The sanctification of God:
From Old, immature, incomplete/limited law, covenant, order.
To new, mature, full law, covenant and order. =
To Walk from main priority/focus on great commandment number 2.
= Love for, focus on, worship for creation
= the physical, material, literal, apparant, shallower kingdom.
"To walk by sight"
》To main focus on the greatest commandment, nr 1.
= Love , main focus on, worship for the Creator (God).
= the spiritual, inner, deeper, unseen kingdom.
"To walk by faith". The Old order (fallen, limited, smaller, immature, incomplete, physical, material, literal, the external, apparent order that represent creation, and the prince(s) of this world:
- building a kingdom/house on the smaller, literal, temporal materials. Under the banner of a smaller god/master/king. Crave milk (smaller things). Can not handle solid food. The deeper, fuller, more comprehensive, "richer," that represent more the New Order. At a certain point, when there is sufficient available light, and they reject it and keep rejecting it, they will fail to build their temple on the solid, everlasting rock. The greater God.
The New order (of Christ) (everlasting, unlimited, greater, mature, complete, immaterial, deeper, the internal, spiritual that represent the Creator, God and the King of heaven.)
22.6.21 The new law and covenant also embrace the old, BUT we should make it a secondary focus, priority. What characterizes the old, as it stands alone, is the limited, obsolete, and thus the fallen :hence the kingdom of the fallen. (The fallen angels, the fallen churches and the fallen Christians. Also the prince of this physical, temporal kingdom: this world) “papists, protestants and wordlings will alike accept the FORM of godliness, without the power.” -EGW in Great Controversy chapter. 36. What is form? The formal, the literal, representing the formal age: to be under the old law and covenant. --------------- 21.6.21 Prophecy and health message. Of a temporary, literal, physical nature.
- Should be of secondary focus, interest, priority with regards to the time we spend on spiritual issues. At least when it is time to make the leap from immaturity to maturity in our Christian walk. Secondary, means we should still focus on it, but less than we focus on the deeper, richer things of God.
To put that which represent the old order first, when time is ripe, means that you will no longer be serving Christ. Or you will be unfaithful as it will be regarded now as a false idol. Why, because we are expected to advance, not get stuck or go backwards = outwards = downwards. On the broad way, building your house on sand, the smaller things, from a smaller god.
This means we should let go more and more of this world as we receive increased light from God. But notice that we need to search for truth, if yu do not want it, it will not be forced on you. However, there will be consequences if you choose to stick to the old and not advance toward increased light
We must travel forward, inward and upward. That is the narrow path and to build your house/kingdom on the great, the everlasting rock of Jesus Christ. What we focus our time on most, indicate whom we worship. (In periods we might focus more on this life, this literal kingdom, but all in all, we should make it of secondary interest, next to the Creator and the spiritual, everlasting kingdom of God). 22.6.21 Left heart : old pact. Represent main commandment 2. Love for Physical kingdom. Creation.
Right side of heart: represent main commandment 1. Love for, creator. Spiritual kingdom.
Entire heart: New, mature law.
1. Love for Creator. Spiritual. Inner. Deeper. Unseen.
2. Love for Creation. Physical. Literal. Law on stone. External/shallower. Seen/ apparant.
Crucify an obsession, worship, first love for the old order. = creation, physical, literal first. This is to walk by sight, by the law and spirit of the flesh and the world. Hence crucifying 666. By The cross. The sanctification of the 777: The holy trinity. To walk by faith, by the spirit of God first. To put God and His kingdom first, and receiving the new, full law and covenant.
Christ's way, the gospel, who at the cross opened up the walls of separation between the left and the right side of the heart. The curtain that separated mankind, creation from getting access to Him, the Creator: into the most holy place, the divine.
The 7th day sabbath is a symbol that signify the connection of the two sides: creation with the Creator. To a FULL HEART, NOT A DIVIDED HEART.
The spirit of this world will always try to come in and build walls to separate us, creation from our creator.
Christ is the sanctifier, the goldsmith, that shapes our hearts to go from a stony heart, to a heart of the spirit of God. Connecting the two sides, into one golden heart. His heart. His character.
Our hearts of stone (one sided) must be crushed on the everlasting rock, Jesus Christ.
This is the new birth, of the spirit. Painful, but it must happen. This is the way of the cross.
This is the only way to true salvation: the way, the truth and the life.