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Please use Google translate if you have difficulties understanding the Enlgish language. -There are many different groups that will be addressed in this article, from both left and right. Let's start at one end and move on from there. The Social gospel, «Jesus sayings only” Christians, focusing merely on the gospels and not understanding that truth advance. And that there was a shift occurring at the death of Christ: when he uttered “It is finished”. Marking the shift from the old to the new law and covenant. His order. Where it move from a focus on physical to spiritual. This also apply to miracles. Although Christ also introduced this shift in many of his teachings. Take Matthew chapter 23. Luke 17. John 7:24 as examples. And the clear teachings of the spiritual extent of the law and covenant. His kingdom and order. Matthew 5:17. John 18:36.
Satan will come as a benefactor copying Christ’s FIRST mission, this will appeal to the entire world and the fallen churches, who still walk by sight and not by faith. Not realizing this is another era, and much has changed and progressed. So we see Satan, the counterfeit Christ, always behind God. This is also why it is so important to discern the times, and try to preach the present truth for THESE times and circumstances.
This is also largely what it means to walk by faith, in the spirit of the law (God's sanctification), and not just by the letter of the law. The latter representing the old, immature law and covenant.
We also see a strong focus on the physical kingdom, the physical body (health, dress) as well as a heavy focus on saving this old earth. That if overexaggerated can end up as a false idol. When we should have our main priority on the spiritual. And the physical, smaller issues, on second place. *Second place means it is still important*, but it should never be equal with or prioritized more than the spiritual, deeper, greater things of God.
If we make the smaller issues of greatest importance and priority, it become A FALSE IDOL/GOD. It is like building our house/temple on sand (smaller) than on the greater, everlasting rock, Jesus Christ. Which is an abomination in the sight of the Lord, whos kingdom is not of this world. His kingdom represent more the inner, spiritual, deeper. His law written not just on tables of stone, but on our innermost parts, our hearts and minds, in the sanctification, by grace through faith. This is the new, everlasting law, covenant and order. = HIS EVERLASTING KINGDOM. See Hebrews 8:11. See also the series written on this on this same blog.
Abomination of desolation:
There are many stories and examples of abominations in the word of God and in the history of pagan, babylonian and unfaitful religious kings and leaders. See study from Amazing Facts at the end of this article for more examples.
Let's look at the example of Antiochus IV. Pagan idol placed in the temple of Jerusalem. Offer up a pig = unclean beast/animal. And setting up a statue of Jupiter, a pagan god in the temple of the one, true God.
So we have pagan idols and unclean offerings.
A Little History:
"Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), the king of Syria, captured Jerusalem in 167 BC and desecrated the Temple by offering the sacrifice of a pig on an altar to Zeus (the Abomination of Desolation). In seeking to prohibit Judaism and Hellenize the Jews, Antiochus forbade their religious practices and commanded that copies of the Law be burned, all of which is related by Josephus in the Antiquities of the Jews (XII.5.4)."
"Antiochus IV (175-164 BC), was the 8th ruler of the Seleucid empire. He gave himself the surname "Epiphanes" which means "THE VISIBLE GOD" (that he and Jupiter were identical). He acted as though he really were Jupiter and the people called him "Epimanes" meaning "the madman". He was violently bitter against the Jews, and was determined to exterminate them and their religion. He devastated Jerusalem in 168 BC, defiled the Temple, offered a pig on its altar, erected an altar to Jupiter, prohibited Temple worship, forbade circumcision on pain of death, sold thousands of Jewish families into slavery, destroyed all copies of Scripture that could be found, and slaughtered everyone discovered in possession of such copies, and resorted to every conceivable torture to force Jews to renounce their religion. This led to the Maccabaean revolt, one of the most heroic feats in history. The Antiochus bust discovery is important in the study of Biblical archaeology, it reveals an image of the man who was mentioned in the Book of Daniel"
"The Greeks associated Ra (the Sun god) with Zeus and so he remained popular during the Ptolemaic Period."
Antiochus, "The Visible God"
"Walking by sight, not of faith".
According to the old law, covenant and order.
Impure (Babylonian) doctrines invading the church. An unholy spirit.
Major focus on the visible/literal, physical, in both camps, to the right and to the left.
On one hand we see a major focus on physical perfection, thinking we can restore our physical health to perfection 6000 years after the fall, by diet and health reform. This has also been tested out over many years now, and the fruit/result is: impossible, yet of great benefit. Meaning we should do our best to live healthy and follow the health reform, but I speak of an unhealthy focus and obsession here. And making it of equal importance to the spiritual. That is to equal the physical kingdom and creation on the same level to that of the spiritual kingdom and the creator. Hence an abomination. (See the slide show with images and text at the bottom of this article for more on this). SEE THIS LINK TO READ MORE ABOUT THE 8 HEALTH KEYS AND THE HEALTH REFORM. WE ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE TO CARE FOR OUR HEALTH, even though, as stated, we must make sure not to make it an obsession and think we are saved by physical energies/vibrations like the Spiritualist camp.
We also see in some camps a major focus on the here and now, this world, this life, the literal, physical creation. Major focus on only the last six commandments, the second great commandment of loving creation. Little to no emphasis on the greatest commandment of loving the creator and what His everlasting kingdom represent, first. Strong focus on man being able to save this current, corrupted old earth, that are soon to be cleansed with fire and recreated by the power of God.
We also see this counterfeit (wordly version) fight for unity despite different faiths, worldly idea of justice and equality in many areas, where Christians ought to fight and proclaim the higher forms of love and justice, oneness and unity in Christ.
We see how the spiritual are mixed with unholy traits like force. Divine love is free to choose and receive and can not be mixed with elements like force. Enforcing religious laws in a country especially with regard to the ten commandments, to force our conscience so that we may not worship God as He commanded us to, is to mix the sacred with the unholy and in the category of false idols and Babylon.
The counterfeit sabbath, Sunday, represent to those who have been enlightened of the attempt of changing the 10 commandments of God, the worship of creation rather than the creator. See Exodus 20 for the original 10 commandments. As no creation, not angels or humans, have any right to tamper with and change the sacred 10 commandments.
The original 7th Day Sabbath, represent worship of the creator and sanctifier. Hence a test of devotion and loyalty for God, and to see if the law of Christ by faith really is being written on our hearts and minds and not just on tables of stone. Sanctification according to the new covenant and order of Christ is the process of salvation, the life long baptism from unholy to holy. From immaturity to maturity. By receiving the law of Divine love on our hearts and minds, by the grace, power from the holy spirit of God, through faith.
Sunday, the counterfeit Sabbath, is also a mark of worshiping creation rather than the creator, first. Hence a mark of those who in the last days, when the world has been enlightened of the true vs the counterfeit, choose to be left behind. Under the fallen, old law, covenant and order. They choose traditions rather than receiving the available light of today. Hence being unfaitful to their Lord, Jesus Christ. The creator and their sanctifier.
So a main focus on this physical, old kingdom. Worldly, counterfeit or limited forms, rather than advancing toward the higher forms that come from God.
While the 7th Day Sabbath is a seal or mark of the last generations, the 144 000, who choose to "follow the lamb withersoever He goeth" enduring unto the end and advance toward increased light, under the new, everlasting order of Jesus Christ.
But note that one is not sealed only if one keeps the true Sabbath. This is also a deception, as it is only like a flag at the top of having climbed up the mountain (passed sanctification and gained the victory).
All this is against the Scriptures (and also EGW) who say only human hearts and minds (character) can be restored to the image of God, before Christ returns. The physical perfection happens not until after Christ's second advent.
Some bring in unholy teachers, many times from the spiritualist camp. We also see major focus on more literal enemies, jesuits, the pope, rather than going forward and focus more on the deeper, spiritual war and enemies behind it all. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood...".
The fruit of focusing too much on the physical, and smaller issues that will not be a theme in the kingdom of God, overfocus also on the pope and jesuits, has been mostly unrighteous fruit. Paranoia, prejudices, confusion, obsessions, spiritual darkness. Inability to see their own sins and the spiritual war. Overfocus on physical health and main priority for Christians of saving the old earth, right before the second coming (while we are to focus some on it, and take responsibility for our health and the earth) is more in line with nazism ideologies and spiritualism, than true Christianity. At least in terms of present day truth.
Much of this work just cause more "demons", pollute the character of God, making it unholy offerings (works) for God. Hence portraying the greater God as the smaller god, Satan.
We also see in many Christian churches this strong focus on Literal Israel, rather than understanding that the literal had a spiritual fulfilment. See Romans 2:28-29. Galatians chapter 3 and 4.
But we see this mindset of literal, typical interpretations, rather than digging deeper, and realizing the spiritual antitypical fulfilments when the time is ripe, in all churches on some level.
A mindset typical for the formal, typical age The old, immature law, covenant and order. We have also seen lately to confuse the seal and image of God and the beast, by making the seal and mark about a physical rather than a spiritual issue. This has been dragged into many churches and even into the Adventist churches in some places, who have received so much light on the mark/seal, not revolving around the physical. I speak here of putting so much emphasis on the covid-19 vaccine. Presenting to take a covid vaccine as if one becomes like a robot that is controlled by Big Brother, so that they can not make any decisions when, for example, the Sunday laws should come. That and also that ones dna can be damaged. Hence making it into an issue of genes, which is exactly how Satan, who takes pride in the outer, in the flesh, and who is now the lord of the old, fallen order where the external factors are still up and separating us from Christ,. Jesus Christ, at the point of crucifixion introduced us to the greater, new law and covenant, removing these outer barriers of the flesh and this world. Galatians 3:26-29 states: "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." This makes it a matter of perdition. That is, thinking they can lose their salvation from that point on due to this physical vaccine. And puts it on the same category as making it the mark of the beast. The point of the mark is that one is lost from a certain point. So in practice there is no difference. You can read the entire series on identifying the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast here. (Simply bookmark it and read it when you have the available time) But lets first continue with the issue at hand for this particular article...
(Speaking of mind set here)
To be under the old law and covenant, after you have received the chance of receiving sufficient light, means you are in Babylon, since it is an immature and after the crucifixion, now fallen order. Drunk with her wine. Under Babylon's /this world's witchcraft. Filled with unclean "blood" (under the old, immature, literal/physical order), rather than the pure blood of Christ.(under the new, mature, spiritual order of Christ)
Antiochus sacrifice of a pig in the temple in Jerusalem and setting up a pagan, material/visible god. Hence the abomination of desolation. Read this article from Amazing Facts for a fuller study on the abomination of desolation here
See also what Paul identify as witchcraft in Galatians 3.
"You Foolish Galatians! Who hath bewitched you?"
(In other words they are spiritually drunken, under witchcraft, and hence undiscerning).
Then we have the explanation as to why:
"Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit"
(this is the more extensive, new law and covenant: to walk by faith in the spirit)
continuing: "are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?"
(representing the physical, literal = the old, now fallen, law and covenant).
This is exactly the Babylonian wine, the unclean offerings, we see has been dragged into all the churches, also the left and right wing groups in the church.
I speak again of an unhealthy overfocus here on the smaller, more superficial issues (building your house on sand, rather than on the greater, everlasting rock (mountain cut without hands) (spiritual things of greater value,), not an either or. Look up and read Matthew 7:24-27
"When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains" Mark 13:14
"This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands—a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces. “The great God has shown the king what will take place in the future."
Daniel 2:45
"He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken."
Psalm 62:2
Exodus 24:12
Notice how Moses went up to the mountain to receive the law of God. While the rest if the Israelites were left down in the desert, impatient, and creating a VISIBLE GOD in the golden calf. Made from earthly treasures, literal gold.
God's sanctification according to the new, everlasting covenant and order, is to go to God and Christ (the rock, the mountain) and receive His law of divine love, written on our hearts and minds, by grace through faith.
Hebrews 8:10
"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. ..."
"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple."
1. Cor 3:10-12 and verse 16-17
And staying stuck in the old ways and not moving on to an advanced, fuller understanding of the truth and wisdom of God. Also to fill your mind with material of a lower nature.
On one side, we also see frequently doctrines, philosophies and psychology of the world being embraced, that are not in harmony with the word and teaching of God.
On the right, or far right side, we see false teachings from the new age, spiritualist camp being embraced. Often undetected. Front figures here are David Icke, Alex Jones, the organization "Anonymous", to mention a few. So the typical proclaimed youtube truther movement, as one example here = Filthy "food" for your spirit. Not much better than porn. Hence if you continue, you will end up as an unclean animal, a beast, a pig. A spiritual unclean character can not inherit the pure kingdom of heaven. The old man has to go, it has to be buried, burned (spiritually speaking), crucified. By putting on the pure garments of Christ Jesus. Process from old to new.
When more light has come, we are called to advance.
.. “God wants us all to have common sense, and he wants us to reason from common sense. Circumstances alter conditions. Circumstances change the relation of things.»
Many do not realize that when Christ comes the second time, it is in a very different manner than His first mission. This time He comes as a judge, to judge the world. And we must do everything we can by the grace of God to prepare ourselves when the bridegroom cometh. Are we as Christians, the church, His bride, ready when He comes the second time? Are we standing still, thinking we stand firm on the truth? Or are we deceiving ourselves thinking we do, not advancing in His path, toward His spiritual kingdom?
Summary of this article
I am talking about the importance of sanctification according to the new, eternal covenant and order, under the banner of Jesus Christ, which is the way, the truth, and the life. This is to be filled with the blood of Christ, and be clothed in His righteousness. To be sanctified, to be made righteous and justified, is the same as I understand it now. It involves grace, both forgiveness of repentant sins and the power to overcome the flesh and the law and spirit of the world, by having the law of Christ written on our hearts and minds. This happens through faith.
And the importance of putting what represents his new covenant first, and what represents the old covenant and order on second place. Or the greatest commandment to love God on first place, and the second main commandment to love the creation (mankind) on second place. That is the right balance and priority according to the word of God.
In any case, Antiochus represents a worldly, Babylonian antichrist, who sacrificed an unclean animal in the temple of God. That is, unclean sacrifices, and put a pagan god in the temple. He called himself the visible god. That is, to walk by sight, not by faith. That is, to be under the old, immature covenant and order, not the new, mature, eternal covenant and order in which Jesus Christ is high priest.
Satan is lord only over the now fallen covenant and order (the physical, literal kingdom), not over the new, mature, eternal order, the spiritual, the law by faith.
I'm talking about the importance of advancing forward, since the fallen angel, Satan, becomes the leader of the fallen churches and Christians who stagnate and do not receive the available light of day. Adventists are also in danger here even if they have the true Sabbath.
A great number of deceptions, is about focusing largely on the literal (take this great focus on literal, physical Israel and building a third temple in literal Israel). Even spiritualism has a lot of focus on physical energies, and is under the old, fallen order. We see this in Judaism, in Islam, fallen churches, etc. We also see it among many Adventists. I can also add in addition that this article was an attempt to comprehend briefly where the "abominations" belong and what characterizes them. That is, they belong to the old, immature, now fallen, and thus Babylonian law, covenant and order. Under it also belongs the counterfeit Sabbath, Sunday and the image of the beast.
In other words, these things have some common denominators.
In the same way that we have the true Sabbath, to be formed in the image of God by sanctification under the new, mature, eternal law, covenant and order. And what characterizes it.
In addition, I provide relevant examples of many different traps we can find in the churches today, including the Adventist Church, on both the right and left sides.
Antiochus and also the story of the golden calf, was just a few of many examples. I have also addressed several more examples in my other articles. This is just one of the latest articles in a series relevant for these end times.
Here you can read the rest of the articles in the series of Apostasies in the churches.
Homepage "Via Veritas Vita" with list of articles.
Make sure to also bookmark it as more articles are on its way.

The following is a slide show, click on the arrow to the right to view and read each image.
Entire series "Apostacies and Deceptions"