God is love (Two main commandments, with the highest priority on loving God and what He represent first: the Creator, the inner, divine, higher, holier, everlasting and the second commandment on second place: loving creation, the seen, shallower).
His government, His Universe is built upon this law. Whoever breaks the law is guilty and deserve punishment. A being who cherish sin in his heart and do not repent, must eventually die. For the penalty of sin is death. Sin is a virus that pollute, cause suffering and destroy everything in the Universe. It harms both the Creator and creation. Even Christ after he became the Son of man I believe, if he should sin and not repent.
There is only two spirits ruling:
the holy spirit and the unholy, satanic spirit.
Those who are opposed to God's spirit and law must die. You must be sealed with the Holy Spirit, which is also God's law, which is the divine Character. That is the only way you can be fitted for the new earth.