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This overly cuddly Christianity where one avoid and flee from all that is challenging and that costs something, is as little of God as the Christianity that condemns and judges coldly from the outer factors like race, nation, genes, status, health status, gender. And where they believe everything they received in their childhood faith should not be challenged and there is no development. But that God will reward those who were stuck in their traditions and never advance forward.
If we receive the love and grace of Christ, we would also naturally produce fruit. For faith without works is dead. And if the love of the Father is in us, one will naturally start to hate the character and kingdom of this world. So those who state we can all relax as we are safe if we only believe, you then choose selfishness, or making excuses leaving most of the work for others. We saw the same in the example with James White where he got very sick due to overwork as many refused to help him. God allowed this to test people's hearts. That is not love. We have been given a mission, and God can use everyone. If he can use me, he can use you. Slothful Christianity when time is drawing to a close, is not true Christianity.
If everyone could just do as they please, no work would be done and we could just as well have been without these 6000 years. Trying to portray all this work and cooperation between humans and divine beings and God as it it did not really matter much anyway, is offensive and does not come from God. God would never allow all of this just to say, it did not really matter, it would have been just as well if you spent your time on selfish activities and worldly entertainment. That would make God a liar and someone who would just use people and then throw them off as used towels, as if it was nothing.
When people suffer for the sake of the truth, when they endure because of the sake of the truth, it all matters. If it did not, it would all be pointless. We manage it by the grace of God, but it is still suffering and very hard. We do not become robots, or stop feeling pain or exhaustion. To think God would just brush all that suffering of the saints as if it was nothing, would make him cruel. That would ruin God's reputation and make him more like Satan's "do what thou wilt as long as you are happy" does not matter what you would give him the attributes of Satan rather. And then we would all be in deep trouble.
Or that Christ would suddenly now say" Well, I asked you to take up your own cross and drink the bitter cup. But now that you have carried it for so long, suffered and endured, I just like to tell you, you did not really have to. It was not necessary to follow after me or walk in my footsteps after all. It was not necessary to obey my commands or my spirit. Can you imagine Christ could ever be that mean? He would then have been a pathetic liar and Satan, not Christ. That is the religion of Satan, not Christ.
Read Hebrews 2. It is because of us enduring the trials and tribulations and discipline by faith, in addition to receiving His atonement on the cross, that He allows, that he will not be ashamed to call us his brothers and sisters. Because grace and the cross has a two-fold purpose. To remove one, the cross is destroyed.
"Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all." - Hebrews 12: 7-8
"God “will repay each person according to what they have done.”7 To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honorand immortality,he will give eternal life.8 But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil,there will be wrath and anger."
Romans 2:6-8
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
Ephesians 2:10
It is worst when it severely affects God's reputation and kingdom.
Also, not wanting to abandon such a cruel doctrine as an eternally burning chamber of torture (eternal hell) for all those who end up lost, or those who think God will abandon all those who are ill if they do not manage to get healed, is a good example of the latter. And we see that those who doubt and almost caress these gruesome, unbiblical lies often have their own hearts destroyed by evil. Because they loved the lie higher than the Truth.
Nobody needs to hold on to a lie, nobody needs to get stuck, if I managed to escape these mind prisons from the father of lies by receiving the truth of Christ, so can you if you want to, if you keep fighting and never give in.
For this is a war between Truth and Lies, between injustice and justice, between love and hate. If you only cherish a little lie, that lie can do infinite damage to the Universe and its inhabitants. The war between the false and true Christ will continue all the way to the end of the age, which fortunately is just around the corner.