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Purified by fire unto everlasting life or everlasting death.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 4. apr. 2022

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(under the banner of the prince of this world, Satan)

Walking in accordance to the old law, covenant and order. Walking by sight, in the spirit of this world and the flesh. Still in the garments of the old, immature man of sin, Adam.

Sin must be purified (consumed away) by the holy spirit of God, in the temple of the sinner. By blood water and fire baptism.


(Under the banner of God/Christ)

The sinner who did not take the path of righteousness, who is still polluted with a sinful character, will be consumed away, in the presence of holy angels. A natural consequence of God’s holy and just character, spirit and law. Walking in accordance with the new, law, covenant and order. Walking by Faith, in the spirit of God. Having received the new birth of the spirit from immaturity to maturity. Having put on the new man, Christ in us.


The Israelites in the wilderness, were not allowed, or rather too unholy to be able to follow Moses to the top of the mountain to meet with God, in order to receive the holy law of God, the ten commandments. They would in their still so sinful nature not endure, and hence would be consumed by His brightness (holiness).

We see how they responded after a while, when the return of Moses tarried. They started walking /worshipping “By sight” when they made the golden calf, a “god” they cold see/observe.

A material god. The false god of Mammon, also symbolize a material god. To walk by sight/the apparent/sensual/ physical manifestations/miracles and so on.

They walked according to the old covenant/order. The law of the flesh, which is the law and spirit of the beast “hence golden calf, an animal”.

So we have to overcome the natural man, and reject the law and spirit of the beast. (Same as the law and spirit of this world, of the flesh (man), and receive the law and spirit of God. This process happens by “fire and water”. We need to be purified from sin here, by the fire that consume sin, which is the working of the holy ghost, in God’s sanctification.

This cleansing process must happen here on this old earth, because we are too unholy in ourselves, without the sanctifying process of the spirit of God, to be able to live in the sight of a Holy God.

If we reject this process, which is the narrow way of Christ, we will have to be consumed unto everlasting death, in the presence of a holy God. This is the natural consequence of His holy law and character. God is allergic to sin by His nature.

Follow after peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no man shall see the Lord. - Hebrews 12:14 "Matthew 3:11, NLT: "'I baptize with water those who repent of their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is greater than I am--so much greater that I'm not worthy even to be his slave and carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." John the Baptist represent here the more incomplete baptism, while Christ represent the complete. The baptism of fire is a greater, more complete type of baptism. Christ is the sanctifier, who mold us and form us according to His pattern, His image. This can not happen simply at ones conversion, that is the baptism of water only, which is simply the introduction to the sanctification process, the more lengthy baptism that truly will cleanse us from unrighteousness. This will include fiery trials, which is to take up our cross and follow Him. If the way of the cross was unpleasant for Him, will it not also be unpleasant for us? Yes. Yet we have to trust Him in the process, and trust in His promises that we will be saved from unrighteousness if we do not reject and flee from the cross and the fire that cleanse. See also Hebrews chapter 12. Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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