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“God will send them strong delusions…” Wait, is that not Satan’s job? God allow for temporary evil suffering, so all could be fulfilled. 1. We established there must be a true counterfeit, Sananda Jesus (Satan). Who fell and who tempted the first humans to fall into sin and who also tempted, tormented and murdered Jesus Christ. Or else, Mankind would not have fallen into sin by falling for Satan's deceptions in the garden. Jesus would not have had to sacrifice himself for the human race. Christ was confronted with the angel, Lucifer/Satan in the wilderness. He was then a human being tempted by Satan who was still an angel. If Satan is not an angel with his own agenda, then he would not have tempted humans to fall into sin, and Christ would not have had to come to this earth, sacrificed himself, dying for our sakes. In order for us to be sanctified, it happens because of the Creator's love for the human race, which was perfectly demonstrated at the cross. We love because He first loved us. We are saved by faith in His love, in His sacrifice. This is how we receive grace. Then we must take up our cross to be truly saved, sanctified from the law and spirit of sin, of the flesh, of this world. Hence the two fold purpose of grace, and of the cross.
2. So there must then be a Satan, a fallen angel with his own agenda since 6000 years plus, who receive tremendous power to deceive and reach a climax in his agenda to deceive the whole world around this time . It is he who is seeking to dethrone God and Christ.
3. Then the next very tricky question is if God is somehow controlling also Satan, including the murder of Jesus Christ and also the grand Satanic attack against me in 2018 (or starting slowly from 2011 ) in that Satan is controlled by his own choices and his own heart. Since God knows what a lack of himself (777) is, namely 666. So that all could be fulfilled, both the sacrifice of Christ for the human race, and for the birthing of the higher doctrine of Christ, the loud cry message, for these last days? But that it did not had to happen were it not for their choices, as we all have free will. Both angels and mankind ?
So in this sense they may seem to be one and the same, but there are two
And what Satan perform is still for very different agendas and end goals, compared to that of Christ. Christ can not have the same end goal as the counterfeit, because that would mean he is not Christ. So they may perform similar/same actions, but with different end goal. It is the end goal of Satan that make him truly evil, while Christ allow it for a limited time with a promise to end all suffering and evil for all living beings on the day of judgment. Then there will be full stop.
See more in my articles in the series:
"God's character defended" and "Kingdom of God vs. The world." 5. The counterfeit Christ (Satan) who have received so much power in these end days, and believe he is now God, is not dead yet. Remember, he is a close counterfeit: - Sanctifier - Savior /Benefactor - Brother / "flame" He is still around, he has not surrendered yet. According to prophecies he will not even surrender at Christ's second coming, so according to prophecies it will then certainly not take place before the appointed time. Just because God /Christ probably also control the counterfeit Christ/ Satan (due to his own choice) there are still two! And it will continue to be two main alternatives, Satan vs Christ. So forget about the idea that suddenly Christ is both sides. He is still part of 777 (the Holy trinity), not 666 (the unholy trinity) just because He understand what evil is and can arrange and control the activities of Satan and the fallen angels, He control both sides depending on their own free will choice, I believe. I am still slightly unsure of this. Bible verses that supports this: 2 Thessalonians 2:11
"And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:"
“Now therefore, speak to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord: “Behold, I am fashioning a disaster and devising a plan against you. Return now every one from his evil way, and make your ways and your doings good.”
-Jeremiah 18:11
“I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.” Isaiah 45:7
While we normally think of Satan as the one who arrange deceptions and delusions, in this verse it states that it is God who send them strong delusions. Which support the idea that God control also Satan and the fallen angels, while still not representing the acts they perform (in fact He hates it, but allow it for a limited period of time), but that they are never forced to commit evil, they are never forced to lie or participate in evil deeds.
6. So God is not both good and evil, He is not both light and darkness. He is the Father of Light and represent the kingdom of light. But as it seems also from Scripture God understand what a lack of himself, a lack of light and genuine truth is, so He can arrange evil, darkness and delusions for a limited period of time, until all of the character and law of 666, of the unholy trinity shall be forever destroyed.
7. Neither does this mean that God and Christ changes, they just allow for evil for a limited period of time for the sake of the truth, for the sake of God’s holy law.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.» James 1:17
8. Suffering did not have to happen. It was introduced due to creation’s free will choice. Both angels and man. God came with warnings, but when first the damage was done and sin and suffering was introduced, God also had a back-up plan for the redemption of the human race by the two fold purpose of the cross, where testing, trials and suffering is part of the sanctification, salvation freedom from the slavery of sin. If creation had chosen otherwise, God would not have had to execute his back-up plan which involved the sacrifice of His beloved and only begotten son, Jesus Christ.