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666 vs 777

Forfatterens bilde: Linda Avdiel Aanestad HauglandLinda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland

Oppdatert: 24. mai 2023


Satan/ the fallen is 666:

-the character of fallen creation who is the lord of the old law, covenant and order. Who are the sons and daughters of the spirit and order of thisworld, of the fallen, of the immature, of the shallow, the external, of the letter.

- Those who do not overcome and go from old to new, from immaturity to maturity, who are stuck in the letter, the lesser, stuck in mud of this world and Babylon, receive the mark of the beast. The beast is the hearts/minds= characters of fallen, unsanctified creation. (Both man and angels).

Christ and Sons and daughters who receive the character of God in His sanctification is then 777:

- the character of God and Christ who is lord of the New law, covenant and order. The law of Christ. Who become kings and queens of the kingdom of God, of the redeemed and sanctified, of the mature, of the higher and holier, who value the inner and deeper over the outer and shallower. Born of the spirit of God.

Worship the Creator, the lord of the New Covenant and order and His law. The law of Christ/ the law of the spirit, who is also the lord of the 7th-Day Sabbath.

(Think the 3 Angel's messages)

- Practice the law of Christ, of the New Covenant. The law of the (holy) spirit.

1. Value that which represent the spirit of God (the holy spirit) first. Inner, deeper, higher, holier, everlasting.

2. Lesser value on that which represent creation: the physical, external, temporal.

Those who are sanctified by choosing the straight and narrow path, the way of the cross and complete their sanctification, receive the seal and image of God. Having advanced in the toughest school in the Universe, the school of God/Christ, with the triune God sanctifiers, from 666 to 777.


From letter to spirit = From the literal to the spiritual.

2. Cor 3

Rom 2:28-29

Gal 3

2. Cor 4:16-18

From the old to the new, lesser to fuller, immature to mature law, covenant and order.

From flesh to heart.


Written by L.A.AA Haugland . 8.11 22


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