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I write this for the sake of many, not just me, as I have done everytime I write for instance about my illness.
I expect that heaven has a record over all that I have written with regards to my illness, on energy dysfunction. How It affects me, in many different areas, and how I can be like when suffer mildly, moderately and severely. But also depending on what I am currently affected by, what organs suffer most. What type of migraines, what type of vertigo or dizziness. If i am dehydrated or not. If my blood sugar levels are stabile or not. As well as countless other symptoms an causes. How these conditions can affect mood, personality, appearance etc back and forth, from mild to severe. Also how it can help just get out in the fresh air and sunshine. We had a clear case of a temporary miracle that happened in 2018, outside when I could suddenly started to look in depth. Much of the wired feeling and anxiety like conditions that very often have a physical cause. Or a combination as explained before. See also my last journal on this. I wrote a lot about all of this from 2011-2017.
I explained all very well, some are on the "energy dysfunction" blog.
These conditions and mood changes that arrive due to all these organic factors and loss of energy, would be healed greatly if my energy would be restored. Our job here is first and foremost with our character. These conditions do not have anything to do with character (the innermost soul), but with our physical energies. Since we are not saved by our physical energies, but by grace and recreation of our hearts and minds, first, I do not see how the problems and handicaps that are an issue on and off from mild to severe, on this earth, should mean I could not be saved until I overcome them. The physical, including energies, will not be fully restored before the second coming.
I do not see that the true Christ should have a problem understanding this, but most others probably would and many do not seem to believe me.
Also sin are choices we consciously choose make when we have capacity to do do. If I think about a dream I had that I can not control at all, and the image pop up in my mind sometimes even if I hate them and want them out, I do not see how that could possibly be written up as sinful. I did not ask for those dreams and I can not help if they sometimes pop up. If i think that i should not think on them, I already am. I really do not see how that could be righteous judgment if that was to take place. And often when I have migraines and vertigo, I hate the idea of thinking about them even more, including words that pop up on my news feed, so then they pop up in my mind even quicker, just because I absolutely do not want them there. Like being forced to watch a slaughterhouse documentary. That is the feeling I get. Or something terrible. Notice I hate them, I do not want them there. And I explained all of that in detail in 2018. It is like all types of phobia come up, including just phobia for screenlight, sharp sounds, blinking, flashing etc, but only as long as the worst of seizure or high ENS states lasts. All this is due to very low threshold potential of the brain.
Would God hold us accountable for sometimes watching an accident, a fight, violence? Of course not. God, the angels must observe an awful lot, but they handle it much better as their energies are very high. Even though I know they also hate evil. Point is just that I hate it, they hate it, but it still enters the brain. They still watch it. So, I can not for the life of me imagine God would judge us for having images popping up in our heads we hate, and do not want. And that it also calms down when the threshold potential increases, because you tolerate it far less the lower the energy is. That goes for everything. Everything heightens. These conditions would in any event disappear greatly when our physical energies increase, and the evil attacks ends.
HOWEVER, this all reduce or disappear when my physical energy rise again and my mind is calm. And when I say energy rise, it is still minimal compared to normal energy levels.
In heaven we would receive far more physical energies than the most energetic individual living today. So I am very convinced these are all things that would be a non-issue in heaven, at least with healthy, glorified bodies. So I do not see these issues as character flaws, but health problems, and most due to physical energy dysfunction from mild to severe.