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Fire balls destroying larger cities. A wider interpretation.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 1. mars 2022

Fire balls raining down, destroying larger cities. End time prophecy by Ellen G. White.

- Tongues of fire that came over the Apostles during the early rain at Pentecost. This was the power of the Holy spirit. Notice it has to do with speaking messages of truth.

- Elijah at Mount Carmel. Fire came down from heaven in the sight of men as a miracle from God that defeated the prophets of Baal, or the false prophets. Notice that the false prophets could be Christians who are still not born again, who are under the old law and covenant. The law of the letter.

- Rev 13:13 speak of counterfeit miracles like fire coming down from heaven. This is a reference to the true miracle of God at Mount Carmel. So these are powers and miracles that previously has only been attributed to God.

Since we have a global society on the world wide web on social media, the cities could be the noisy and chaotic environment on various groups or by discussions on various fb, youtube and twitter profiles. Particularly Christian groups and profiles.

So we have counterfeit and true words and messages being preached and discussed. This is spiritual warfare.

The counterfeit are the words and messages that come from the hearts =kingdoms =characters of those who are still under the old law and covenant. That is also the law of the letter. The true tongues of fire are those words and messages being proclaimed by those who have advanced forward to the new law and covenant, which is also the holy covenant and the holy mountain.

The holy tongues of fire have received the latter rain, and the words that come out from their mouths destroy the unholy tongues born of unholy fire.


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