To deny that Jesus came in the vessel of a human is from the spirit of the Antichrist.
Jesus did not have the spirit of the flesh, which is the spirit of the world, but the spirit of God. But in the outer man, he was like a human being. He died a physical death. Inwardly, he was100 percent God. God in man. His character was perfected by enduring the trials and sufferings in the path of the cross, of sanctification.
It was by having the word and the law of God inscribed perfectly on his heart by a full measure of the holy spirit that He achieved victory.
Luke 17:21 (KJV): "The kingdom of God is WITHIN you". 2. John: 7: "I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."Hebrews 2:9 "But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone."
Thus He triumphed by being filled with the Word, which includes God's law and spirit = the kingdom of God. Without sin, but tempted in every way in the human body. He regained his throne in heaven and proved it by his resurrection on the third day. Jesus Christ, came to earth to undergo His mission 4,000 years after the fall of mankind, with increased genetic corruption. In all the battles against the Satanic spirit and those possessed by it, Jesus himself triumphed in states such as strong emaciation and exhaustion, under torment, both physical and mental, and even by physical death. Adam and Eve are characterized by the fact that they lived until they were about 1000 years old. They were also very tall and strong in stature. If Christ had been perfect physically ("perfect" in terms of humanity) then he would have been of great size. He was not, and was exposed to all conceivable suffering (which comes from evil / sin). Height and longevity are related. Jesus was like an ordinary man at that time, thousands of years later after much genetic corruption.
Adam sinned by disobeying God, when he rather listened to Eve, who had just lend her ears to the allurement of the serpent, Satan. One is not sinful by having a weak physical body. If that was by definition a sin, then Jesus who was afflicted with hunger, exhaustion, physical and mental suffering, who fainted and died a physical death (all proof that he was an ordinary human being without any superman or angelic benefits) would not be able to be saved or to save the human race. He went through all of human trials, and still without actively sinning. Violation of God's law. These are actions, not physical condition. That is not what sin is.
To sin is to go against the commandments and will of God, as in active disobedience. By choice. It was by His pure, holy character that He triumphed. By His blood we have been forgiven of our transgressions, if we repent of our sins. By His life and death and resurrection, it has been demonstrated that all men can overcome in the process of sanctification, and thus win the victory. By grace, undeserved power of the Holy Ghost, through faith in Jesus. By having God's law written on our hearts by the Holy Ghost.
“After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people”. -Jeremiah 31:33
“And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.” -Romans 5: 5
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” -Hebrews 4:15
"But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.." - Hebrews 2: 9
Gaining the victory in a weaker human body, rather than a superman's body, while being subjected to every conceivable physical and mental temptation and testing and trial, requires supreme spiritual strength from the power of God, which He bestows to us by the Holy spirit, if we ask. This is spiritual power, to be raised and sanctified by the empowering grace of God, in His heavenly higher education system. Although education in the schools of this world is of benefit, His education system is far more advanced than any higher education you find in this world. This is also how the power of the holy spirit and having the law of God written on our hearts gradually in the sanctification process, if we advance, is demonstrated.
Paul also asked if not God could remove his suffering of the flesh, but what did God answer?
"But he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I would rather boast of my own infirmity, that the power of Christ may dwell in me. " -2 Corinthians 12:9
This is how the power of God becomes clearer, in that we are subjected to trials, which would not have been possible if we were in the form of angels. They do not feel physical pain, they are not subjected to the same temptations of the flesh, hunger and toil as humans are.
After Christ’s mission on earth, where He achieved success, as evidenced by the resurrection (Although His outer man was as destroyed as possible, even to the point that He died), he ascended to heaven on the day of ascension, and is seated at the right hand of God. The victory was won, the mission completed. He had proved at the resurrection, that His way and truth led to salvation and everlasting life, a mystery to all until revealed by the Holy Ghost. And His immaculate life and His death, could reunite people with God. Transgression of the holy Law of God requires the shedding of blood. Jesus Christ became the more perfect lamb, just as prophecied. He truly became the king of kings and Lord of Lords in a way that was thoroughly demonstrated to the entire universe. Namely, His way. While Satan and the people who see things through the lense of the spirit of the world, would say that one puts Jesus down by stating this. It is only if you see things from the perspective of the ruler of this world, from the point of view of an immature Christian, or worse a fallen Christian. It comes from pride in the outer man. In the apparent. Of the more superficial factors that characterize the law of the Old Covenant. Pride and superiority based on factors such as race, nationality, genes, gender, status etc. See Galatians 3: 26-29. The same reason why Lucifer first fell into heaven and became Satan, the arch-enemy of Christ. And notice that we are all called to go from darkness and immaturity to light and maturity in Christ. This means that we will gain an increased understanding of this. This is a big part of the true awakening, the new birth, where we understand his gospel and his way much more fully. To go from walking by the old covenant to the law of the new covenant.
In addition, Christ had demonstrated His very own Law, the law of divine love, the ten commandments. He did not abolish the law, He completed it. It was Jesus' character who was completely God during his mission here on earth.
That is, in his INNER human being (Heart and mind). Outwardly, He was even human. However, he was glorified at the resurrection. It also states that even the son of God was perfected through upbringing and trials. “though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, called by God as High Priest “according to the order of Melchizedek,” of whom we have much to say, and hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing.”Hebrews 5:8-1
In Melchizedek's way it means that it is not because of inheritance and genes, but because of obedience to God. And represents one who has an eternal priesthood. "He is without father and without mother and has no pedigree." Hebrews 7: 3
"Neither shall they say, Lo here or there; for, lo, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21.
The new covenant for which He is high priest is about this. See Hebrews 8:10. Romans 2: 28-29. Romans 8. Galatians chapter 3.
Anyone who denies that Jesus came as a human being is the antichrist spirit. Understanding this is crucial, especially for these end of days.. See 1. John 4.
"For God, who commanded the light to shine in the darkness, has also made the light shine in our * hearts *, that the knowledge of the glory of God in the presence of Jesus Christ may shine forth. But we have this * treasure in clay vessels," that the rich power may be of God, and not of ourselves. "
2 Cor 4:6-7
Pottery = human body. In KJV it is translated to "Earthen vessel".
Here a clear contrast is set up between the outer and inner man:
"And though our Outer man perish, our INNER is renewed day by day. 17 For our tribulation is short and light, and works for us an everlasting fullness of glory in excess of excess. 18We do not have the VISIBLE in mind, but the INVISIBLE. For the visible lasts a SHORT TIME but the invisible is ETERNAL. "
-2. Cor 4: 16-18 Jesus Christ was made lower than the angels.
Not only holy angels. Fallen angels are also still angels (not humans). Hebrews 2:9“But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man”. In the battle in the wilderness, Christ was not only human, but in a very frail human state. Completely exhausted and weak, after having wandered in the desert for 40 days in heat and without food. Satan appeared to Christ like an exalted angel. Satan, albeit fallen, have never felt how it is like to be physically weak. So he comes in his pride as usual, pride in the outward and think he is superior to Christ. But what happened? And what happened later in the two next battles? How did Christ win over Satan? By the word, by the spirit and by humbling himself and suffer for the sake of others. Christ was perfected in suffering (EGW). “though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.»Hebrews 5:8
Throughout eternity, the marks and scars from the cross, will always be a reminder of what it took to conquer the spirit of evil. Yet the pharisees, who Christ referred to as the synagogue of Satan, rejected this light, they rejected the way, the truth and hence life eternal. They insisted on overfocusing on the outer cleanliness and the earthly sanctuary, and refused to acknowledge the far more important Spiritual temple of heavenly, everlasting and true value. See Matthew 23. Christ expressed with sorrow in His soul: “Your house..”, (made of hands and not of God), “is left unto you desolate”. It was their choice and their decision. He had tried to reach out, He had tried to explain, He showed them that His way was a way of humbling oneself, and that His kingdom was not so occupied with the ceremonial and outer perfection as the inner purification of the heart. Christ was not afraid to show them His wounds, but they abused His innocence, and it pierced His soul with anguish. They took advantage of His way, his innocence, and his humility in stead. The path to heaven is to humble oneself and lift up God, and for us: Christ. And be filled with His truth and higher form of love.
Saved from the spirit of the prince of this earth, because there is no salvation in any other name, than in that name, Jesus Christ, and all that which that name entails. Not the competitor spirit of his arch enemy, the enemy of souls, who try to convince everyone of his own ways. And all the world followed after the beast…In one way or the other. Because this foe has many roads to destruction and the second death for which there is no resurrection. Christ ‘s way is the narrow way, the hard way. The very challenging school of Jesus Christ. It takes complete surrender to Christ and what He truly represents. It is free, but it is not cheap. It is not of ourselves or anything we can do to work our way into heaven, but by grace through faith in Him. Divine love: to want everyone to be saved from the spirit and law of Satan (because there is no salvation in any other name than in the true name and all that the name implies). The way of Christ. Not Satan's forgeries and imitations, which try to convince everyone of their own ways based on the spirit and thought patterns of this world: with a strong focus on the external and the secular. And the whole world followed the beast ... in one way or another, because Satan has many, many paths to perdition. You think you are saved if you belong to this or that church or group within a church, and if not that group then probably the next. But no, you will probably not find an established group until the very end where you will never be challenged and asked not to be partial, but to be loyal to Christ, to the truth and not reject the available light today. TODAY (not yesterday) IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE: CHOOSE WHOM YOU WANT TO SERVE.
The preaching of the cross is folly to the spirit of the world
The spirit of the world is not only found out there in the world, but is also very much alive inside the churches, in immature Christians and Christians who insist hard to keep only their traditions and refuse to accept the available light of day. See 1 Corinthians 3: 1-2. Because it does not “see” and understand the value of the way of Christ, the way of the cross. Are we not given a commission to take up our cross as disciples of Jesus Christ? Was the cross something that meant suffering or just joy? It was a path that involved suffering and blessings, on the path toward righteousness. And the means by which to overcome the spirit of the flesh, from the world. We were never promised a road decorated with roses, but by roses with thorns.
What was the crown that Jesus received on his head? A crown of thorns. This also symbolizes His way. It is called the narrow way for a good reason, because it is the tough, hard way, which involves not only blessings but also suffering and pain. But we do it completely voluntarily because of faith. Otherwise, we would never have chosen to go this route in the first place. Or we had dropped out for good when the trials got tougher. Full of fiery trials to burn away dirt and evil and purify our hearts, as well as to test our current loyalty to God. The spirit of the world will choose the easy way to salvation and be saved IN SIN, not in Christ. But there is no other salvation than the way Jesus showed us: the way of the cross.
Sin is rebellion against the LAW OF DIVINE LOVE. It must be rooted in our hearts, not just in individual actions, but over time, and gradually become part of our new character. Disobedience is first and foremost everything that stems from pride and overfocus on the outside, hatred and prejudice (fear). God's spirit and truths will remove such traits that come from hatred and prejudice, through faith in Jesus Christ and what he represents, by God's holy spirit.
Notice that I am not arguing against taking care of our earthen vessel, our physical body, our health. This we are responsible to God for. In the same way, we are not to provoke illness prematurely, neither are we to provoke persecution or imprisonment prematurely. What sufferings may arrive should happen naturally, while we do our best to obey God, His law and teachings. When we do not provoke it, it is part of the trials and sufferings we have to bear.
"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." - 1 Peter 4:12-13
"We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart."
- 2. Cor 5:12