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Daniel 11, the King of the North and the wider Abomination of desolation. It is not what you think.

Oppdatert: 16. feb. 2022

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The king of the North: represent the right-wing, conservative mindset.

The king of the South: the left-wing, liberal mind-set. The further out to either side, the further north or south the current character is.

One and the same individual or church can represent both left and right and even center, depending on the doctrine they present. They can be too far to the right on one doctrine and too far to the left on another doctrine and so forth. The king of South can never become the king of the North or vice versa. Because they always represent the right and left in relation to the center, where center is the present highest truth of Christ. But the person who currently possess either can start to walk in the direction of the other kingdoms by their choice.

One good example here would be the moderate liberal prime minister of Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, on the issue concerning the covid 19 restrictions who have recently proclaimed that he now embraces a liberation of most of the restrictions, which is the messages that has been shouted for a long time now from the right wingers in all the massive protests and demonstrations worldwide. Including the latest freedom convoys, which started in Canada and have spread rapidly to become a worldwide movement. Whether he later changes his mind on this does not matter in terms of the point here made, of how one individual or leader can one day embrace a left wing philosophy, and some days later have a change of mind, and suddenly embrace a right wing philosophy on the same issue.

Verse 28 The king of the North will return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart will be set against the holy covenant. He will take action against it and then return to his own country. Verse 30-32 “Then he will turn back and vent his fury against the holy covenant. He will return and show favor to those who forsake the holy covenant.

31 “His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. 32 With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him.” It seems apparent from these verses that the abomination of desolation is connected to the violation of the holy covenant. The king of the North will attack the holy covenant. I believe this could refer to the New, everlasting covenant. The law of the spirit, of faith, the law of the true Jesus Christ. Those who refuse to advance, and are currently stuck under the old law and covenant, under the letter and not the spirit of the law, represent currently Babylon and the beast. Their decisions and actions are not appropriate or right for the current time, situation or from an everlasting perspective, not based on everlasting wisdom or love. They walk by sight, by the flesh, by the temporal, (gold, silver, precious metals from Egypt = the character of the world.) Having built their house on the temporal, rather than the greater and everlasting.

Verse 38: “Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. “

Wealth could be literal as in many conservative pastors who do acquire often great wealth, often using the name of Christ and representing Christ asking for donations. Some funding is fine of course, but we speak of the extent and also to possess great wealth at the wrong time. When the end is fast at hand and they preach it, and yet sit on great material possessions still.

It could also be other forms of wealth like popularity, by choosing traditions and group support rather than refusing to take up their cross, sacrificing the temporary, self and the flesh, to advance toward the straight and narrow path, the center of the cross of Christ.

Hence getting left behind in Babylon and the order of the beast. Receiving its permanent mark. As for the common teaching that the king of the North would have to enforce a religious law, politically in a state, in a country (USA) first, is probably now outdated due to the fact that the whole world is gathered on the Word wide web, the internet. On social media like facebook, youtube twitter etc. The king of the north represent a belief, a philosophy, religio-political in nature. We see this in the typical right wing philosophies, both in politics and in churches. So it represent a law, a character. This is the kingdom. In order for a law to be considered “worldly” it does not mean we have to involve the literal government or state. On the world wide web, there are no state borders. People are gathered and separated based on their belief, the law they support at any given time. Take various facebook groups as a good example. The king of the North, representing the right-wing religio-political philosophy, is interested in one thing: to gain power and popularity across the whole world. “He” does no longer have to first enforce his philosophy politically, in a state, in order to win the hearts of many people.

To learn to walk by faith, by the spirit, include to learn to be able to judge and act according to present time and situation. What was acceptable and right to do ten years ago, may be sinful to do in the present, because the judging and acting is not appropriate for the current time and situation. Which is why “discerning the times” is crucial in order to be able to be under the New, everlasting law and order of Jesus Christ.

What does he use, that could mimic “force”? Strong group pressure, and also playing on other character traits that belong to the heart of the beast and Babylon, not the heart of Christ. So he may champion human rights, insisting that it is Christian, and other philosophies and doctrines that are not in harmony with the higher doctrine of Jesus Christ for this time, which is the advanced three angel’s messages. So he can champion an outdated Christian doctrine, full of errors that we have no longer any excuse to present as Christian. Hence too conservative for this present time. It would be in the category: the “old law and covenant”. Hence why this philosophy will automatically war against the new, everlasting law and covenant. It is simply outdated for this present time.

Other characteristics:

Anarchist, lawless, rebellious behavior in a grand manner.

There can be some excuses for activism if done for the right motives, think of the Adventist pioneers activism and sometimes breaking the rules in the state. But what we have seen the last year is of a completely different magnitude, and with many character traits and in a spirit that are not in harmony with the spirit of the law of Christ. There are many factors to take into consideration to see if a movement, where even many Christians participate, really is a movement by the will of God, or if the zeal they believe is a righteous zeal in the righteousness of Christ, is rather a zeal of the spirit of the beast and Babylon rather. The Abomination of desolation is set up by the King of the North. Which we have identified now as “right wing conservatives”, especially right side in the churches, and more so the right camp in the Adventist church.

Why? Because they have received far more light than many other groups. I always speak in general terms, not condemning any individuals here. Also, we do not know for sure if they suddenly can have a change of hearts and minds. But we are to judge, not condemn, individuals as far as what they present and represent of doctrine and actions currently. Back to Verse 38

"Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts."

This could refer to the prosperity gospel that has heavily entered the right wing camp in the churches. Both among evangelicals and among Adventists in particular.

Think also the Daniel plan. The gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts could here be both literal wealth, but also to worship the temporal, the flesh and rely so heavily on physical health and strength to advance or evolve. We see this both in the evangelical churches who have heavily promoted the Daniel plan, in the right-wing camp in the Adventist churches and also in modern spiritualism, who rely heavily on physical energies and physical health in the counterfeit sanctification of the false Christ, where they both rely heavily on and judge by the more external, the flesh, the letter. This is in the category of worship of creation, not the Creator.

Think of the mass demonstrations we have seen for a while now, including the “freedom convoys” where often those who mainly represent the right-wing group, brag about their “god-given immune system”, as if it was something to take pride in. And thinking we are 6000 years now after the fall of our first parents with so much deterioration of the human genes, and also exposed to more stressors, both physically, mentally and spiritually than ever before in the history of human kind.

The only rescue is found in the power of the word, the holy spirit and the cross, the sanctification of the true Christ. Not in our immune system, not in food or drinks, not in the temporal things of this world, but in the everlasting things of God. (Romans 14:17). These lesser things should always be of second priority. And if not, it must be crucified. Yet, we should not discard them, unless there is a valid reason to do so. We are still to try to eat a healthy diet and take care of our bodies and so on. I speak again of a main focus versus a lesser focus.

But it is interesting then, that Daniel 11 seem to expose those who resort to Daniel 1, as if they believe they stand alone like Daniel, in the favor of God, by resorting to their vegetables, as if it was of highest importance in order to get saved.

What was the sin of Cain again? He offered up a sacrifice from the ground, from the earth. He resorted to the things of the earth, this world, in order to please God, rather than to rely on God and His grace for salvation and build their house on the spiritual and everlasting first. “Seek first the kingdom of God.” See also Matthew 22:37-39 to see how Christ himself separate the ten commandment in two categories with different priority: the first four, dealing with our relationship to God (Creator). And on second place: the last six, dealing with our relationship to mankind (creation). verse 39: “He will greatly honor those who acknowledge him, making them rulers over many and distributing land as a reward.”

Distributing land as a reward could mean that they receive the temporal blessings of this world like material gain, popularity, worldly honor and success, or simply to feel the satisfaction of one of the most powerful lust of the flesh which is the rush of belonging to a literal gang, a group. Meaning they will fall for the temptation of sticking to their traditions, their family, their church/organization, if and when they are called to leave the kingdom of the North or the South, the kingdom of Babylon. They did not have the character to stand alone like Daniel, after all. Because their house was built on sand, not on the everlasting rock of Jesus Christ.They walked by sight, not by faith in the unseen. Verse 45

"He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him."

The king of the North represent the right wing conservatives in the church. So we speak of a mindset that have received much light, but refuse to advance forward. This is the Laodicean mindset and represent the right hand of Babylon and the Beast. This mindset convince itself that it is safe to stand still and stuck exactly where they are seated and that there is no need to progress and receive more light, even the higher light, the higher doctrine that is presented to them.

They therefore choose the lesser advanced, the limited light over the fuller light, the present truth available for the time. This lesser light they present as God's present light and truth. Notice that we here speak of those who reject by choice a higher, holier doctrine made available to them. In addition they use it to attack and try to destroy the character, the kingdom who represent and present the higher light, the present truth for the time.

And here we speak of the present higher truth of Jesus Christ at the very last chapter before the end of this earth and the second arrival of Jesus Christ.

So we see the King of the North is out of sync, "his" doctrine is not in the category of present higher truth, but rather outdated and in the category "old, immature and fallen." Presenting the old, immature law, covenant and order as if it should be the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order of Jesus Christ. Refusing to repent and surrender his kingdom, His character to Christ and His true new, everlasting law, covenant and order. The Holy covenant. The Holy mountain, the everlasting rock, not cut out with human hands. Not a law or character or doctrine, by the power or spirit of creation, but by the power, the law and spirit of God, the Creator.

Parallel verse:

Daniel 2: 34-35: While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.” Daniel 11:45: Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him." So in Daniel 11:45, it is speaking of the King of the North mindset and philosophy, its character, which is his kingdom. He, this kingdom has recently defeated the King of the South in terms of power and popularity. While both are controlled by the unholy trinity, 666, the beast and Babylon.

Dan 11:27 The two kings, with their hearts bent on evil, will sit at the same table and lie to each other, but to no avail, because an end will still come at the appointed time.»

The iron and clay represent a kingdom of the law and spirit of self, of this world. A kingdom built on sand, the temporal, lesser things. So it represent self righteousness, the righteousness of this world, of the old, immature human character. Which is also the image of the beast. And the rock is the everlasting rock, representing the new, everlasting law, covenant and order and the righteousness of Jesus Christ. The Image and kingdom of Jesus Christ who will conquer all.



While I mostly do not use outside sources apart from the bible and sometime Ellen White, I will still recommend this article from Biblical research institute that I discovered when reseraching about verse 45. I do not agree with all their views on the king of the south, as I have taken it a few steps further. Read about my view in the article "King of the North and South. Right-wing vs. Left wing philosophies."


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