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Analysis of a few recent messages from Jesus Sananda vs. the Higher doctrine of Jesus Christ.

Oppdatert: 6. apr. 2022


Jesus Sananda (Galactic Federation of Light or The Spiritual Hierarchy)

VS. The True Jesus Christ

I do not recommend anyone to listen much to the messages from "Galactic Federation of Light," (Same as the Spiritual Hierarchy) as they can be highly deceptive. But you can check the channel to see that this is real. Found on:

This is so scarily close to the genuine. But the huge difference here is the advice on "emptying your mind". This is opposite of what the true Christ advice us to do. When we do that is when Satan and the fallen angels can enter. Remember what happens in dreams. To get to Christ you must think and reason actively, with the help of the holy spirit and the doctrine you have received so far.

Notice that he says that those who commit suicide can just embark on another journey after. But not the "truth maker"journey.

He has no message of a coming judgment, no message of the beast, Babylon, of the mark or seal.

His message of ascension and evolving is different from advancing on the way of the cross. It is more about lighter, higher energies. Counterfeit holy spirit. Counterfeit truth journey. But also strangely close if you do not analyze them carefully and in depth.

Remember as an example David Icke a right winger and Pope Francis, left winger are connected to Spiritualism by their teaching. Not condemning anyone, i speak of the message here.

Represent LOA, manifesting. Creating your reality by LOA. Based on physical energies.

Jesus Sananda preaches Salvation in Sin, not from sin. In fact he says sin does not exist. Unity despite error, not unity by same faith.

Similar msg as Pope Francis and the Spiritulist camp, but not exactly the same. Great focus on Gaia worship and environmentalism. He use the expression father/mother God, then himself: Sananda, and then Buddha and Muhammed as if they are above what he refers to as "humans".

Focus on energies/frequencies, rising the vibrations. He says they have no physical body. Downplay/frown on evangelism. Very focused on love for everyone and no seperation. Christians are to love, but we are also to be seperate.

Acccording to Sananda there is no such thing as sin or punishment for sin here, but he refer to those who have low energies/frequencies as the dark ones. This is supposedly due to unsuccessful previous lives and reincarnations and built up karma. Focus on collective consciousness.

Sananda speak of unconditional love and to have a non-judgmental attitude to everyone. The message is similar, but not quite the same as from the true Christ. Particularly the part about not criticizing anyone go against the work of the holy spirit who correct and even rebuke the sinner. Yet forgiving if the sinner repent. I have also registered in several messages now that the way to show love is focused on being kind and friendly to everyone, environmentalism and humanitarian assistance. He discourage evangelism, just like we hear from pope Francis.

He/they also speak of Gaia as a conscious being who have feelings, who communicate, who feel hurt and so on. This is pantheism. But I also notice that there are many similarities as well.

He also teach socialism/marxism: that humans do not own anything, that everything is for the sake of the common good. That everything belongs to Gaia. Support pantheism, that all life is sacred. Which is also close to nazism idelogies.

"The Galactic Federation of Light " and "Jesus Sananda" are also obsessed with physical health in terms of their idea of salvation, which is ascension from lower to higher dimensions. Their idea of higher dimensions is connected to higher energies/frequencies = strong health. They label strong health for the love vibration. And weaker physical health for "fear and hate" vibration. They reject the covid-19 vaccine and claim it is made for population reduction. Here their ideas are very similar to the right wingers, especially the right side in the Adventist church and also front figures like Alex Jones, David Icke, Russel Brand.

See also:


We also can see that in other areas his message may sound similar to the loud cry message.

But we cannot stick to an immature, (traditional) Christian 3 angel's message at this point in time. We are not safe with the conservative mind set either. Most think they are safe to stay there, but this is a strong deception. If that was the truth, these messages would not seem so similar. But the advanced, higher doctrine of the true Christ (the loud cry message of today) is very similar in many aspects and by many phrases used, as the counterfeit. So we are not at all saved by staying put and not advance forward.

See also:

Remember there must be two. Sananda is not just the true Christ acting like a counterfeit.

The fall of Lucifer was real, it happened.

How, they, Sananda and the true Christ, can sound so similar many times is difficult to understand, but Christ was confronted with the angel, Lucifer/Satan in the wilderness. He was then a human being tempted by Satan who was still an angel. If Satan is not an angel with his own agenda, then he would not have tempted humans to fall into sin, and Christ would not have had to come to this earth, sacrificed himself, dying for our sins to save the human race.



- emphasis on vibrating high

- sends gratitude to all those who are vibrating high

- then he refer to someone or those who are not

- he states that the end is nearer than we might think

- that they, the "masters" can not only measure, but also feel what we feel in our hearts

- that they will soon return literally to this earth and that will be a great awakening for humanity.

Reminds me of a quote in GC where she states that "in the crowning act of the great drama of deception...Satan will pronounce his blessing on those who worship the beast and its image ....".

That means it also embrace those, not that it is wrong to have high energies. But here it is set up as of utmost and of highest importance for ascension.

"But the people of God will not be misled. The teachings of this false Christ are not in accordance with the Scriptures His blessing is pronounced upon the worshipers of the beast and his image,—the very class upon whom the Bible declares that God's unmingled wrath shall be poured out."

Great Controversy p. 624.


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