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3 Angels' messages simplified:

Oppdatert: 25. des. 2022

Worship/Love the Creator First, Creation secondly 》

Worship the Spiritual kingdom over the physical kingdom 》

Worship the higher, deeper, everlasting over the lower, shallower, temporal.

Hence to leave the old, immature, fallen law, covenant and order (the kingdom of this world) and advance forward to the the New, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order of Jesus Christ. Where the law can be summed up in:

1. Love for Creator (God) and what the Creator represent: the spiritual, higher, deeper, inner, divine, unseen, everlasting.

2. Love for Creation and creation represent: the literal, outer, temporal, seen.

"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." -Matthew 22: 37-39

This is the crossing over, the new birth

From the law of the letter (666) to the law of the Spirit (777). To walk/judge by faith, not by sight. We must all cross over by the cross and through the cross of Christ. From the old to the new. From the law of death to the law of life. From the kingdom of this old world, to the new, everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Hence to crucify the sinful nature of humans who are naturally inclined to love traditions, hold to prejudices, pride and partiality in the outer, shallower factors (think also true vs shallower colors, which is also faith/inner/deep vs. sight/ the apparant.

We can only be redeemed and sanctified by the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit by the twofold purpose of grace through faith. This is the everlasting promise of the everlasting gospel to be set free and saved from the old law and covenant (this old world) to the new, everlasting (New order of Jesus Christ).

Not by physical energies, not by any outward, shallower factor, not by the works of the flesh, not by our race, nationality, gender, genes, organization, status or health status.

The advanced 3 Angel's represent the fullness and righteousness of Christ and His everlasting covenant, His everlasting gospel and His new, everlasting, spiritual law and order, His kingdom, received first in our hearts and minds (our character). The only way, the Truth and the Life; "Via Veritas Vita".


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