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Barbara Marx's Christ and teachings VS. the Christ of the Loud Cry message.

Forfatterens bilde: Linda Avdiel Aanestad HauglandLinda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland

Oppdatert: 30. juni 2023

The following excerpt is from an article, penned by Warren Smith.
Although Marx died a few years ago, she is only one of many prophets and servants of this false Christ. And the false Christ (Satan) is just as fully alive and is soon getting ready for this crowning work of deception.

He has several prophets or disciples, some of whom were mentioned in the article, such as Marianne Williams, Oprah Winfrey, Neil Donald Walsh. The late Alice Bailey and Carl Jung are others who have gained enormous influence. This (Barbara Marx Hubbard's version, a highly influential person in global affairs) is the FALSE CHRIST that Ellen White warned would arrive shortly before the second coming of the true Christ. See quote by Ellen White in the comment section. You *have* to read this: "On Christmas Day in 1979, Barbara Marx Hubbard, had a revelation that the presence in her 1966 vision had been "Christ".Then in February of 1980, at an Episcopalian monastery in Santa Barbara, California, she describes how in the midst of “an electrifying presence of light” her higher self “voice” transformed into the “Christ voice.” Over the coming months the “Christ voice” gave her more information and insight about the vision she had in 1966 and more first-hand detail about what will one day be taking place in the world. Hubbard understood that it was her mission to continue telling the story of humanity’s “birth.” Since 1966, Hubbard has fulfilled her commission from “Christ” to tell his New Age/New Gospel story. From NASA to the former USSR to the United Nations, she has spoken to thousands of people and hundreds of groups and organizations about the “planetary birth experience” she had been shown in her vision. In the process, she has become a respected “world citizen,” known and loved by many for her insights about “God” and “Christ” and the future of humanity. Hubbard is a co-founding board member of the World Future Society. In 1976 she seriously contemplated a run for the U.S. presidency. In 1984, her name was placed in nomination for Vice-President at the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco. Her speech, based on her “ Campaign for a Positive Future,” was carried live on C-Span. Today she is on a first name basis with many world leaders and proudly describes herself as part of the “New Order of the Future.” At least three of her books were funded by her benefactor, the late Laurance S. Rockefeller, through his Fund for the Enhancement of the Human Spirit. She thanks Rockefeller in her books for his generous support over the years. And she specifically thanks him for his “intuition about the ‘Christ of the 21st Century.’” THE ALTERNATIVE TO ARMAGEDDON THROUGH the years Hubbard has received voluminous information from her “Christ.” In her 1993 book, The Revelation: Our Crisis Is a Birth (later renamed The Revelation: A Message of Hope for the New Millennium), Hubbard and “Christ” “rewrite” the Bible’s Book of Revelation. In The Revelation, Hubbard’s “Christ” provides specific instructions on how a united humanity, purposefully partnering with God, can literally re-create the future. This “Christ” teaches that the “violent” Armageddon script described in the Bible does not have to happen, that it is only a “possible” future, emphasizing that a more “positive” future can and will manifest when humanity—without exception—openly declares its “ oneness” with him and all creation. This positive scenario and the means to attaining it is called “the alternative to Armageddon.” Hubbard’s “Christ” describes how planet earth is at an evolutionary crossroads. He states that the world is about to make an evolutionary leap that will take all creation to a new level. Those who awaken to their own divinity, by aligning themselves as one with God and one with each other, will evolve. Those who continue to believe in “ fear” and “ separation,” rather than in “love” and “ oneness,” will not evolve. Hubbard’s “Christ” claims that with his help most of mankind will choose to evolve, calling this evolutionary leap “the Planetary Birth Experience.” He refers to it as the coming time of “ Planetary Pentecost.” The “birth experience” is a shared event in the future, an “ Instant of Co-operation,” when everyone on the planet will be mysteriously changed in “the twinkling of an eye,” as humanity is collectively born again into a new creation. Those who evolve will actually become a new species as Homo sapiens is collectively transformed into Homo universalis, or the “ Universal Humanity.” The “ Universal Humanity” will live together as a community of “natural Christs” in the “New Heaven” on the “ New Earth” that is the “ New Jerusalem.” THE “SELECTION PROCESS” BUT Hubbard’s “Christ,” while describing the “birth experience” and professing his love for all mankind, nevertheless warns that there will be no place in the “ New Jerusalem” for those who refuse to see themselves and others as a part of God. He describes, therefore, the necessity of a “ selection process” that will select out resistant individuals who “choose” not to evolve. This “ selection process” is a “purification” that will be accomplished through “the shock of a fire.” “Christ” states that those who see themselves as “separate” and not “divine” hinder humanity’s ability to spiritually evolve. Those who deny their own “divinity” are like “cancer cells” in the body of God. Her “Christ” warns that a healthy body must have no cancer cells. Cancer cells must be healed or completely removed from the body. He describes the means of removal as the “ selection process.” The “selection process” results in the deaths of those who refuse to see themselves as a part of God. After the “ selection process,” the spirit bodies of the departed individuals will continue to be “purified” in the spirit realm. Hubbard’s “Christ” emphasizes that they will not be given another physical body and they will not be able to rejoin humanity until they rid themselves of all “ self- centeredness.” He defines “ self-centeredness” as “the illusion” that one is “separate” from God. The self-centered temptation to see oneself as “separate,” and not as a part of God, is “ evil” and must be “overcome.” He also refers to self-centeredness, or this illusion of separateness, as “ Satan.” In this future described by Hubbard’s “Christ,” anyone who refuses to see themselves and others as “God” and “Christ” will be removed by the “ selection process.” Those professing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour would be subject to this process, as would traditional Jews, Muslims, and all others who refuse to see themselves as a part of God. Notice also that this is a panthestic mindset of "God"/The Universe. THE GLOBAL RENAISSANCE ALLIANCE/ PEACE ALLIANCE Barbara Marx Hubbard, politically well-connected and extremely influential, is a major figure in the emerging field of New Age/New Gospel/New Spirituality politics. Her “ Campaign for a Positive Future” is still going strong. And her formal involvement with Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch, and other New Age/New Gospel leaders in The Global Renaissance Alliance represents a new kind of spiritual activism that is rapidly developing into a social and political movement. In 2005, The Global Renaissance Alliance transitioned into The Peace Alliance.

Hubbard’s continued political interests are revealed in an article she wrote in a 2000 book titled Imagine: What America Could Be in the 21st Century. In the article, a woman very close to her own description becomes President of the United States after a successful campaign for a “positive future.” Her character’s campaign embraces the slogan “Resolve to Evolve—The Only Solution is Our Evolution.” This president is unique in that she is the lead person in a first time ever team presidency. Hubbard, through her writings and lifelong spiritual and political lobbying, continues to implement the teachings and principles she received from her “Christ.” She is presently dedicated to the process of incorporating these New Age/New Gospel teachings into her own." ---------------------------------------- Ellen White on the False Christ, Satan himself, in the Crowning act in the great drama of deception: See also Video presentation by Warren B Smith - Antichrist: Oneness vs. Separation

Very few are aware of how extremely advanced and comprehensive these deceptions of the false ones actually are. And how these doctrines are not only embraced by world leaders and global societies and organizations, but also something has crept into the churches. Including the Adventist Church.

"Satan will seek to establish a new and more exalted system of religious faith." Ellen White.


I wonder if Barbara Marx Hubbard's Christ is the same false Christ that Pope Francis serves. Considering that his language is often very much filled with some pantheism/ spiritualism and this with brotherhood (fraternity). She is again just one of many prophets of this false Christ.

Take also: "A course in Miracles" by Helen Shuchman as another good example".

I expose it as deceptive. I have read a portion of it and it just annoyed me, I found it absurd and confusing. But so did most things from the spirirualist camp i tested and tried just about everything, but nothing really helped. I found it generally to be too shallow and depressing. Like it came from a very disturbed, chaotic mind.

The Loud Cry Message, the higher doctrine of Christ, and the law of faith, trump these fallen truths that just does not stand scrutiny or true logic. ----- IN THESE ADVANCED TESTING TIMES, Which I believe started September 11, 2021.

...these last highly difficult tests will sometimes make it appear as if you are fighting against Christ and His commands, while in fact you could be disobeying Him by following what seems to be his orders.


🔶 ️1. The words could be from the false Christ (think Sananda). Or from other Christians who come with an immature truth/fallen doctrine. Or from the Spiritualist camp who's teachings lie close to the genuine on many points, at least by appearance.

🔷️ 2. The words could be from the real Christ, but that He is testing you. Think Jacob's wrestling with the angel of God.

Also when Christ met Satan in the wilderness, Satan claimed to be a holy mighty angel, maybe he even claimed to be God in the sense that he asked Christ to bow down and worship him. So he may have claimed to be the true lord, the true Christ to the incarnated Christ who did not even know who he was talking to at first. He did not regognize that he was Lucifer/Satan.

According to Ellen White, Satan himself is converted after the modern order of thing (GC Ch 36), and the Bible states that he will receive tremendous power in these last days (Rev 13:13), and he himself will even be convinced he is God = the true Christ,the true savior (2. Tess 2:4)

The Bible also states that only Christ has seen the Father. That could mean that none of the angels have, neither holy or fallen. Remember the fallen believe they are the good angels. Of love and light. Think the Spiritual hierachy/Galactic federation of light.


🔵 As for nr.2, this is the toughest of all testing and trials,

...because you will have to go against the command of Christ, when he test you, but there is no bullet proof way of knowing for sure whether he is testing you, or if he is actually giving you a command he expect you to receive as truth.

We know however that we should always go by the higher truth, as the true Christ will always represent the higher doctrine, no matter who is stating it. A higher truth always come from God: from His word and spirit and the narrow path of the cross ( lessons learned from experience on the path of most resistance.)

➡️ And here THE LATTER RAIN and LOUD CRY MESSAGE is highly relevant. This is the message that will help us not to fall and get through these advanced tests.

Also, you will not immediately know if you passed or failed the test. So the mental pressure is immensely high.

Other factors that I believe can be important to be aware of:


🔸️ represent a benefactor. He has his league of angels who believe they are the righteous ones

🔸️He also has a counterfeit heaven that seem quite similar to the true heaven.

🔸 ️This heaven features a large library which they call "the book of life". This book supposedly contain all the actions commited by every single person in all their supposed earlier and present lives.

🔸️Satan's greatest counterfeit is modern Spiritualism, which involve the false teachings of reincarnation. (While the Bible only speak of Christ's incarnation, not reincarnation).

- This "heaven" can be visited by some human beings by entering their idea of a higher dimension.

🔸️ His way of salvation is ascension by higher energies/ frequencies. These are physical energies/ vibrations, and has nothing to do with the spiritual grace / power we receive from the Holy Ghost.

.................. Read also: Analysis of a few recent messages from Jesus Sananda vs. the Higher doctrine of Jesus Christ.

Read more on these and other relevant topics for this age at:

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