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The Mark of the beast in a more comprehensive image.

Oppdatert: 8. apr. 2022

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The "mark of the beast" is a spiritual mark where your mind and heart are in possession of the law, character and spirit of the beast, same as the spirit of this world, of self. Truth is that almost no one is fully black. The entire human race, including those who are in the church, is a mix of more or less darkness and light. This mix is called Babylon. The aim for the Christian is to overcome the darkness with the light, which is Jesus Christ and His Truth, His Law, His spirit. We must overcome this spiritual nature in Christ by His grace with the aid of the holy spirit through faith in Christ. And become possessed by His Law, character and spirit. Increasingly as we advance on the sanctification process, until we reach the mark where we have fulfilled the race, and sealed by God. “… and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.” -Hebrews 12:14

"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads." -Revelation 13:16 A mark in the right arm symbolize actions in connection to the law, character and spirit of God, which include the ten commandments. Either in form of obedience or disobedience. If we are disobedient without repentence, we receive the mark of the beast. If obedient unto death, we receive the mark/seal of God.

The forehead symbolize our minds, our thoughts, our motives, or decisions. We need to be filled with the truth and law of God, and think, contemplate, analyze and make decisions more and more in harmony with the law, spirit and government of God.

Sunday as a sabbath day, in which one of God's ten commandments, which is His eternal law, is falsified from the Seventh-day Sabbath to the first day. Hence, Sunday, is also part of the image of the beast, if the individual has become enlightened on. How so? Because to force people to worship God or keep His commandments is not a character trait that stem from the law and spirit of God, but from the law and spirit of the beast. It is Satan and His law and spirit that mix in an attribute of the spirit of this world, of the beast and Satan, with the law and government of God and its principles. Hence polluting its holiness and making a law of love into a law of force. Love can not exist unless it is free and chosen. God never forces the will or the conscience, unlike the spirit and law of this world and Satan. Thus making it an unholy, Babylonian mix. It is thus run by a counterfeit spirit, not of the holy spirit of God, but of the unholy spirit of the beast and Satan. Yet claiming to be of God and heaven. 2This characterize the image of the beast: his law, his spirit and character. Hence also its mark. This is a mark inside a more comprehensive image, which is to fail succeeding in the school of Christ. Failing the sanctification and not enduring until the end. Hence not overcoming the self, the man of sin, the image of the beast. Note: Many will be in heaven and yet have kept Sunday believing it was the true Sabbath day. But when there is available light and we receive it, rejecting light is called a sin, if we are convinced it is true light from God. "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent" - Acts 17:30 So it is up to us to choose this day and every day for the rest of our lives, whom we want to serve and if we want to reject or accept a doctrine. Is this true or false light? That is up to you to decide with the aid of the holy spirit, both in prayer and in deeds (walking the walk) and the word of God at your disposal. But remember, whatever you decide it should always be motivated by love for your creator and your savior, or else there is not much of a point. By love, not by fear or force. That is in the way and spirit of Christ and His heavenly kingdom.

"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." -Revelation 14:12 SUM UP: It is by receiving the seal/mark of God that we will be shielded from receiving the seal/mark of the beast. Having Christ as Lord, means that we want to worship Him and obey His Law of Divine Love. To be a new creature in Christ and be an overcomer. It means to have the kingdom of God with the Law of God written on our hearts, by grace with the aid of the Holy spirit of God, through love for and faith in Christ Jesus. His atonement, His Law, His kingdom. The true Sabbath is a seal inside the Law of God, that signify whom we worship and whom we belong to. The creator of the heaven and earth, rather than worshiping creation, directly or indirectly. While all the ten commandments are important, we put an emphasis on the first four, summed up in the commandment. Jesus declared, «Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.…" -Matthew 22:37-38. And the last six on second place: summed up in the commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself." -Matthew 22:39. The Sabbath is also the sign between Him and His people that identify Him as the sanctifier.

Moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths, as a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them." Exzekiel 20:12. So we have the everlasting promise, of the everlasting law, being written on our hearts and minds, in the sanctification, by grace (forgiveness for repented sins and power from the holy spirit) through faith in Christ. Where the 7th Day Sabbath is also a seal in the law of God, that identify God, both as creator and the sanctifier, according to the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order. "And I saw another angel ascending from the east, with the seal of the living God. And he called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: Do not harm the land or sea or trees until we have sealed the foreheads of the servants of our God.” -Revelation 7:2-3 The counterfeit Sabbath, Sunday, represent to those who have been enlightened of the attempt of changing the 10 commandments of God, the worship of creation rather than the creator. See Exodus 20 for the original 10 commandments. As no creation, not angels or humans, have any right to tamper with and change the sacred 10 commandments.

So a main focus on this physical, old kingdom. Worldly, counterfeit or limited forms, rather than advancing toward the higher forms that come from God."

On one hand we see a major focus on physical perfection, thinking we can restore our physical health to perfection 6000 years after the fall, by diet and health reform. This has also been tested out over many years now, and the fruit/result is: impossible, yet of great benefit. Meaning we should do our best to live healthy and follow the health reform, but I speak of an unhealthy focus and obsession here. And making it of equal importance to the spiritual. That is to equal the physical kingdom and creation on the same level to that of the spiritual kingdom and the creator. Hence an abomination. Sunday, the counterfeit Sabbath, is also a mark of worshiping creation rather than the creator, first. Hence a mark of those who in the last days, when the world has been enlightened of the true vs the counterfeit, choose to be left behind. Under the fallen, old law, covenant and order. They choose traditions rather than receiving the available light of today. Hence being unfaithful to their Lord, Jesus Christ. The creator and their sanctifier. While the 7th Day Sabbath is a seal or mark for the last generations, the 144 000, who choose to "follow the lamb withersoever He goeth" enduring unto the end and advance toward increased light, under the new, everlasting order of Jesus Christ. But note that one is not sealed only if one keeps the true Sabbath. This is also a deception, as it is only like a flag at the top of having climbed up the mountain (passed sanctification and gained the victory).

Sum up of what the seal and mark of God is:

God's entire law and character written on our hearts by His grace which is undeserved power from the holy spirit of God. And by the aid of the blood of Christ, which is the atonement for our transgressions against His holy Law. And by receiving His robe of righteousness by sanctification, by His power in us. This happens through faith in Jesus Christ, in His atonement and empowering grace = God's image written on our hearts and minds, by Him and In Him = God's kingdom in our hearts. This means keeping God's commandments, including the Sabbath. However, you do not become part of the Deity itself. The Godhead, the triune God, will always be supreme in authority and power and greatness. MARK (SEAL) OF THE BEAST

- Insisting on keeping Sunday Sabbath for the last generations after they have become enlightened with the truth on the 7th Day Sabbath. Yet choose traditions and the limited, immature truth.

The deeper and more important significance of the mark of the beast is a failure of advancing from the Old to the New, law covenant and order. And general mark of disapproval, of not gaining the victory and choosing to be left behind under the banner and order of the old, immature law, covenant and order of the false/babylonian, Christ (666). Which is the deeper truth of the counterfeit Sabbath.

Failure of receiving the seal of loyalty toward the true Jesus Christ, of the higher, fuller doctrine of Christ, made available for the last church on earth. To receive the fuller amount of the spirit of God, by advancing from the letter of the law, to the spirit of the law, where the letter is on second place. This is to be "born again" and sealed by the spirit of God. To fail here by not advancing, by not crossing over from letter to spirit, means you receive the mark of the beast and permanently retain its image. Continue reading the series or go straight to part 6: The last end time test involve not only the day, but also the deeper significance of the Sabbath. It is important to read the entire series in its chronological order.

Continue to the rest of the series "Identifying the Image, Seal and Mark of the Beast"


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