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A Temple made in time

Forfatterens bilde: Linda Avdiel Aanestad HauglandLinda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland

Oppdatert: 12. nov. 2022

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Sabbath 11.11.22

"A temple made in time"

...a line from a song about the 7th Day Sabbath.

We, our characters (innermost, invisible sacred heart/mind) that are formed by our cooperation with the triune God, by God's two-fold purpose of grace, are the temple, the sanctuary, the house, made in time. From letter to spirit, lesser to higher, from earthly to heavenly.

Also to advance from the Old to the New law, covenant and order. From the old to the new man/ woman is the deeper significance of the 7th Day Sabbath.

From letter to spirit = From the literal to the spiritual.

1. Cor 3

2. Cor 3

Rom 2:28-29

Gal 3

2. Cor 4:16-18

From the old to the new, lesser to fuller, immature to mature law, unholy to holy, covenant and order. From flesh to heart. From outer to inner.


If our body is the temple:

PHYSICAL : Outer court (least holy)

MENTAL: Holy place (Inner)

SPIRITUAL: Most Holy Place (Innermost)

Today I am very challenged physically, somewhat mentally, but not spiritually.

After 6 + months of extreme, fiery trials and tribulations

.Innermost, most holy/ sacred is the everlasting, the divine.

"You will find joy divine, in a temple made of time."

So, one can have everlasting, divine, deeper joy, love, peace, even if world would judge your temple as "fear and hate" due to low energies, resulting in brain inflammation. And doctors may diagnose you as having depression due to low neurotransmitters.

The abomination of desolation is to judge or try to destroy the innermost, sacred by the standards of the world, the lesser, shallower...who can never truly read your innermost, sacred heart and mind.

Read 1. Cor 2.

"People who are guided by the Spirit can make all kinds of judgments, but they cannot be judged by others." -1. Cor 2:15

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." - 2. Cor 12:9


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