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We see two similar agendas competing simultaneously, one is from Christ, the other Luciferian. Satans’ greatest strategy and goal is to fool the masses into believing he is a benefactor of the world of the human race, and even Christ himself. He present Satan, chaos, to bring in order (which closely resembles Christianity). Satan and his followers appearing as an angel of light pretending to be Christ and Christian.
In addition to this, there will also be churches who refuse to correct their unbiblical doctrines that continues to misrepresent God, just because God allowed it for a while. Satan try to turn this upside down and insist that traditions are above the Bible. Or that just because God allowed people to wander in a mist (without being able to see clearly on all doctrines) and were obviously led by God, that there is no more necessary light and truth that we need to receive in these last days. In this way they easily blind themselves to the correcting and promptings of the holy spirit, who try to arouse humans from their slumber, and correct what Satan has perverted over the years, to misrepresent God and cause confusion.
Lucifer / Satan want to take the throne of Jesus and reverse the victory that is His. Read: "How Satan try to reverse the victory of Christ"
Most are being deceived into thinking there is one good side and one evil side. Have you ever heard of the phrase: “the good side of evil”? What he present is Satanism versus a Babylonian Christianity with a solid dose modern spiritualism, making you think it is Satanism vs Christianity. His own good and evil side, and leave the true Christ and Christian message in the shadows.
He scare and anger people with his satanic side, and then pull people to himself on the other side as the savior, rescuer, «Christ» (who is himself). The real Christ and true Christian message is distinct from this deceptive counterfeit Christ, which is himself and his followers, again, appearing as angels of light and often Christians.
Spiritualism is so refined in its close counterfeits, that many Christians, are presently deceived by this propaganda/deception. Unfortunately, a good deal of this deception is hyped up by so-called "truthers". Unfortunately, much of this is presented as "present truth", though it is mostly pure cut Luciferian lies and deceptions to lead you into accepting the gospel of the Antichrist
Some characteristics are:
- has salvation and damnation associated with factors such as: Genes, "bloodlines", race, nationality, gender, status, health (on the wrong basis and make it into a major question of salvation).” They walk hence by sight, judging by the outer factors, rather than by faith.
Other characteristic of this Babylonian god.:
- Preaches the same old lies he spouted to the first humans in the garden of Eden. “Ye shall be as god” ,which is pantheism: “Everyone and everything is god” and you can save yourself, without Christ. And “Ye shall not surely die” which set the stage for the worst lies and character assasination of the God of the Bible (Jahve and Yeshuah/Jesus), namely the unbiblical doctrine of the immortality of the soul and everlasting life for the unsaved (albeit in torment).
He try to remove or change God’s 10 commandments, or put them in the shade or say they have been abolished. When the Bible says they were fulfilled, made complete by the true Sacrifice of Christ, not abolished. (Matthew 5:17)
has salvation by grace through faith in the true Jesus Christ and His message, and choose to have Him as their Lord and savior, and wanting to obey His commandments.
The Bible states that God is no respecter of Persons. God is not a racist. God does not save or condemn people by their genes, not by their nationality or gender. God does not save or condemn based on the sins of their forefathers or relatives /bloodlines. The God of the Bible, Jahve- The Father, and His Son “Yeshuah: Jesus Christ, do not save or condemn people based on your race, nationality, your gender, genes or status. But by the inner, spiritual nature: the heart and mind.
See James 2:1, 8-11. Galatians 3:26-29.
Other characteristics: Teaches and upholds all 10 commandments of God. Teaches the biblical doctrine of “soul sleep” followed by either the resurrection of the saved, and later the lost, and that the lost will not inherit everlasting life. They walk according to the new covenant, and the spirit of the law, not the old, the letter of the law.
Read also:
"Two good examples of the Letter vs. the Spirit of the Law, in relation to the 10 Commandments"
Also, the GREATEST WEAPON Satan uses against Gods’ people, in order to silence them, are Satan's own created theories: Counterfeit religions, false doctrines, human philosophies and psychology and mind control/spells and hypnosis. Psycho-analysis that come from Carl Jung who admittedly had a spirit guide he called “Philemon” and are teachings that come directly from Occultism. This is how Satan harm people today and also people who are now lying in the grave awaiting the resurrection. This is how they effectively damage the pioneers and other protestants and biblical heroes. They focus on genetics, bloodlines, race, health in the wrong way (think Nazism which stem from Occultism), gender and other factors that are not part of the gospel of Christ. They walk according to the old covenant, just like Hitler. This is character assassination against the saints of the most High. You can get away with it in this world, but not on the day of judgment without repenting.
Human/worldly philosophy and psychology -come from the spirit of this world and man.
-short-term/short lived and limited vs eternal and long lasting.
-Not as deep and rich.
-Bound to this earth and kingdom of this world.
-Falls short in the long run.
-Might be impressive at first glance, but will fail the test of time and scrutiny and not be in harmony with the grand standards and law of God and His divine government.
Notice: these philosophies will also develop and move closer to the truths of God, but it will never ever catch up to those who receive the present light.
You can not use the sciences or theories from the spirit of the world in order to explain or understand the school of Christ. The psychology, philosophy, ways and standards of God are unique. Satan’s counterfeit sciences and theories will, if cherished, be able to deceive even the very elect of God. This is largely where Satan comes in and counterwork the work and government and truths of God.
2. Tess 2: 10-11 Wisdom from God versus the World Paul says: "For the wisdom of this world is folly with God." -1 Corinthians 3:19
Jesus says; "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." -Matt 10:16
Notice the word: wise, not cunning or deceitful.
The spirit of the world is not the same as the world. Because every good gift and truth comes from God. And Satan has and will, to an increasing amount, copy and counterfeit, even closely, the good gifts and truths that come from God.
"Jung, the father of modern Psychology of the world, compared to the Word of God."
Everyone who chooses Christ and His salvation, is on the path of righteousness, the narrow path that leadeth to salvation. This is the tough school that God has put His people in, so we will learn to know Him and discern His voice, and make wise decisions that are in harmony with His teachings and principles and standards. To worship the true and complete God/ Christ, you need a purer or pure heart, and let Christ remove the spiritual tumors/heart blockages that causes brain blockages, in order for you to comprehend and discern the truth in these end times. Heart/mind connection. This is the true exorcism of importance. This is what will make you suitable for heaven, which is a society and government that is based on the law of Divine Love.
This in turn will lead us to discern more and more of the word of God and be able to discern His voice and rejecting the voice that comes from the spirit of world, or your lower nature. Lower nature means to be more fully possessed by the doctrines and spirit of the prince of this world and to see things from a temporal and earthly point of view, rather than an everlasting, heavenly and spiritual point of view. In order to fit into God's society (heaven), you need to have the law of Divine love written on you heart. Which is why things like hatred, prejudices, pride, aim for worldly success and riches etc, need to be removed by surrendering these spiritual demons to Christ, the master surgeon and healer of souls. This is the path of righteousness, the sanctification process, the narrow path that leadeth to life everlasting. This is what will shape your heart and mind, and mold it more and more into the fashion of Christ, not the spirit and law of the flesh. We must learn to know the true God in order to be able to listen to discern what is the voice of God, in contrast with that which comes from the voice of the spirit of the world.
Remember the disciple Peter, who listened to the words of Christ, and was suddenly overtaken by the spirit of the world (Satan). Because at one point he failed to see things from Gods perspective, in an eternal perspective, rather than a temporal and earthly perspective. And later when Peter denied Christ three times, by uttering out loud that he did not know Christ, when pride and fear for his temporal life and honor was in danger. -Read Luke 22:34-52. This was three different “demons” identified just in the disciple Peter. Do we think we are so much better than Peter that it can not happen to us?
From Great controversy chapter 36:
"As Spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of Spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power. The line of distinction between professed Christians and the ungodly is now hardly distinguishable. Church-members love what the world loves, and are ready to join with them; and Satan determines to unite them in one body, and thus strengthen his cause by sweeping all into the ranks of Spiritualism."
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ, the spirit of truth. It is the same spirit of Christ and The Father, which is the spirit of truth, yet it is another “person” who can function independently from The Father and The Son and who has his/its own unique tasks, and yet they are inter-connected. Both the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit that make up the Triune God, are One in Law, spirit and character. Different counterfeits to the genuine: One counterfeit theory, remove/replace God, while simultaneously preach a social gospel, which is basically like socialism who do not believe in Christ, should extract some of His teachings that fit with their agenda. Then we have a different false alternative, where a god is present, but the law of God is still changed, or the priorities of importance is very skewed compared to the true religion of Christ and the new covenant. Then we have a counterfeit, where they overexaggerate this new covenant so much they end up “removing” the ten commandments, as if it has been done away with. But how does Satan really operate? He appear like a benefactor of the race outwards, while engaging in wars and open or hidden wars and persecution. Much of this battle is so advanced that people are often controlled by their own beliefs, and their own current state of heart. I have written more about this in a separate article. These have also been the true nature of many ideologies like Nazism and Marxism. They look good at first, or on the surface and for those who are not attacked, using bribery and flattery and devious methods to lure people into participating. Not knowing how horrible it truly is, and gradually will grow more and more cold and inhumane, resisting the holy spirit, while preaching doctrines that seem beneficial, and is to a certain degree. But compared with the genuine of God, it is still very lacking. That does NOT mean that there is no room for a social gospel or humanitarian organizations. It absolutely is a part of the gospel, but not to remove or replace God and His Law and Truth. That is to make a new God, an Antichrist , which is “Another Christ” replacing the fuller identification and character and teachings of Jesus Christ. Read: "The True Christ's system of Justice" There are only two spirits available, and while many are in the grey zones ,from faint grey to very dark grey, there are also those who have resisted light and truth for so long , and turned their back to the promptings of the holy spirit, who is the spirit of Truth, that they are close to committing the worst sin of all; the blasphemy of the holy spirit, which is complete spiritual blindness/darkness.
This happens gradually, as a slippery slope, and people must wake up before they have rejected so much light and truth that there might be no way back, or it will be close to impossible. That is why it is so dangerous to keep resisting and rejecting truth and reason according to the standard of God in His word. Not after the standards in this world, who often think they have an excuse to reject obvious truths because they have been taught it is okay to do so.
And Satan having almost the entire world in his hands by now, turn the tables around, knowing he is fooling the masses with his own created theories, deceptions and manipulative techniques. Satan has brainwashed almost everyone at this point to believe he is god.
What Satan and spiritualism refers to as "being wide awake", activating your "third eye" or "awaken", are his own created lies and stem back since the garden of Eden (immortality of the soul and pantheism- teaching that everyone is god). The same old lies in new wrappings. You can not awaken into lies, but many will permanently swallow it as such. That is how deceptive his teachings are. So many people are being fooled into these deceptions.
Ultimate Truth never changes, and lies can never become truth, he can always at best “make it seem” as such. But notice at the same rate how God reveal truth gradually, and we are to receive TRUE light, while Satan present his counterfeit new light. (Ephesians 3). What is even worse is that Satan lie closely to the truth and receive great power in these end days, so the deceptions are of a magnitude unparalleled to former ages. And he and his followers, both angels and humans, will appear as angels of light and love, and Satan will appear as a benefactor of the human race, deceiving the whole world.
His aim is to turn truth into lies. While it is impossible to do so, he still manage to put a spell upon the world so that they will "believe a lie,” as in thoroughly becoming deceived. "¨2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 .
This, God allows, because that is what happens as a consequence when you reject the spirit of truth. And when Satan has achieved to actually brainwash the masses, thinking they are in the "know" and "awake, they have just fallen for the extensive agenda of turning lies into truths and turning truths into lies, and calling light for darkness and darkness for light. He makes his lies and theories popular, attractive and seemingly beneficial. All the while the truth of God he puts in the shade. Just like his aim is to put Christ and His spirit into the shade.
The arch enemy of God wants his lies to look good and beneficial, while making the truth look unattractive and unpopular. However, on the other side he play on fear, and appeal to old traditions and safety and conservatism, and have people run in a completely other direction or get stuck, when we are called to receive available light today. Not understanding that his counterfeit are close up against new light revealed from the throne of God, simultaneously. Truth will always expound on, and expand earlier revealed and established truths or principles. It will not completely go against the most basic, most important of revealed truths. That is, it might seem like it if you do not understand what a fuller meaning and interpretation is. Read also:
"God reveal truth gradually"
Part 1 and Part 2". “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” 2. Tess 2: 9-11 Reacting to things for good reasons vs reasons with poor or no excuses, is to be spiritually mature, not immature.
"Counterfeit of Truth—There are but two parties. Satan works with his crooked, deceiving power, and through strong delusions he catches all who do not abide in the truth, who have turned away their ears from the truth, and have turned unto fables. Satan himself abode not in the truth; he is the mystery of iniquity. Through his subtlety he gives to his soul-destroying errors the appearance of truth. Herein is their power to deceive. It is because they are a counterfeit of the truth that spiritualism, theosophy, and the like deceptions gain such power over the minds of men. Herein is the masterly working of Satan. He pretends to be the savior of man, the benefactor of the human race, and thus he more readily lures his victims to destruction.
—Special Testimonies, Series A, 9:22, September 24, 1897. (Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 365.) Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
Satan as a benefactor will revolve around creation as "god", to be "worshipped". Hence following the beast, and the spirit of it. They may even claim to worship god, but in action, they will not follow the true god. They will not stand under the banner of the true God and the true Christ. They will walk by sight, by the letter of the law (the old covenant), not by faith, the spirit of the law (the new covenant). They walk by the old covenant still, under the banner of the old, the fallen. Traditions of men, rather than of the everlasting, unlimited God, of true light and love.
Sum up:
Teachings that blend Spiritualism or worldly doctrines with Christianity;
- Pantheistic ideas
- False doctrine of the immortality of the soul for all regardless of whether they are sanctified by Christ or not.
- False doctrine of everlasting torment for the lost in hell
- Right/ conservative and Left/ liberal philosophies.
- Nazism
- Socialism
- Judging by outer, shallower factors
- Judging/ walking by a lower, worldly form of wisdom, peace, joy, love and justice.
- Too legalist or too liberal in terms of the law of God.
- Works of the flesh or “cheap grace, cheap salvation” without sanctification.
- Salvation dependent upon higher physical energies and frequencies, as we see particularly among modern spiritualists. This also embrace the extreme form of health reform from some Christian groups.
- Counterfeit Sanctification (one example would be the individuation process as promoted by Carl Jung or the process of evolution for mankind from homo sapiens to homo Universalis.
- Overfocus, as in love or worry, concerning the things of this world, as opposed to an overfocus on the things of Christ, of the spiritual and everlasting subjects. Then that of creation, of the word on second place.
Read also: