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Just like there are 3 main levels of holiness, there must also be 3 main levels of unholiness/ abominations. (Sin/ Evil).
1. The deeper, fuller significance of enforcing the counterfeit Sabbath
2. Setting up a literal counterfeit Sabbath day by law
3. Breaking the external, temporal laws like dietary regulations.
If Satan and the Antichrist power has already set up/ enforced a greater abomination than that of enforcing the literal counterfeit Sabbath day, then would it not be error to believe a possible future Sunday law would become the greatest abomination?
Even if Sunday laws were to be passed, even if death penalty for breaking the Sunday laws would be set up, it would still not count as the greatest of all abominations, if Satan has already set up a far greater evil, the fullness of 666, the fullness of the unholy trinity, the maximum of all abominations.
The Omega of Apostacies:
- we see many forms of apostacies of judging the higher by the lower. Of setting the less holy over that which is holier. Self righteousness (righteousness after the standards and perspective of the world and the unsanctified human under the old covenant. This include immature Christians, or those who refuse to advance and get stuck in an immature truth = tradition, or use the wisdom or law of this world over the highest available wisdom and doctrine available today. This would include to rely on the psychology and counterfeit path of the world above the psychology and true path of Christ, the true healer of souls. Particularly that of condemning people and particularly also the true servants of Christ, and also using the science of measuring the shallower colors to determine and judge as on condemn as in a lost state their innermost heart and soul.
That is how the Antichrist and spiritualism judge and condemn. Based on vibrations and physical energies. We see the same also in the characters of the churches and professed followers of Christ.
So we have many forms of apostacies culminating now, worldwide.
- we also see that the extent of apostacies in terms of the level of offensiveness is far greater. So the apostacies has become far more serious and evil.
- This also, because many have received or had a proper chance of receiving sufficient guiding light in these end times.
- The abominations including the one that causes desolation has likely also grown a lot more evil and offensive today compared to what it would have been identified as in the late 1800's.
-Satan and the fallen has increased their warfare and sciences manifold the last 100 years in so many areas. So just as the truth of Christ progress, so does the falsehood of the Antichrist, false Christ, Satan.
When Christ was tempted by Satan to stop His journey of the cross, to bow down and worship him, and receive the kingom of the world, this earth, it means he asked Him to put creation above the creator (God).
How does Satan ask us to do the same today?
-To put the law of the flesh, the law of the letter (which is the law and spirit of the world and the unsanctified human) above the law and spirit of faith, of the spirit, of Christ.
Whether we speak of relying on it for salvation or to judge and condemn based on the letter.
This is to put the lesser over the higher. To put creation above the Creator, God. To put the unsanctified/unholy over the sanctified/holy.
All higher truth and doctrine come from God, who is the source of light and truth.

The state does not automatically always represent the world in all questions. It all depends. Meaning, in certain questions it can represent the will of God more than the grassroot movements. Not that it represent the government of God of course, but that on certain questions they represent a higher doctrine than that of the grassroot movement.
But to use force in combination with that of faith, is not of God and His law, but of Babylon, mixing the world (beast) with the things of God. Mixing the profane with the holy.
But notice that on social media, through the internet, the world is already a global society.
There are other ways to make an image to the beast and set up the abomination that causes desolation other than enforcing Sunday laws first in a country like the United States and then globally.
Law of the Spirit. The new, everlasting order of Christ.
- Choosing the highest good, the highest law/doctrine and the least evil for all concerned from an everlasting perspective.
- Reason/judge by content, inner value, the word, that of faith, rather than to judge by external factors.
Deeper significance of the counterfeit Sabbath:
- being stuck under the old law and covenant
- law of the letter, of the flesh, of the world
- types and shadows
- leaning on that of creation for authority and salvation = abomination
- walk, reason and judge by sight, not by faith.
Deeper significance of the true Sabbath:
- enter into the new, everlasting law and covenant
- law of the spirit, of faith
- antitypical age
- creator over creation. Trusting in the creator and the things of God as authoratative and for salvation and progress over the things of creation.
- walk, reason and and judge by faith, not by sight