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Accepting the challenges (the path of the cross) to be able to comprehend the messages.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 16. apr. 2022

As for the messages being too deep or heavy.

The way I understand it, this is mostly a message that is for those who have received a more immature version of the gospel. We are to go from immaturity to maturity. I believe these are the finishing messages, to be called out from the lesser or immature, lighter and/or false doctrines. Hence the straight message. Yet it is also simple, but advanced.

It is supposed to be a real challenge and test for the churches. I was not called to do easy "street" evangelism. If so that would have been earlier, from my baptism and some years after.

No, I have been through so much extreme over many many years, in all areas, that if anything it was not to make me light and trifly, nor these messages or my mission.

These messages will not be appealing, nor make much sense to those who travel an easy/broad path without making sacrifices. Sacrificing traditions, popularity, risking to lose friends/family and repentance if God ask this of you. It takes pain to get adjusted to the deeper light. Hence why the messages require to make the challenges that come your way while reading them.

So the 3 swords, that also resemble crosses, could also serve as a symbol of having to cut off with the sharp sword of the word and spirit, that which belongs to the Old order in order to advance to the New.

Why this now?

Because this is to the 144 000, the last generation of the church on earth.

It has involved much suffering, challenges, trials and making sacrifices both before and during me writing and sharing them. I believe this is the Loud Cry message, hence why it involve tests and challenges, yet when you pass them you will reach a higher enlightenment, and only then they will really start to make sense.

We have to CHOOSE to continue walking on the straight and narrow path, as there are countless of escapes to all the broad ways out there. However, we should also be careful not to get stupid either and embark on very dangerous tests that could easily end our lives acutely or ruin/degrade our spiritual life significantly. However, I believe we are to sometimes sacrifice some health as well. But more extremely hazardous or senseless tests could very well not be from Christ, but rather the false one.

That being said, I do not claim the messages are infallible.

The tests and challenges will also be much less severe to those who come after, so if I have managed them so far with the assistance and cooperation of the triune God, as I have had maximum challenges, then others who's challenges will be far lesser, can be more confident that they will be able to undergo a mini version of them too, if and when God calls them to it.

But to imagine or expect that there will not come a final last call and message that will call all people out of Babylon, and that the tests are more challenging than they thought, as truth do advance in time and the higher the truth, the more costlier it is, is irrational and not in accordance with either the Bible or Ellen White. The advancement of the truth was also prophecied. I can assure you that the challenges will be far lesser for everyone else than it has been for me, including not having to go through the preperation I had several years prior to the latter rain and loud cry message. Those who receive the greater work, will also have to go through most trials and tests. This is also consistent with examples from the Bible. Take Paul as a good example.

So nobody should have any reason to fear that their challenges will be anywhere near as hard to them. Most of the "nuts" have also already been cracked, so while there are challenges, it is mostly a great gift.

Those who oppose the idea that we will have to go through any tribulation, while we should be still careful with too dangerous tests and senseless tests, which would be from Satan rather, are more inclined to belong on the broad and easy road,the happy human agenda, not the straight and narrow path for those 144 000 who follow the lamb whereever he goes, in the very last battle in this earth's history.


The point would be to start reading and taking the challenges as they arrived, and continue reading when new articles was published.

So, overall maybe the time of trouble will not come to people who have had access to it, unless they take the challenges? Although there will usually be exceptions to the general rule.

These messages will not be appealing, nor make much sense to those who travel an easy/broad path without making sacrifices. Sacrificing traditions, popularity, risking to lose friends/family and repentance if God ask this of you. It takes pain to get adjusted to the deeper light. Hence why the messages require to make the challenges that come your way while reading them.

However, we should also be careful not to get stupid either and embark on very dangerous tests that could easily end our lives acutely or ruin/degrade our spiritual life significantly. However, I believe we are to sometimes sacrifice some health as well. But more extremely hazardous or senseless tests could very well not be from Christ, but rather the false one.

That being said, I do not claim the messages are infallible

As for the messages being too deep or heavy.

The way I understand it, this is mostly a message that is for those who have received a more immature version of the gospel. We are to go from immaturity to maturity. I believe these are the finishing messages, to be called out from the lesser or immature, lighter and/or false doctrines. Hence the straight message. Yet it is also simple, but advanced.

"Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline —then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

- Hebrews 12: 7-11

Remember Ellen White speaking of the bloodstained path, the narrow path, the straight testimony and the shaking.


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