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How Satan tries to reverse the victory of Jesus Christ, and make himself the winner by false buzzwords and his own theories and standards.
Satan, who is behind every deception and lie, tries to turn all truth on its head.
Satan is trying to turn the battle between him and Jesus on its head in these last days and attempts to make Jesus look like the liar by obscure methods. How?
In what condition was Jesus when he confronted Satan in the wilderness?
Was he rested and healthy? Or was he exhausted? Jesus was exhausted after spending 40 days in the wilderness, fasting. So we know for sure that he was exhausted. He had little energy left. Satan's favorite religion and deception in these last days is modern spiritualism, which teaches that exhaustion and low energy = fear and depression. In addition, they categorize low energy as dark energy: as if Jesus had dark energy and was in a state of fear and hence connect fear with "lies.
Buzzword:" Fear is the liar ". Even if it was fear, it would still not be lies or dark / black. As if Satan here accuses Jesus of being "Dracula" and himself as an "angel of light" when he feeds on persecuting God's people and receiving energy in this way by his evil agenda - so that he get energy like a vampire for his agenda.
Know also that Satan try to achieve immortality by Spiritualism, more precisely Kabbalah, by trying to achieve unity among all, regardless of their faith, this he try to do by energy work, raising the energy/frequency among people, hence his happy human agenda, which is also why people who have lower energies and also those who choose to be separate as they believe in the one and only way of Jesus Christ, which is salvation from sin, as one of his worst enemies, yet he does need at least one or a few individuals who he needs to become all darkness according to his Satanic religion, in which one or several people would have to suffer unspeakable, conscious torment forever. In order to create the negative, the Yin, while the rest of humanity and the fallen angels will represent tha yang, the light, positive side. This is much of the reason for his happy human agenda. He try to create a gigantic lightbulb by energy fields, (with protons, neutrons and electrons), in order to achieve immortality and salvation for the human race IN SIN. Which is really the fallen angel’s and humans dream of Utopia/ heaven. Which is basically everlasting hell.
He also get Christians on his side if they refuse to receive the available light for this time, which is the higher doctrine of jesus Christ. They mainly fall by the theory of one-sided grace or salvation by works, in the flesh (legalism).
Then we see that he comes up with this theory that high energy is associated with enlightened beings and angels of love and light (again only in energy, even if that energy should be sucked out of those he, Satan, pursues like a vampire. In this way, Satan can appear as an angel of light, even though he is really black and cold on the inside. This is explained by the yin yang philosophy of darkness and light to achieve balance.
High energies are termed light, love and happiness.
Low energies are termed darkness, evil and misery. Note that this is according to the world and its standards, NOT according to the Bible and God. I posted a video about this, how they use this science and associate high energies as if it were a symbol of a saint, and low energies associated with anti-heroes. because we know that even Satan himself will appear as an angel of light (which means to follow these theories).
Notice also that Satan, who came in the form of an angel, had higher energy in the battles against Jesus, who was in human form, and in addition impoverished and tortmented. It goes without saying who would win if this should be the definition of winning, and the definition of being good, light and love.
It is incomprehensible that these theories and mantras are repeated countless times, even among Christians. Only brainwashing and witchcraft from Satan and the spirit of this world will be able to make a whole world, including a so-called Christian world fit to perform this turning operation. Or rather, the attempting to, even if they do not understand it themselves. By the way, not those who participated in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ did either. As a mass suggestion. Mass hypnosis. Remember that Satan managed to manipulate even 1/3 of holy, and very intelligent angels. So why do you think he should not be able to deceive and manipulate humans?
In any case, being a Christian is not a static state, but an active state where we walk, advance and receive available light. Failure to do so means that sooner or later we will be under the banner of a fallen church, with the fallen angel as the commander in chief. Believing it is still Jesus Christ they serve. Brilliant and highly advanced. But this is also according to scriptures. Even the very elect can be deceived.
Then they categorize the people they persecute (including God's saints) as the wicked, because they are exhausted and thus have low energies. So a complete reversal of everything we find in the Bible by his own misleading teachings and theories. So much so that he even tries to make Jesus Christ by this definition an anti-hero, simply by reversing everything that happened in the battle between himself and Jesus, for the simple reason that Jesus was exhausted! So he turns the battle into a battle about energies. Even though Satan and the fallen angels are leading the persecution of the saints to get his / their energies with his sadistic desires. Does this fit in with the Bible? Yes, in every way. If Satan can appear as an angel of light, he will also be able to appear as anyone. As we are warned: the apparant will be able to deceive, for Satan will APPEAR like an angel of light. If they had read Jesus' aura while he was completely exhausted, his aura would have been at the bottom level, it would mean that according to Satan's misleading theories, his aura would be in the area they refer to as "fear and depression / grief". Then they manage to come up with something far worse, namely to connect those who are exhausted with low energy, and thus in their interpretation as having fear (no, it is encephalitis with a number of symptoms) and then they say that "fear is the lie "... Making Jesus Christ into the liar and Satan. By Satan's own theories that is. Unbelievable, but true.
Exhaustion and low energy are interpreted by aura reading, but also by measuring neurotransmitters as if they are in fear and depression: But far worse, then they make the absurd parallel as if" exhaustion = fear = lies ".. .. There is no connection here .. To say that every time you feel very exhausted, you are a liar is such a meaningless sentence that one should not even have to analyze it in depth. It can not be further from the truth. Then you see how Satan and / or they who joins his favorite false religion: spiritualism, trying to make Jesus a liar just because he was exhausted when he fought Satan in the desert? That's exactly Satan's goal!
If it is not bad enough, Satan and his hosts both millions of fallen angels (who appear as angels of love and light) and millions of people who have joined them in some way and often without knowing what they are participating in, perhaps before it is too late The Luciferian, spiritualistic agenda is to make Lucifer / Satan the winner and the final king (which in turn appears to the deceived masses as an "angel of light ", not just an angel, but as Christ himself. All strategically arranged by Satan himself to introduce his Luciferian order, which is his Luciferian Utopia / Satanic version of heaven.
Satanic forces can not only falsely insinuate that Jesus was the liar, by being in a state of severe exhaustion. He can do something far worse. He manage to call Jesus' unthinkable things as serious exhaustion as I have heard, is very falsely related to all sorts of things. Remember how even then they tried to accuse Jesus of being a Beelzebub and practicing witchcraft. Accused him, the archenemy of Satan, of being a Satanist.
Do you see how Satan operates, and everything is lies and deception and manipulation and the magic of this world of the highest order? So here he attacks indirectly and tries to destroy Jesus himself and call him the worst of labels, just because Jesus was physically weak and in a state of exhaustion. He tries to turn around the battle he had with Jesus in the desert, and tries to establish that Jesus did not win after all, simply because Jesus was exhausted, and then he has tried hard afterwards to come up with all these misleading theories that relate exhaustion to all these accusations. So by this strategy alone he is trying to make Jesus the loser in the battles and himself the winner!
This is also how Satan make use of some psychological models to target the typical Bible heroes and later saints, and destroy their character and work, by their erroneous analysis that comes directly from themselves. Jung admits to having been influenced by a spirit guide called "Philemon". This was no doubt a fallen angel who knew that they would use these theories to black paint Bible heroes, prophets, Christians, and even Jesus himself. I do not even need to address spiritualism, we all know where it comes from. The accusations against Jesus (directly or indirectly) and biblical heroes, prophets and God's workers are extremely refined and advanced in this modern age, as Satan and his army have been collecting and developing ammunition and strategies and deceptions for more than 2,000 years since Jesus came the first time. Now they are trying to overcome Christ by attacking his followers and attacking conditions that not only Martin Luther struggled with, or a biblical hero, but even Jesus himself in the battles in the wilderness, namely severe exhaustion and lack of energy.
(I will post a seperate article on this soon). We also the the recent extensive attacks on Ellen White by Steve Daily using these methods and theories to paint her as Maleficent hetself.
".This is the OMEGA uprising, not just the Omega apostasy. They call it a satanic revolution and manage to use terms like" love "or" ReLovution ", when talking about high energies or what they refer to as JOY (joy of Satan) and do not even care if they are happy for sadistic reasons. This would be to gradually block all light from the Holy Spirit, and many of these people even mock the Holy Spirit openly. So you see how it has nothing to do with the biblical fruits or gifts of the Holy Ghost, and if they do not repent, they could end up commiting the unforgivable sin against the Holy Ghost.
To the gullible world who are not as keen on evil, he present this as the happy human agenda. A kinder version of his goal, with the majority completely clueless about the true nature and goal, hidden behind the surface of his banner concealed as “love and light and happiness”. This is why it is crucial not to aim at labels, but the ingredients and contents rather.
Satan tries to reverse the victory won by Jesus Christ in this end of age. How? He attempt this both by an overfocus on the physical and also mental, rather than having an emphasis on the spiritual. Also as I have already covered, by theories stemming from Satan revolving around energies, and also an overfocus on the physical and mental. In addition He also misapply feelings simply based on energies. In addition to this he use Occult theories, namely many Psychology models, and use them as weapons against both Christ and His people.
1. In the wilderness/desert In what condition? Physical and likely mental exhaustion. Yet: He won Spiritually, by the truth/word and guidance of the holy spirit.
2. In Gethsemane In what condition? Suffering from the transgression of sin; the sin of others. = physical and mental agony/suffering/pain. Also mental struggles like betrayal and loneliness. Yet: He won the 2nd battle against Satan and humanity, Spiritually, with the truth/word and the Holy spirit.
3. On Golgatha In what condition? Suffering from the transgression of sin; the sin of others. = physical and mental agony/suffering/pain. Mental: even to the point of feeling forsaken by both humans, His disciples and even by His Father in heaven. Yet: Christ won the 3rd and last battle against the accusations of Satan and humanity with the spirit of the world/Satan, Spiritually, by truth/the word. In the same manner: Satan also attack the people of God, those who have chosen Jesus as their Savior and Lord. One example would be, Martin Luther, who suffered with Meniere’s disease among other conditions. See list of symptoms. And also Ellen White who suffered with various illnesses. Where was John the Revelator when He was given the visions to write the last book of the Bible, The book of Revelation? How was the life of Paul, as a Christian evangelist? How was the life of Jeremiah as a prophet of God? So even if the ideal is for us not to suffer, in this life, however, we will suffer in one way or the other. And everyone who live godly in Christ Jesus is promised persecution and hardships. It is not about having a Christian life where you walk on roses, but that this current life which is very short in the scope of eternity, will best equip you if you walk the walk of righteousness, which is the way of the cross. No matter how many times you may fall in the ditch. In order for your heart to be renewed while you walk and learn from Him. Then you are better able to discern spiritually the truths and wisdom of God, develop your empathy and sympathy, so you can be better equipped to also reach out to others with the truth, the everlasting gospel and the 3 angel’s messages. And you can be victorious in the truth, in the Word of God, which is Christ Jesus. John 14:6. John 1.1 Not only are many too preoccupied with the physical and the present, temporal, here and now aspect (which again does not mean we are not to have any focus on it), vs the spiritual and everlasting aspect, regarding suffering. But also in terms of blessings and miracles. We are way too overfocused on how God will shield us from suffering and bless us in this life, rather than realizing it is so much more about the spiritual and everlasting end of suffering and profound blessings. Though we will have to endure more or less sufferings in this life, be it persecution, sickness, life crisis etc. Boasting too much about our physical health can be a danger as it can easily, though not necessarily, lead to pride, and if severe lead us into the same mentality to that of the nazis, who judged people based on physical characteristics, rather than the spiritual. “so that you may be able to answer those who boast about outward appearance and not about what is in the heart.» 2. Cor 5:12 What if they had done that to Christ? Would not Jesu Christ when he came as a man, and a Jew, not with perfect genes, not with a worldy esteemed “high” education, poor and even homeless much of His life, yet profoundly wise and a pure hearted, be a target and victim of the Holocaust? If you were to measure him after a wordly or occult/spiritualistic theories derived from Satan Himself, who hates Christ, who hates the truth and who hates divine love? Of course He would. And history is always repeating itself, only by the pretence of having learned from history, a much more monstrous worldwide agenda is happening in front of our noses. From Alpha to the Omega of apostacy.
In the Great Controversy we can also read in the chapter "Gethsemane" that when Christ suffered in the garden of Gethsemane from the burden of sins of others/mankind, angels were sent to lift His spirit. Yet it states, that even if His spirit was lifted and the depression escaped Him, He still suffered as much as prior. This does not mean that there are no physical sufferings that can accompany mental anguish, but too frequently the world try to blame everything on mental states. So you see how important it is to understand all of this when Satan is trying so hard to win over Christ and the saints by his (pseudo) sciences that simply measure energies, and can not measure your mental state and certainly not your spiritual state (even if it insist, but it can not, at best it can measure brain inflammation and neurological factors maybe, but not exact mental conditions or exact spiritual states. In fact from my experience, it does not even manage to differentiate between nausea and mental agony and joy! It can at best suggest. It is like letting a machine or computer try to judge the feelings of Christ. Can you not see how brutally absurd and erroneous this is?
Most importantly, it can not in any way, shape or form measure your spiritual condition, which is the most important condition of all. You can not by any means measure the spirit of God and your spiritual condition (ones character) after the Bible’s definition, by using the methods and science of this world or spiritualistic theories and abilities. And I will add very deceptive, that measures energy levels. Nor can you measure it by observation, because you can not see or judge the heart. Only God can truly judge it. Not Satan, not the world, not spiritualists, not even Christians.
You will know them by their fruits. Whether they believe God’s word or trust wholeheartedly in the deceptive sciences and methods and theories of Satan and world without Christ. Just like Eve eating of the forbidden fruit: the fruit of disobedience, distrust in God and His word, while accepting and buying into the lies and sciences of Satan. It should be obvious how wrong it is for an arch enemy and arch deceiver to try to arrest Christ with his own created false theories and dubious sciences, when he was struggling with physical and when struggling mentally, as if he then did not have the holy spirit. We speak of Jesus Christ who was the most holy and righteous man who has ever lived, filled with the spirit of God. He was God incarnate.
So you see how one can be victorious in Christ, with His spirit, by His truths, SPIRITUALLY, despite ones physical current condition, whether strong or exhausted and suffering. The Holy Spirit will oftem not remove the physical condition, He will give you spiritual power, to help you to conquer the spirit of the world and of the flesh, and of Satan and His accusations and accusers, DESPITE the physical or even sometimes mental suffering, despite the exhaustion. That is the miracle available to all who choose Christ and His ways, His truths. Satan has tried for 6000 years, plus, in every conceivable way to conquer the WORD/ CHRIST. Yet he always fails, for those who still have spiritually eyes to see that is. And if not, then I have no idea to what extent the spellbinding and spiritually drunkenness from the wine of Babylon can reach.
Matthew 25:40-45
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Why, because when he battled Satan, he was as the least in the eyes of the world (not to God though, who see things often as the opposite of how the world sees), physically very weak. If you are ready to condemn anyone as not being victorious simply because of an unhealthy overfocus on the physical and present "here and now" which is Satan's strategy and mindset, not Christ which says we are to have an emphasis on the spiritual aspect of man, and see things from an everlasting perspective, you do it also to Christ. .
"But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
-2 Cor 12:10
Even when he was physically weak, even during severe mental agony, He still gained the victory by the grace and spirit of God, over Satan, the fallen foe.
Jesus Christ was made lower than the angels.
Not only holy angels. Fallen angels are also still angels (not humans). “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man”. -Hebrews 2:9
How did Christ win over Satan? By the word, by the spirit and by humbling himself and suffer for the sake of others. And by His perfect character. "Christ was perfected by suffering" (Hebrews 2:10) Throughout eternity, the bruises and scars from the cross, will always be a reminder of the high cost to conquer the spirit of evil. Yet Satan, and the pharisees, who Christ referred to as the synagogue of Satan, rejected this light, they rejected the way, the truth and hence life eternal. They insisted on overfocusing on the outer cleanliness and the earthly sanctuary (Matthew 23), and refused to acknowledge the far more important Spiritual temple of heavenly, everlasting and true value. Christ expressed with sorrow in His soul: “Your house..”, made of hands and not of God, “is left unto you desolate”. It was their choice and their decision. He had tried to reach out, He had tried to explain, He showed them that His way was a way of humbling oneself and that His kingdom was not so occupied with the ceremonial and outer perfection as the inner purification of the heart. Christ was not afraid to show them His wounds, but they abused His innocence, and it pierced His soul with anguish. They took advantage of His way, his innocence, and his humility in stead. The path to heaven is to humble oneself and lift up God, and for us: Christ. And be filled with His truth and higher form of love. Saved from the spirit of the prince of this earth, because there is no salvation in any other name, than in that name, Jesus Christ, and all that which that name entails. Not the competitor spirit of his arch enemy, the enemy of souls, who try to convince everyone of his own ways.
And all the world followed after the beast…In one way or the other. Because this foe has many roads to Babylon, to perdition and the second death for which there is no resurrection. Christ ‘s way is the narrow way, the hard way. The very challenging school of Jesus Christ. It takes complete surrender to Christ and what He truly represents. It is free, but it is not cheap. It is not of ourselves or anything we can do to work our way into heaven, but by grace through faith in Him.
The resurrection of Christ:
is also an evidence that Christ gained the victory over Satan in his earthen, human, vessel, during the most terrible affliction and darkness. His spiritual temple was not destroyed, although Satan hoped to have succeeded by the physical torment and killing and inflicting mental suffering to Christ. Betrayal, loneliness, mocking and deriding, being exposed to a world that did not discern His teachings and ways. Not even the disciples comprehended them fully, and most fell asleep and forsook Him towards the end of His journey. He even went through the experience and feeling that God had forsaken Him at one point. Yet, He did not lose His spiritual soul/temple = kingdom of heaven, even during the most severe pressure and suffering.
“My kingdom is not of this world”. God also build His temple by His grace in our inner nature, by us believing in Him who is the way, the Truth and the Life”.
Read also Ephesians 5:14.
"Sciences Pertaining to the Mind
In these days when skepticism and infidelity so often appear in a scientific garb, we need to be guarded on every hand. Through this means our great adversary is deceiving thousands, and leading them captive according to his will. The advantage he takes of the sciences, sciences which pertain to the human mind, is tremendous. Here, serpentlike, he imperceptibly creeps in to corrupt the work of God.
This entering in of Satan through the sciences is well devised. Through the channel of phrenology, psychology and mesmerism, he comes more directly to the people of this generation, and works with that power which is to characterize his efforts near the close of probation. The minds of thousands have thus been poisoned, and led into infidelity. While it is believed that one human mind so wonderfully affects another, Satan, who is ready to press every advantage, insinuates himself, and works on the right hand and on the left. And while those who are devoted to these sciences laud them to the heavens because of the great and good works which they affirm are wrought by them, they little know what a power for evil they are cherishing; but it is a power which will yet work with all signs and lying wonders—with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. Mark the influence of these sciences, dear reader, for the conflict between Christ and Satan is not yet ended...." SELECTED MESSAGES BOOK 2, PAGE 352 -------- Added february 2022:
I think we also see here the extent of the probably greatest of all abominations and omega of apostacies and the omega of rebellion has reached. The rotten fruit of the law and spirit, the character of the beast and Babylon, of 666, of the unholy trinity, must have reached a maximum abominable level by now.
We see how the enemy of souls attack both from the left, but perhaps even more so from the right.
The left, are connected to spiritualism and its father by denying the only true way of Jesus Christ by refusing to surrender their cheap view of grace, and embrace the fuller grace and law of faith. But most profoundly we see it from the far right, from the King of the North, who often resort to salvation by works of the flesh. We see how the prosperity gospel and also the Daniel plan has crept in to the churches. In some camps, and perhaps more profoundly than in any other church, we see how many who place themselves in the conservative right wing camp, have a very exaggerated focus on physical health for salvation. This is to rely greatly on the flesh for salvation, which is the same sin as modern spiritualism who's religion and sanctificatoin consist mainly of salvation by higher energies. And now we see how choosing the broad path, either to the left or to the right, of the only safe straight and narrow path, indirectly or directly attack Jesus Christ and His New, everlasting law, covenant and order. And to attack the true servants of Christ, like we have seen with the recent example of Steve Daily's socalled psychoanalysis of Ellen G. White, which is more in the category of a serious attempt at character assasisination, is to attack Christ Himself.
By using the lower, the shallower, the immature, the worldly, the fleshly, the righteousness of self to severely attack the righteousness of Christ. To use the lower wisdom, joy, love, peace and justice against the higher versions available for the present time. Choosing the temporal over the everlasting. Worshiping creation, over God, the Creator.
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Entire series "Apostacies and Deceptions"