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Christ can set us free from the bondage and mind prisons of Babylon.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 3. aug. 2023

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The Immature “Christian” or immature people of God, is the same as those of the spirit of the world and the flesh (the natural). We go from walking in accordance to the old law and covenant, where we walk by sight. To the new law and covenant, where we walk by faith. From literal and incomplete (typical/formal age with types, figures and shadows) to the more spiritual, deeper/richer, more complete and mature (antitypical age).

The literal is also the typical. (TYPES)

Old covenant Law of the letter, in the flesh (this include by inheritance and genes). It represent judging by apparant, outward factors like race, nationality, genes, gender, status etc, according to Galatians 3:26-29.

Example: literal jew, by nationality, race, by genes.

New Covenant

Law by the spirit, through faith.

Example: spiritual Jew, by the grace and spirit of God, through faith. In the innermost court. The spiritual heart and mind. (Romans 2:28-29 and Galatians chapter 3)

The Old law and covenant represent the Immature people of God. Paul says that the immature Christian is like a person filled with the spirit of the world. See 1. Corinthians chapter 2 and 3.

They are entangled with the smaller things, the minor affairs, the shadows, that are contrary to the spirit and the TRUE LAW of God. This is like building your house on sand. They are obsessed with genes, nationality, race, gender, all contrary to Galatians 3:26-29.

While those who progress in the baptism of fire (sanctification), or when they progress, are filled increasingly with the holy spirit of God, will seek the DEEPER/RICHER things, "even the deeper things of God" . Including how we understand the word of God. (1. Corinthians 2:10)

So, Romans 8 and Galatians 3, do speak of the same law and spirit. Because they are focused on the shallower, representing the earthly/worldly. See also Galatians 4. (see part 1 in the series on "The Old vs the New Law, covenant and order. Part 1" for an in depth studiy and explanation on the two laws and covenants, including Galatians 4.

“But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. “ 1. Cor 2:10-14

Compare with Romans 8. The spirit of the flesh (natural), the literal, world and death VERSUS the spirit and law of God and life.

Past revealed truths, can become Adulterated “truths” in the present. It all depends on the time and context. People overfocus again on the physical aspect and the material, the apparent (how things seem and how the world see and judge matters). The Hedonistic/pagan god is a god of the elementary forces of nature. The natural, the “fleshly”, the material. They are also only or mostly focused on this life, the here and now. Hence they do not live by faith in the unseen and the everlasting. This is in the category of nature worship (witchcraft of this world) and also encompass humanism, as in a sense it worship humanity. Paul’s Concern for the Galatians

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know God—or rather are known by God—how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable forces? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you." Galatians 4: 8-11

The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth.” John 3:31 The truths of the Bible move from physical, literal to more and more spiritual, more heavenly, fuller, more plainer, yet advanced, more understandable, yet more comprehensive and deeper. The world is obsessed with everything carnal, material, and false or counterfeit love/charity, a counterfeit and false form of happiness etc. Where FALSE depends on the current affairs and matter of things) as it depends on the light that is currently available. We are in the age of extreme enlightenment, not in the dark ages. We also have the Bible at hand, both on the internet, on our cell phones and in book form. False is also to not receive the light that we can obtain, and thus make the mistake of trusting in traditions. They comfort themselves that it is okay to settle, thinking a past Christian hero was mightily used and thus saved, (which I am not at all objecting), but to think we have nothing more to learn or no more light to obtain, can if not shaken off become false at the present time. So what was considered present truth in the past, can become the current adulterated truth. Yet we are not to reject the pillars of truth, but notice that even these might and will become more fuller and comprehensive with time.

That is what characterize all the apostate/false churches and Christians. Those who have not received available light, and settle with yesterday’s idea of present truths. God’s truth go from shallower and more literal, to fuller and more spiritual and heavenly.

No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. These are those who did not defile themselves with women (apostate/adulterated churches), for they remained virgins. (because they are not chained to traditions, but. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. « Revelation 14:3-4

Satan knows Christ and the truth. He knows how the full and complete “image” look like. He is given permission to create a counterfeit so close that even the very elect can be deceived. He knows that in the end of time, the truth of the Bible will move more towards the spiritual and antitypical application of things, and so he has already created the counterfeit religion which is close to the genuine. It will in many ways APPEAR THE SAME. Because He knows already the TRUTH, and know many will be extremely suspicious. He can catch many in this manner, by FEAR, which leads to severe PREJUDICES. This again work like witchcraft/ MIND CONTROL, which leads some to become so full of suspicion and paranoia, that they end up in this very advanced and deceptive trap, of rejecting new light because you think the counterfeit means that the truth lies in the complete other direction. The most deceptive lies are the ones that closely counterfeit the truth, not the apparent ones.

This is WHY we need a fuller measure of the spirit of God (the latter rain) in order to find the DEEPER truths of the Bible, but NOT coded as in Kabbalistic. This will only be truly comprehended in these last days, when God will send a heavier measure of His spirit. The latter rain experience. This is the purpose and mission for the 144 000, to get so close to Christ that their spiritual demons/tumors has been identified and surrendered to Christ, and continue to do so, daily. But also preventing them from growing back. It is only by a more surrendered heart that we can escape the witchcraft and mind control, which is the condition as a natural consequence, when our hearts are far, or further away from the spiritual heart/mind of Christ. MIND CAPTIVITY is a consequence of being filled with the spirit of this world or Babylon. in heart and mind. To walk by sight, filled with the spirit and law of the beast, of babylon. This is to walk in accordance to the old, immature law and covenant. This is why we need to let go of the spirit of this world, so that Christ can fill us up to an increased degree with His spirit. This is how the mind blockages will be removed, so that as a consequence, our spiritual mind will become more enlightened by God.

Not the FALSE ENLIGHTENMENT or awakening we find in the spiritualistic religions. But His truths as they are when we have our spiritual glasses on. The glasses we need is His spirit, in order to comprehend truly and more deeply, the more heavenly, spiritual truths of God. Because the truths of God are revealed gradually, as in layers, from shallower to deeper and more comprehensive.

In this age of great deceptions and physical miracles, and an overfocus on the physical, the literal, the apparent, or the counterfeit spiritualistic, flourish.

A lower, limited form of love. And a counterfeit or worldly form of happiness, not the silent, inner and deeper form that comes from the true, non adulterated Christ. We need to get to a more thorough, deeper and spiritual (not spiritualistic) way of understanding God’s word and truths. This is to a great degree why we need the spirit of God. "

God’s grandest truths and miracles of every kind, will be more of a spiritual nature, and less of a physical or apparent nature. Because in increasing manner, Satan will counterfeit the physical, apparant miracles, so God will not make much use of the physical and literal nature of things, which include the nature of His miracles. Satan will appeal to “miracles” and “powers” of our senses, how things appear. This could deceive, even the very elect, and will convince people that he is God and the true Christ. Sitting in God’s temple thinking and shewing himself to be God, thus deceiving the whole world. Just because you do not fall for many of these deceptions, you can soon fall for the very powerful end time deceptions. The arch enemy of Christ has advanced all his methods, his technologies, his sciences, increasingly and will be given permission to perform mighty miracles, so powerful and convincing, you will think it is from God, from heaven. Revelation 13:13. You might be thinking: “But..only God can do that….”, not realizing how he has advanced his war, developed his technologies and sciences in every particular, and you will end up judging ahead of time, by how things appear. And end up judging by the standards of the world, or by past, incomplete truths. This is why we need a fuller measure of God’s spirit, and study the word diligently in order to truly detect this powerful deception. The only thing he will not be able to destroy is our spiritual heart and mind, if you stay close to Christ and His word and receive His grace daily, and reject the spirit of this world. And thus be able to detect the gigantic deceptions in this age. But it is a daily and ongoing process and battle. God’s ways and His salvation is not cheap, yet free and for all to obtain, by and in Him.

REAL TRUTH/LIGHT COMES IN STAGES, and is expanded and expounded upon. Read more on this in the two articles on this blog called (God reveal truth in stages, part 1 and 2). To be in continual prayer means that we have our hearts and mind directed towards the heavenly truths. And sometimes send up a petition to God. We should listen carefully and follow what he says, NOW, at the present.

Who is our God? A God only of the elementary forces, the forces of nature and of this earth? God is testing us to see where our heart lies. Are we more concerned about our physical muscles than our spiritual muscles? More impressed by physical, apparant miracles than the spiritual ones? I hope not. God is so much higher ,and so much greater, and His greatest miracles so much more profound and deep, long-lasting and of a spiritual and everlasting nature. And as E.G White said: God will not so much make use of physical miracles in the last days. But God will have miracles, but the miracles will often be of a deeper nature, both on the heart by us cooperating and study, and finding Him and His ways, His rules. He will remove the false gods and thus give us a fuller measure of his spirit, as the false idols, one by one, gradually will be identified and handed over to Christ, so He can open the

prison doors with his truths and spirit, and fill in the area in our heart where the false god of this world resided and held us captive. This is the true path of righteousness. And this life, online and offline, is what He engage us in, for all our sakes, His school of that will prepare us for the heavenly government.

- “Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.” - Revelation 14:1.”

In order to fit into the society of heaven, you need to have the law of everlasting love written on your mind and heart. Which is why things like hatred, prejudices, pride, aim for worldly success and riches etc, need to be removed by surrendering these spiritual demons to Christ, the master surgeon and healer of souls. This is the path of righteousness, this is what will shape your heart, and mold it more and more into the fashion of Christ, not the world. “No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins”. (meaning they have left the heresies/false teachings and not left behind their former, immature understanding belief of God/Christ/the word/the truth by not receiving new light, which is the definition of fallen/apostate churches). “It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes” (not bound by former beliefs: plain errors or immature versions of truth). “These have been redeemed from mankind” (meaning they have purified their hearts, so they can discern the truth for this time, which loosens the chains and open the prison cells and they can escape the mind control of this world by the spirit of this world/Satan), as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless.” – Revelation 14:3-5. (My comments are in brackets and green). We are asked not to just base our faith on the observable and apparent and that of temporal benefits, but because of faith. Faith in a God who is not of this world, and His ways and truths often require suffering and tribulation and persecution in this earthly life, to purify the impurities we have in our characters. His ways are of everlasting benefit and greater, not only limited or bound to the temporal and material and the here and now. While Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever, His truths are revealed in layers, gradually in time. Think of the difference from the understanding of the ancient, literal Israelites compared to the later apostle Paul. See Ephesians 3. Christ himself seemed like a revolutionary to the religious leaders in particular, as he challenged their understanding with regards to the law. However, he did not commit a sin, he did not break the law, only their traditions, and their refusal of not receiving the available present light, hence their old law and covenant understanding of it, With an overemphasis on the earthly, the outer, the ceremonial, the shadows and types. The death and resurrecton of Christ, mark a significant shift going from the old to the new law and covenant. From typical to antitypical. When we read God’s word, it will give us the image of Christ and the character traits that are His. And when we read how He is like, what His laws, criteria and standards are, we are to apply these truths in our hearts and life. With prayer and daily surrendering and asking to be filled with and led by His spirit, He will gradually remove all the false gods that are located there, that belongs to the spirit of the world. False gods, spiritual tumors or blockages, or spiritual “demons. These are the true and important demons which only Christ can exorcise, by His testing and trial process, that He allow for our benefit, and for the sake of His truths and His Law of Divine love.

The battleground is this world, both online, but even more so offline, when often the true colors of people come out in the open, and it often happens faster. Nobody wants to think they have any such spiritual “demons” left, but the “demons” are worldliness and the ways of this world: our natural heart/mind. To be under the banner of the old law and order, to become stuck and not advancing forward. And many think they have arrived and have all the truth, but we are expected to be open to receive more light when it arrives, and it sometimes arrive in ways we do not expect, and are prepared for. This is also partly why truth is revealed gradually, and allow misunderstanding, then later to be corrected, because He wants to test and try everyone’s heart. And we will be asked to be impartial, while simultaneously wanting to build bridges, but without being unfaithful to the spirit of Truth. Satan advances his war simultaneously, in his attempt to fool even the very elect, that he is god and have the same powers and abilities like god, with his technologies, sciences and spiritual abilities, from 2G-5 G+, from 2 D to 5 D+ and so on. And make everyone follow him. Though it is a counterfeit of the genuine. Because God's truths are also multidimensional, as the spirit of god searches the depths, even the depths of God. The holy spirit 's power will help us to go deeper in the word, but again not in a counterfeit Kabbalistic, or mystical sense. This, in particular, we are warned about. But they claim to find deeper meanings, but they are not "deeper" according to God's standard, and the result is not in harmony with true light and the spirit and character of God. So we are also asked to advance from a lower to a higher dimension, but in a different sense from that of Spiritualism which is the great counterfeit in these last days. Read more on this subject here: "God reveal truth gradually part 1" The cross

- symbolizing denying the spirit and law of the flesh and this world. It also represent what sin cost: physical suffering, and mental struggles like grief, betrayal etc. Jesus was mocked because He did not step down from the cross: meaning He did not escape the physical suffering or even mental struggles (grief, betrayal, mockery) , although he could have since He is God. Likewise, He still does not always remove the physical or mental struggles for the sake of His people. He can, but He does not always choose to. Because in the sanctification, we are supposed to be tried and tested and go through fiery trials, among other reasons for the sake of learning. We need both theory and experience, under the guidance of Christ and His spirit. Hence many make the mistake/error of the mob who scorned Christ when suffering on the cross, and tell their followers who are not relieved from their suffering: that they do not have the power to step down from the cross. But His power is a lot more higher than to simply relieve temporal sufferings. His power and miracles that are of a spiritual nature, are much more powerful and long lasting, of a heavenly and everlasting value. But it is formed on the inside, not on the outside and not always apparent. But it is more easily discerned for those who have spiritual glasses on. We are nearing the very end of the age and we are nearing the second arrival of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God’s pure truth. His deeper truths. His true character has been covered with a veil that has gradually become thinner and more transparent with time. This is not the age for blind faith. "Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1. Cor 13:12. This is the age where we need to search intensely, knock very hard and pray daily to find Him as He is, so we also can identify all the false gods, so our hearts and minds can get more in tune with, and closer to Him. In the past He needed to be harsher and stricter (like in the Old testament age), because the time and situation demanded it, so He had to hide how truly beautiful , pure and merciful He really is like. Yet He has rules, and His school is tough, yet full of blessings that are not as much valued by this world.

We are nearing the very end of the age and we are nearing the second arrival of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God’s pure truth. His deeper truths. His true character has been covered with a veil that has gradually become thinner and more transparent with time. This is not the age for blind faith. "Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1. Cor 13:12.

When God sends an angel to open up the prison doors and loosen the chains that has held us captive in Babylon, to a false God, a false belief that is not in harmony with the truth of Christ, we are held accountable if we go back in and become a prisoner again. We should listen to the voice of God, not voices from the spirit of this world, extremist voices, voices with a wrong understanding of the true God. All need to be based properly and wisely, and understood and interpreted based on time and situation/context. When you first really have those prison cells opened and are loosened from the captivity under the rulers of the old order, this old earth, when we have reached the season of removing the blindfolds and dark shades and narrow, dim vision, and can see God more clearly, you would be a fool to go back in. In fact, you would need to go back to a god, who ask us not to see His true colors and choose Him. “See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ”. - Colossians 2:8 Satan’s counterfeit version of setting people free from the law, is rebellion from the left and from the right, against the straight and narrow path.

Christ’s genuine way of setting people free from the law, is to set them free from the letter of the law, which is a pharisaical version and interpretation of the law. And as a consequence, make us understand the importance of knowing God, His character and spirit, so that we want to follow Him and what He represent. This can only happen by grace through faith in Christ. This happens when we believe that Christ’s spirit and character, his way and standards are truly the solution for all problems and evil. That is the natural result and fruit. And also see and understand how much God and Christ love us. A love that is matchless. So far removed from the counterfeit and limited versions we are presented with in this world, that it can not be expressed in words. So when we read in God’s word, how Christ is like, of the great sacrifice for the human race, we want to make Him not only our savior, but also master and Lord in our lives. When the Bible says that God is impartial (Jacob 2:1 and 8-11), this is a trait of God’s character, and His Law is built upon His character. We want to follow His pattern, and surrender our own spirit of the flesh and of the world to Christ, so He can replace it with his spirit. But in order for that to happen, we must understand who God is and what his spirit represent. And this is why faith is so crucial, or else we would never want His spirit, or want to follow His ways. If we say we love Christ, we want to follow Him and obey His commandments, which is built upon His character. Particularly as we draw closer and closer to the end of this earth’s history, Satan will create so close a counterfeit to every God’s genuine, that it will be able to deceive even the very elect. It is only by a thorough and deep study of His word, and cooperating with Him, and advancing in our path of righteousness, and thus draw closer to the spiritual heart and mind of Christ. So the spells, the veil that darkened our understanding lose its power. We are set free to an increasing degree from the confusion of Babylon and darkness of Satan, and we will be able to discern better the word of God and the signs of the times. This is how we will be able to escape the gigantic deceptions of a magnitude, so enormous that nothing in the past has ever come close. We are nearing the height and climax of all deceptions and spiritual darkness in this earth’s history. Christ says He came to set the captives free. Free from the mind prisons and darkness and confusion of Satan and his spirit. This include an overemphasis on the shadows, types, the literal, and not be able to "see" the deeper, spiritual meanings. The types were primarily to function as symbols for a deeper, more important meaning. This is to large degree what the New Testament, and particularly Paul's writings seek to explain. Yet we are not always to entirely discard the literal and physical either, but make sure we have our priorities right.

Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. (1. Corinthians 2) You can interpret the word by traits coming from the spirit of the world, of Satan, or the traits representing the spirit of God. For instance, if you are currently possessed by the demon of racism, the Bible is so highly advanced that you will be able to find some support for your prejudice. But this "support" comes from the spirit of the world, on topics that relate to this prejudice, as you interpret it from is spirit, not supported by God. You need a trait of impartiality, which is a character trait stemming from God’s higher form of love, and His holy law, in order to interpret it correctly. God needs humanity with the goal of humanity uniting with Divinity and overcome by the power of God this world and man/self). To test and try truth vs error. Satan’s law versus God's law. Good vs evil. And the fruits (results) thereof. In order to test, we need to first know and experience darkness, evil and error, in order to appreciate light and be able to know the difference. To go from darkness to light.

Tangible evidence, “truths” and realities. A word that suits the carnally minded and this world.

The immature Christian is still much possessed by the spirit of this world, its thinking, its focus, its measures and principles. Paul states in 1. Corhinthians 3: 1-3 to the church: "Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. "

The spirit of God penetrates deeper and still deeper as we advance. For the word is sharper than any two-edged sword and can cut deeper than the wounds inflicted by the arrows that aims and shoot at us, the more we are centered in Christ, the arrows will come from all directions: north, south, east and west. When Christ reached the end of His journey, He was a greater target than ever before because He was so centered in the truth. In the heart of God. So the heart of this world will seek to crush those who are centered in God. In the center of the cross, you find the heart of Christ, having been purified from the filth of this world and everything that was in the outer layers, in every direction. And the cross has four points representing the four points on a compass: north, south, east and west. Above, below, left and right. He was crushed under the weight of the Sin of this world and the spirit of it.

The more we mature in the higher school of Christ, we receive the spirit more fully. We are freed increasingly from the chains of darkness and this earth. Then the spirit of God will guide is into all truth. Christ came to set the captives free. Free from the bondage of the principles, and rules and rudiments of this world of sin, and the author of it.

Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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