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We should aim to have a:
- Humble, teachable spirit. But at the same rate, also understand when we are to walk away and spend our energy and time elsewhere. When you are firmly convicted on a point, thoroughly convinced you are walking in the light, and people repeat things and it start going in circles, it is definitely time to move on. Or else God will hold us accountable for wasting time and energy where we no longer should. Also know learn to know the voice of God, and His teachings so we are better equipped to more quickly separate falsehood from truth. This will happen gradually if we advance in our sanctification and go from immaturity to maturity in our walk.
- Do everything with the right motive; agape love, wanting everyone to be saved. Rather than a spirit of unforgiveness and condemnation.
- Do not condemn anyone ahead of time. Keep in mind always, rather than being too suspicious, that God test and try hearts, not to condemn you, but because that is how the sanctification process works. That is how the spiritual “tumors” on your heart (the prejudices, hatred and all that are not in harmony with the spiritual heart/mind of Christ is identified. When it is identified by the person, the person should then surrender it to Christ so He can remove it, and thus make your spiritual vision clearer. It is good for all of us, it is part of His higher school.
- Keep in mind that this is a spiritual battle, it is not a battle against flesh and blood. However, this does not mean we will not have to battle our own and others demons that everyone carries more or less, depending on where they are currently in their sanctification process. Most of what we think are blatantly arranged by humans, are often not. Sometimes they are, and sometimes they are not. It is mostly because people are currently deceived in one or more area, and because Satan and fallen spirits can and will come in and influence the minds of people in areas and on subjects, where these spiritual tumors have not yet been identified and removed, or in periods or even just moments where they have a weak spiritual moment. Just like Peter, the closest disciple of Christ was used by a demon or Satan when he had a weak spiritual moment. This was due to worldly pride, and in another instance because he viewed events in a too temporal setting. Or Paul, who thought he was part of Gods’ people, yet was deceived, and the spiritual demon on his heart was identified when confronted by Christ, by His Word and spirit. (Read 1. Cor 1 and 2). This is also how it works today.
We can run into both Christ and Satan in one and the same person, and we will. Because this is the natural order of things, this is a natural part of this battle and part of the natural sanctification process, as we walk from immaturity to maturity. Nobody is saved from all their sins and demons, in one single moment and hence automatically saved from that moment on. No, we are saved from these spiritual tumors on our hearts, when our hearts are tested and tried, then identified, and then if you allow, you surrender it to Christ who then removes it. This is how God’s true “exorcism” works. It is a spiritual battle. This is simply how the testing and trying process that God allow for our sake functions. It is how it has always functioned. It is a life long process, or untl probation closes. . This spiritual battle is so highly advanced, and often controlled by the spirit and belief we currently possess in various areas, and depending on how far we have arrived in the path toward holiness. Often they are just very deceived, by having a significant amount of the spirit and doctrines of this world, in their hearts and minds. They build on sand, rather than on the rock. In addition, there are people who actually willingly serve the other side, and these are in fact betrayers willingly. Usually people who serve Satan do so by default, thinking they do what is right, but who are themselves deceived for various reasons. Because they do not obey Christ’s commands or they end up standing on traditions rather than receiving available light. But, we should not spend our time focusing so much on trying to find out why they deceive, as we do not know who are deceived and who are deceivers. Sometimes we may know better, but this can soon become a trap for us so we end up easily judging, and worse: condemn, which we are definitely told not to. Because in this way Satan can win over us, by us not receiving His character, law and spirit. We believe Jesus died for all, and can indeed save all, and thus we will love even our enemies enough to want them saved from Satan to Christ. Because that is the only true salvation. We are not saved in Satan, but in Christ (A higher law of love). This comes by faith, and faith comes by reading/hearing the inspired word of God. Faith in Him and His kingdom, not the prince of this world.
- We need to be very humble before God and forgiving especially if people want to turn around, and know how this battle works and that oftentimes it is for our own good. And also for the sake of God’s truth that needs to be tested and tried during these roughly 6000 years on planet earth, in earthen vessels. If we were angels, we would not comprehend particularly physical suffering. We taste and experiences darkness for a while in order to understand the difference between darkness, shadows and light. Between Truth and falsehood. Between Christ’s way and the way of His arch-enemy.
- Impartial and without prejudice (“ without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality..” 1 Tim 5:21
- “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith”. -1 Tim:6:11 - become wise in God, learn from mistakes, analyze the current situation and time/season and reach for the appropriate solution. Try to use our means effectively based on time and context, which needs thorough analysis. All depending on the situation. We need to think actively with the guidance of the holy spirit, who is a voice of reason, of soundness of mind and balance. This is the God we believe in. But according to the standards of God, not this world. We will receive ample evidences, if we just give God the chance, by His standards, not after the measurements of this world. Sometimes we are required to become very wise and effective and recall past mistakes, analyze the current condition/situation, in order to reach the appropriate solution at any given time. In critical phases, we will also need to sound more alarming, because the situation at the present is more serious and critical. We must learn to apply the proper solution at any given moment. This is the very tough school God has put us in, and it happens both online and offline. Because both” worlds” and the humans we engage with are just as real. What was appropriate in another past season, may not be appropriate for this current time and situation and condition. As far as the physical nature goes, we are to study nature and how our bodies respond, and learn from experience. This is an area where God wants us to learn, learn from mistakes, so we can reach better solutions next time or in the future. -We need to start learning who God really is, and who He is not: “Today, if you hear His voice…” The Holy spirit of God is the voice of reason, not foolishness and stupidity or extremism. This is to have Faith, to believe who He is and what He represent. To believe in His Law and character. We need to believe and have faith in the true God, and listen to His voice. Which is not an audible voice, you can hear with your physical ears, but the voice you choose to listen to, that is in harmony with His ways, methods, standards. And while God will not make use of physical miracles much at this age, as Satan will be allowed to counterfeit greatly miracles of this nature. Satan is the king of the apparent and the material/temporal. But God will, if we listen to him, send us more of the holy spirit so inward/spiritual miracles will happen more frequently. And we will be better equipped to analyze situations, and reach the proper solutions. If only we could start removing our focus from the apparent, this is not the time for the apparent and outward, but the spiritual and inward, which are rarely comprehended and understood by the spirit if the world. We are not to walk by the seen and apparent, but by faith. There is no discrepancy here, if you really understand it. To walk by faith and not the literal and seen, does not equal to not walk by reason and try to be balanced. However God expect us to be fully devoted, that is completely different from a legalist mindset of being stuck in an old covenant understanding and setting up that of a minor value into great tests. This we are particularly warned against. But remember that everyone, both professed Christians and not, have varying degrees and measures of the holy spirit. Think for instance of the story of the compassionate Samaritan.-Do not judge or hold past mistakes or errors against them, as Paul himself had been both spiritually blind and a great sinner just prior to His grand conversion. Keep in mind that He was a believer also before and saw himself a part of God’s people, what we would call a lukewarm or not fully converted Christian today. All who are immature Christians are to some degree possessed by the same spirit as Saul. Or think of the story of the prodigal son. What does God say when a sinner and unconverted soul make a u-turn? Does He reject him or despise him or judge him? Or hold something against him? Yet, His followers often sin against God here? Thinking they can judge, condemn when not even God does until right before Christ arrive the second time. And even welcome us back home with open arms. It is about the current, present state of our spiritual heart! Not yesterdays or last years or five years ago. Can God use a person who is very poor today? Can He use someone who is rich with a huge swimming pool and live in a grand mansion, today? If their heart is turned towards God and they start listen to His voice? God ask them to offer up and sacrifice their worldly heart, wherever they are. People can still suffer no matter what their material world looks like, and often it is not because they want more of the material world, but because they have not found, and are still searching for the true God, the true Christ. We have all made the horrible mistake of judging people based on how they appear like or how things might seem like. But God’s word says that: where your heart is at the current, the mouth will speak much of (or hand write much of). Matthew 12:34-37 However, it does not mean we can not live in this world or take care of our home or bodies. Just pursue more of a balanced mindset and thinking which is in harmony with God and not the other way around. To not think or think actively, or still your mind is either to become more of a robot, which God does not want. We are in this world and experience all of this to learn. To focus predominantly on earthly matters and things in the outer layers, give the spirit of this world access to your mind and heart. Many people fail to realize this. We need to live up to the current available light and it is time for us to see the big picture of things. Who God/Christ really is, at least as far as the available light revealed give us permission to, and also the higher dimensions of it.
-We need to develop the ability to recognize what is from the spirit of God. What is n harmony with His ways, methods, standards, character and law, and then be able to extract His “voice”, from the voice of the spirit of the world, the adversary. Hearing God’s voice is to first know Him in His word, by His spirit, by observing nature and learning and following the truth. The voice is rarely any longer an audible, but spiritually discerned “voice”, and this “ability” by the aid of the Holy spirit, will be developed gradually when you walk on the path of righteousness. To be able to discern between what comes from God and what arrives from His adversary, when you hear someone speak, write, even our own thoughts, when watching a documentary and so on. All people, both Christians and non-believers have varying degrees of both the spirit of the world and the spirit of God. The aim for a Christian should be the pure spiritual heart of Christ, where the areas that belong to this world are identified and surrendered to Christ, in this sanctification process that God has prepared for us. It is by this testing and trial process, and by experience, you learn best and how this process function. This process is a gradual spiritual exorcism, exorcism from the spirit of this world.

Running the race vs Competing
- We are not to compete against other churches or our brother and sisters in the church or churches, or even those in other faiths. Competition does not belong in the path of righteousness. As soon as you are filled with a spirit of competition with regards to spiritual matters, you are filled with the spirit of strife (whether hidden or upfront). You are then under the control of fallen angels (demons) controlled by your heart, and not by holy angels of God, nor by the spirit of God.
When you operate by the characteristics belonging to the spirit and law of God, you are in cooperation with holy angels of God and empowered with the spirit of God. But the opposite is true if your hearts motives are currently in accordance with the character, spirit and law of God, by choice.
We are to run the race put before us with perseverance, but without competing, with the aim of achieving victory over sin and its author, in and with Christ. Heaven has room for everyone who choose Christ and His way. We will run the race laid before us with endurance, but without competing against any humans, with the aim of attaining victory over sin and its author, through Christ. "let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" Hebrews 12:1 Heaven has room for all who choose Christ and His way. However, we fight against the forces of darkness at the same time as they occupy people. That is, if one is driven the spirit of the world. Until we achieve victory, this will happen to everyone in the Christian church as well. Sometimes a person will be int he shoes of Saul who meets Jesus, and in another area visa versa. An example of a disciple of God who was possessed by the spirit of the world is Peter. We should not be surprised to discover that we will suddenly be overwhelmed by the spirit of the world in a weak area. This will happen until we overcome by the grace of God by advancing on the sanctification and passing the tests that are sent our way often to test us and others. As well as to test God's law. Therefore, it is important to try to analyze oneself, at the same time we should keep in mind that the other side will present light as dark and vice versa. For example, they will shout "peace", while God says it is time for intense struggle against the powers of darkness. Because the world will not discern the spiritual darkness in the latter days. Remember that both good angels and fallen angels are in constant battle. To call this battle for evil. comes from below, not from above. Here time and circumstance is again of utmost importance. Who seem like the good guys at that time? The world, seen through the eyes of those possessed by the mindset and sprit of the world. Those who are spiritually at slumber. As the Bible states, the immature Christian is like the world, and everyone to some degree from time to time, until victory is achieved. For the world will not be able to decipher the spiritual darkness of latter times. It depends on which path you take, for God will give all the power of the Holy Ghost to advance on their individual sanctification. But one must also remember that the doors of mercy and grace will close at a certain time, therefore we must do what we can to surrender completely. NOW. "The Day of the Lord
For you are fully aware that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying,“Peace and security,”destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman,and they will not escape. But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief.…" 1. Tess 5: 2-4
Many act like there is no more light to obtain. A very dangerous condition that will turn us into robots and habitual animals. When God allowed all of this for 6000 years, so we can learn, so we can choose Him (light) every day. You who say we should not just listen to pastors, are you sure you yourself are not just blindly following some other pastor? When even the pastor you may listen to warn us that we never should just blindly trust them. You are here to wake people up, but are you yourself spiritually asleep? Ellen White says Jesus will return when the spiritual darkness is at its peak. We are supposed to be ready to ACT and MOVE (these are they who follow the lamb where ever He goes...), and not stagnate or run to one side, thinking we are safe there. This will not tickle anyone’s ears, nor mine, but we all need to wake up before it is too late. Ellen White says that we are individually responsible and that we are to learn to think. Not with our own spirit, the spirit of the flesh or the world, but increasingly with the spirit of God. This comes in addition to praying and praying to be enlightened and filled with the spirit of God. We also must obey and walk the walk. Practice what we learn and receive. This is what it means to learn to walk with God. We are not saved by anyone doing all the thinking and actions for us. Many advice others to read the Bible, and the writings of Ellen White. But when we do, and we obey what we read, and listen to and meditate attentively to what the word says, are you then ready to welcome the still lost gems and pearls that are yet to be found, as Ellen White says? Or do we miss out because of all the baggage and prejudices we carry? God is not a shallow God, His truths are not of a shallow nature. Yet many have become shallow, when God ask us to dig for the deeper truths. What is the most astounding is when the truths presented does not even require much deep thinking. It is better to focus and meditate for longer periods of time, in silence, then to sit and watch all the chaos out there, all the recommended youtube videos, all the regular news and the alternative news, all the new sermons. The condition now is so far removed from the condition that most of God's saints were in, when receiving the word of God.
All this being said, we must keep in mind that the law of Christ does not mean we have to shun all that which is materialistic, of creation, as His law is:
Faith-based actions will have this priority:
1. Love or focus for the Creator and the spiritual. The invisible, inner, deeper.
2. Love and focus for Creation, which is first and foremost humanity, but also animals, nature, the visible, material, created.
How we know the difference from our immature condition to our mature spiritual state is in how we prioritize in general terms. That is, to have a love for the spiritual, deeper, inner over the physical, literal, material. But it does not have to be the exact same every day. Meaning that in some shorter periods we may have more need for recreation, than in other periods, say after say a long period of intense spiritual studies. But over a period of time it will show what we value higher.
It is also important to add that we should try to be obedient to the voice of God through His spirit, and try to act appropriate for the current situation and time. So, most things are relative, and only general guidelines. For instance sometimes it is appropriate to act with anger and sorrow if the time and circumstance call for it. In such circumstance you would probably be disobedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit by not reacting with say anger.