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God is Light

Forfatterens bilde: Linda Avdiel Aanestad HauglandLinda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland

Oppdatert: 10. nov. 2022

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Light often apppear as darkness, and darkness as light. We are not supposed to end up loving darkness, where darkness is the cheap, the easy, self indulgence, character weakness, the boring,shallow, the mundane etc. But we will sometimes have to go through days and periods of darkness in order to better appreciate the light. Which is God.

We can get accustomed to darkness, so we become less sensitive to it, but our goal is not to become desensitized at all. Rather we should become sensitive to it, so we need less of it for it to appear really dark.

So we can be inside a very dark room with no windows and yet have heaven.

But no, the goal is not to become desensitized to it. That is to succumb to the darkness and evil. The darkness should feel dark and the light as light. So we better know what is of God and what is not.

So no, our goal should always be to strive for a strong character or maintain the character we have received on the road least traveled, the very narrow and challenging way of the cross, Via Veritas Vita.

Our desire should always be in the direction of God and heaven. Not hell. Which is this earth right now.

"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." -John 1:5

No, we are not to love sin, we are not to love darkness.


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