin. So even...

17. juni 20217 min lesing
The Old vs The New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 4.
Printable version: Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the English languag.e 2. Corinthians 3 (entire...

17. juni 20217 min lesing
The Old vs New Law, Covenant and Order. Part 3.
Print article: The battle of the Christian is not a battle between nations, race, creed, gender, between rich or poor. Nor is it a...

17. juni 20219 min lesing
The Old vs New law, covenant and order. Part 2
Printable version. The old, immature law and covenant also represent the legalist mindset. This is to think we obey the law of God...

16. juni 20219 min lesing
From 666 to 777. Sanctified in the Image of God. Part 2.
(Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the English language) Print/ download article: 11/2.21 THE...

15. juni 20218 min lesing
From 666 to 777. Sanctified in the Image of God. Part 1.
Printable version: (Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the English language.) 777 Sanctified by the The...

4. juni 202112 min lesing
The counterfeit and true meaning of the Rainbow
Print article: People and more so Christians see the rainbow now as a symbol of sin, rather than righteousness. The latter was God's...

1. juni 202112 min lesing
New false light, and fallen, conservative light. Yet both belong under the same king and order.
Print article: (Try Google translate if you have problems understanding the English language) Satan try in one end to create a close...

9. mai 20219 min lesing
Connection of the temple "ye are the temple" with WISDOM.
1. Corinthians 3:10-19. (Read it all in its context): "By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone...

9. mai 20213 min lesing
Purified by fire unto everlasting life or everlasting death.
Print /download: OLD EARTH (under the banner of the prince of this world, Satan) Walking in accordance to the old law, covenant and...

8. mai 202111 min lesing
Jesus Christ versus Superman.
Print/download: To deny that Jesus came in the vessel of a human is from the spirit of the Antichrist. Jesus did not have the spirit of...

5. mai 20215 min lesing
What is the good news, the gospel and what it means to be saved by grace through faith.
Print/download article: The good news is that by Jesus' mission, His life, death and resurrection, and His atonement for all the sins of...

25. apr. 20217 min lesing
Witchcraft/ Magic of this world. How to escape?
Print/ download article: First a brief elucidation of the phrases. Works of the flesh and works of the spirit. The cross also symbolize...

17. apr. 20219 min lesing
Flee from the Cities. Both literally and spiritually.
Printable verison: The cities represent worldliness and works/actions of the flesh/world. Walking by sight, not of faith. Remember that...
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