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Is it possible for total monsters to rule the Universe forever?

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

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The Testing and Trials.

Who are performing them? God, or Satan, or both? Point is that God can probably arrange trials and tests, where He allow you to go through periods of a “lack of himself”, of good. He knows what He represent. Yet I suppose He also know what He does not represent. And hence put you through tests and sufferings where you go through darkness and evil. Yet it is Satan, or 666, that represent evil. Since evil is a lack of the higher law and character. So while God hates to perform it, at least from my understanding, He only allow it for the sake of His and our best sakes, in terms of an everlasting perspective. Remember that the Father allowed His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, whom He love highest of all, to endure much sufferings, trials and temptation. In the final trials Christ was exposed to the heart of the beast, the core of the earth (worldliness, 666). He was scourged and crucified by the Roman power, representing the beast, the worldly human hearts and minds. Yet, it was still the will of the Father, for the sake of the higher good. (Isaiah 53:10). But notice, that God does not represent someone who would allow anyone to be tormented forever. He only allow temporal suffering. Or else He would have been a sadist and a monster, being that He is all knowing and all powerful. A loving God could never ever allow anyone to suffer forever and manage to also be everlasting love. No, He would have had to sacrifice His own law, His own character, His own kingdom (777) and chosen to become worse than Satan himself: “perfect” darkness and evil: perfectly 666. He would have had to sacrifice His higher wisdom, His higher love, higher wisdom, higher joy, peace, justice.

The Universe would then become total darkness and sin very quickly. The entire Universe would then be turned into an everlasting hell. Because if God would give up His law and government, there would be nobody left who could be filled with anything that is good. Every single living creature would not even be Babylon, but 100 percent monsters, forever and ever!

Is it possible for total monsters to rule the Universe forever? No, it would lead to destruction and death very quickly. This we have seen demonstrated for roughly 6000 years now. The law and spirit of the unholy trinity, 666, is not a law or spirit that give life, but is the law of death and destruction.

Hence, impossible...

Yet that is the dream for a large percentage of this world, to be saved in sin. Saved with the unsanctified human character, which is the character and image of the beast, of monsters. (Isaiah 53. Hebrews 2 and Hebrews 12. Romans 8. Revelation 13:18) Jesus dying on the cross also symbolize how much GOD HATES the law and character of sin (666). Yet how much GOD LOVES the sinner and want all sinners to repent, and be sanctified by His grace though faith in His law of everlasting love.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16


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