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God reveal light gradually. Part 1.

Oppdatert: 18. mar. 2022

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(Please use Google translator if you have a difficult time understanding the English language, It should be sufficient in order to comprehend the message). It takes time to get adjusted to the “bright light”. And it takes time and effort to overcome the spirit of this world, which is only achieved with cooperation with God in His disciple school. Learning to know God, obey His word and teachings, His Law with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Incorporating standards and principles of the heavenly government. The more the world and self is removed from our heart, the more we will be able to tolerate the light, and the purer and deeper truths.

All of these are choices and actions that are free for all, yet it is a hard process, involving fiery trials to purify our inner soul. And only possible in and with God. We must surrender more and more of the things representing the spirit of the prince of this world, which is the arch-enemy of souls and of Christ. This is particularly evident in the Gospels and the letters of Paul.

One must get closer to the heart of Jesus, which means to be filled increasingly with His word, His law and His holy spirit, in order to discern the Word correctly. Therefore, one cannot cheat in the school of Christ. That's is how advanced and brilliant His Higher school is. The 144,000 will receive a richer supply of the Holy Spirit, because they are faithful. This include that they do not simply adhere to traditions and the "old", but receive new light and “follow the lamb whereever He goeth”. Revelation 14:4. In this way God can more easily test, try us and challenge us. Just as He did with the Pharisees, but also His own disciples. But if we do not accept new, true light, we are at risk of becoming exactly like the Pharisees, who thought it was safe to stick to the old, to traditions. The Bible move from the Old covenant and testament to the New covenant and testament. From darkness to increased light. From the Old Testament with all the shadows, the literal, to increased spiritual significance. Though we are not to spiritualize away the Law. Christ came to fulfil, not to abolish the Law. That means to make it more complete and with a deeper and more profound significance.

"Like the rules of food and drink and of all kinds of purification, these are only external regulations, which apply until the time when everything should be put in proper order." - Hebrews 9:19

Speaking of the Old, immature law and covenant: “The law has only a shadow of the things that are to come, not things themselves as they really are.” - Hebrews 10: 1

God challenges us all the time. And He does it among other reasons to test and purify our hearts, in order for us to be able to identify our own demons. Meaning, everything that is not in harmony with the law and spirit of God, and what He represents. This could be different prejudices, pride, envy, vengeance, strife, disobedience, partiality and so on. Then we can surrender these spiritual demons to Him, who remove them, so that we can see and discern more clearly and understand God and His truths with greater fullness. Thus love and truth go hand in hand, and cannot be separated, even though the adversary does everything in his power to confuse this. Read: 1 Corinthians 1-3, Heb: 6: 1, Heb. 9-10, Revelation. 14: 1-5

A name is just a name, a label is just a label. It is the content that matters most, and the actions behind it. God is not impressed with lip-service only. If we truly love Him and believe in Him, we would also as a natural consequence want to obey and follow his commandments, and want to become changed in His image. Examples in the Bible: Ephesians 3:1-11. 2. Cor 3:14-18. Hebrews 6. Think of the time before, and after Christ arrived. There was an apparent shift in focus from the literal and figuratively, representing the shadows, to a more spiritual, more complete understanding of truth. A shift from the old covenant to the new. Although God has always saved His people in the same manner: by faith and developing the spiritual heart and mind, in obedience and with the spirit of God. But they had a veil over their eyes and could not obtain the same light as later generations, and particularly the generations living after Christ, and more so these last generations in an era of much light. This veil is what Christ attempted to free them from. But many of the religious leaders were so stuck in their ways and taking pride in their traditions, that they rejected the light. The light that came into the world, that could have removed the veil from their eyes, so they could have discerned the true significance and meaning of their rituals and ceremonies.

Rather they refused to listen and attacked and accused the light, which was Jesus Christ. Their hearts were too dark to be able to appreciate and welcome this light. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." -John 1:5


Genuine truth/light is revealed in stages, and is expanded and expounded upon. This is purposely or not fought against by trying to cut asunder truth and light, and hence rejecting it, in every stage. Then blocking it out from their memory. Hence, when the truth is expounded upon in the next stage, and you would then be able to understand it more clearly, they have already by rejecting part 1, part 2, part 3 and so on, in every stage, completely blinded themselves to the apparent and obvious revealed truths. Also, when one truth is later revealed or expounded upon, in stages, one can detect small misunderstandings as you get a clearer picture. From being able to see through muddy glasses, to clearer and clearer glasses, and as such be able to reach a clearer view and perspective and deeper, fuller understanding of the matter.

You will not be able to perceive and discern these truths clearly, if you have such “demons” or "cancer" spots in the particular issue at hand. You may comprehend and understand much in other areas, but in one or a few areas, you could be undiscerning to almost "blind" still”. Sadly, we are often taught to fight truth in this manner. Who is the prince of this world? And does he love or hate the truth? The spirit of this world, which is not quite the same as the world at large, and receiving and believing its doctrines, the more one is possessed by it, hate vehemently truth. Satan have no problem with "Babylon", which means a mix of truth and lies, or a counterfeit to the truth. People just do not understand the nature of it, and that all people are more or less under a Babylonian drunkenness and brainwashing, and have more or less, to some degree, bought into these deceptions. The deceptions that come from the arch enemy run deep, and hence it is so difficult to later accept a truth or a correction. Many deceive by being themselves deceived. By their own present state, and by choosing a wrong course of action for the present time or subject at hand. If you think you are exempt to this, and protest immediately, think again how easy it was for the most devout followers of Christ to suddenly slip, like the case of Peter. Are you sure you are so much more righteous right now than Peter was at the time? Do not count on it.

In the end one can start then to wonder if even Satan himself, the arch deceiver, will be able to deceive even himself. By his own strategies, methods and counterfeit theories and lies? "..and Satan himself is converted after the modern order of things..." ? (Great Controversy page. 588)

«A Call to Maturity: «Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God,». -Hebrews 6:1 THE PICTURE (TRUTH OF GOD) IS LIKE PUZZLE-PIECES MADE WITH PRECIOUS GEMS, BEING REVEALED GRADUALLY IN TIME, TO MAKE THE PICTURE MORE AND MORE COMPLETE, WITH A DEEPER DIMENSION. What does "more fully" mean? It means: a deeper significance, more spiritual, set in a more complete, deeper dimensional picture. It will make the truth deeper, yet plainer, more complete. This happens increasingly, if we advance in our sanctification. So what is being proclaimed later on, after more light has been revealed, does not mean that those who have preached a truth in parts, or in an incomplete picture, that it has been erroneous to do so. No, God arranged it this way. He reveal truth in stages. It was meant to be. We are only expected to live up to the available light of today. "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” -1. Corinthians 13.9-12 In time, the more comprehensive interpretation and meaning is revealed. The more literal stories function as figures and types, where the more mature understanding was veiled until the fullness of time. " which things are an allegory" Galatians 4:24 (Read Galatians 4:3-31, for an example of such interpretation in the Bible.) Again, the literal functioned as a figure/type for the deeper and more important meaning. "Gather the precious rays of light shining around you and focus them in one blaze upon the Word, and truths hidden from the casual reader will stand forth plainly and distinctly. All over the field of revelation are scattered grains of gold—the sayings of the wisdom of God. If you are wise you will gather up these precious grains of truth." That I may know Him, p 202 This refers to the deeper meaning of the word. This is very different from numerical codes like mystical religions, that Kabbalists and the like are performing, which are Satanic in nature. Very important to know the difference here.

Literal circumcision in the flesh, versus spiritual circumcision in the heart, is one such good example, of finding the hidden, deeper, spiritual meaning in the Word that represent true light. See Romans 2:28-29.

However, sticking to the shadows, when new light has been revealed, and rejecting new light, is the error that the Pharisees did. What is the fruit, the consequence of a doctrine? Does it uplift Christ? His character, His Law, built upon Divine Love according to His criteria and standards? Does it make the truth, the picture more complete and harmonious? Will this truth help people better discern the path of salvation? When we are filled more and more with His Holy spirit, we will discern more of the hidden treasures in the word of God. "these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the DEEP THINGS OF GOD." 1. Corinthians 2:10. We must differentiate between a deeper/spiritual meaning versus a mystical interpretation, like mystery religions, Kabbalah and esoteric religions. Although we have a duty seeking to understand the mysteries in the Bible which are the deeper truths, it is the mystical interpretations in the sense of say Bible codes and kabbalistic and esoteric we must guard against. False light will often turn the gospel on its head, or destroy the meaning, if we take it to its logical conclusion. It will not add up, and it will not make the truth more precious or more complete, which it should. But since truth is revealed gradually, the veil is getting more and more transparent, so it might be a bit confusing until it is more fully explained. This is why we must not reject something too quickly, or reject it after the standards of the world. If you do, your brain will forget the message, and then when more light comes, that build on the former, you have thrown some of the puzzle pieces in the garbage can, and you will not be able to comprehend or see the image, when more puzzle pieces are brought to the surface. This is how atheists often brush off God's truths, because they do not see it or get it right away. Same goes for many Christians stuck in traditions.

I believe this principle could also be true with regards to Biblical Prophecies. Layers of interpretation from literal to more spiritual. Think of the literal Jews and literal Israel, which is the most "superficial" and literal interpretation as you can get. Then we have spiritual Jews and spiritual Israel as the fuller, deeper and more spiritual interpretation. From shadows to increased light. Where in the body is the warmth located? Where do we start to freeze more quickly? In the fingertips or the inner organs, and the heart? In the outer or inner, the center? God's truths move from shallower to deeper, literal to more spiritual, with time. From veiled to revealed. In time with regards to the Christian church. But also individually, in our sanctification process from immaturity to maturity. This requires a fuller measure of the spirit. Spiritual things are spiritually discerned, with the aid of grace, undeserved power from the holy spirit.

There is a limit though concerning certain things. We can not spiritualize away the Law and commandments of God, including the Sabbath Day, although that too will get deeper and fuller, more spiritual. But we can not remove it. “Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill it”. -Matt 5:17. You find much support for this in the book of Hebrews, Corinthians 1 and 2, Ephesians chapter 3 and 4, to mention some. Also TRUTH versus REALITY according to the word of God, is not always the same. Nor should we confuse the reality of this world (and that kind of truth) with the Truth itself, which is in Jesus Christ and His kingdom. His law and spirit. For example; pollution, sickness etc, are not part of the Truth, but part of the reality of this world. We should not mix these. Although some of the realities of this world are part of the Truth. There is still some love, mercy, kindness, courage, etc. to be traced. The truth with a capital "S" represents light, not darkness. Even if some turn light into darkness and vica versa. The reality of this world consists of both, until God will put an end to all darkness.

Why God seemed so harsh at times, including in the Old Testament; One possible and quite obvious reason is that he needed to be very strict when it came to obedience and health because of the emergency of the time. And because he had to prevent the formation of too much disease, so that mankind did not exterminate itself long before the arrival of the Messiah's, about 4000 years after the fall of mankind and the introduction of sin, suffering and death. Another reason may also be to be able to test and try the law of God versus the law of the prince of this world. And to test hearts to see if they choose to stay in the dark or accept available light. To be able to test this, we must have experienced both darkness and light. In order to receive the light, one must first have experienced the darkness. Therefore, the Christian's journey is on a path that go from immaturity and darkness, to maturity and increased light. This is also the development and journey of God's people throughout history. From the old and immature covenant to to new mature covenant. A fallen or "immature" church and fallen or immature Christian worship a false god (a fallen angel) because they base it merely on what they "see", They walk by sight, rather than by faith. By the flesh, rather than the spirit. All the obvious, physical manifestations and focus their attention primarily on the blessings of this life. But we are asked to base our worship, not only because of the current benefits of this life, but through the belief in what lies ahead, particularly after this life. As well as the pearls of truths in the word of God that the world at large do not value as highly. To believe in a God whose kingdom is not of this world. His ways and truths involve denial and often require suffering and tribulation in this earthly life, in this world where we are wanderers in the wilderness and "foreigners." His ways are of everlasting value, and far greater, not just limited or bound to this life and the material "here and now." It is not about us removing and completely ignoring the outer and earthly, but that we have the right overfocus and main focus. It is about the condition of the heart. Here it is God who judges, not man.

Although Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever, his truths are gradually revealed in layers through time, as an image seen first in 2D, then it is gradually seen clearer and deeper and more completely, in 3D to 4D to 5D and so on, by accepting more accessible light, truth, also depending on both time and place / context. God's truths, just like an image that can be seen in 2 dimensions and later in 3 dimensions, become deeper. The truths go from literal and physical to more and more spiritual and with deeper dimensions (multidimensional). That way, one and the same person can read the same Bible verses, but it's like reading a new book. How one reads it depends on one's current spiritual state.

Note: This is completely different from modern spiritualism's doctrine of "ascension" and energy work, where they try to go from 3D and upwards to higher dimensions. This is about energies, and building their tower to heaven in the form of higher vibrations, in the flesh, and is a great deception and distortion of the truth. While it is of some value, it is still not to be our main focus. The reason I use expressions like 3D and that it goes up in higher dimensions is precisely because I see that God often has a truth related to Satan's imitations, especially in the great end time counterfeit of modern spiritualism. One must again, look at the content, more than the labels. Many people think they have arrived and have all the truth, but we are expected to be open to receiving more light when it arrives, and it always comes in ways we do not expect and are prepared for. As it happened to the Pharisees in Jesus' day. We will always be challenged (tested and tried) by God, until we achieve victory where we have been so filled with Him who is the Truth, that our house will be able to stand even during the worst of storms. In the counsel and warning to the Laodicean church, we can read: "You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see." -Revelation 3:17-18 "these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. (...) "What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us." "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit." -1. Corinthians 2: 10,12,14


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