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“Judge righteous judgment” vs. “Do not judge”

Oppdatert: 19. jan. 2022

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- We are to expose our own sins before or simultaneously as we expose the sin of others. This could sometimes preferrably be done in public, apologizing to both God and man. See Matthew 7:3. - There is a horrible misconception of the word "judging".

We are to judge, but we are to learn to judge rightly. There us a huge difference between judging, as in giving reproofs and rebukes, to judge in terms of condemning. The latter Jesus spoke against. He judged all the time. He even rebuked his own disciple Peter and said: "Get thee behind me, Satan". He called the church for "the synagogue of Satan" repeatedly, and chased those who polluted the church with worldliness out with a whip. He also judged the woman caught in adultery, except not judging as in condemning her as if she was totally lost and should be stoned to death. Which is why he said: "Go, and sin no more". If he did not judge her act as sinful, he would not ask her to stop sinning. Thos who say that Jesus could do that and not we. Jesus is our example, also in these matters. And if ou do not want to follow Christ’s example, you can follow the example of Paul who encouraged and practiced the very same.

- Those who complain of judging do the very same themselves, and think it is fine as long as it is not their own favorite preacher or favorite denomination or favorite side in their church. The left judge the right side and the right the left side all the time. I am neither to the left nor right myself currently, but I have been to both sides in the past. - It is fine to judge as in criticize, give reproofs and rebuke, as long as we expose our own sins as well, and learn our best to discern right from wrong in the school of Christ and learn to judge correctly. - The mature Christian who have experienced much and learned from their experience are much better capable to judge righteously than the immature Christian. This is exactly how it should be. But we should always attempt to become better and better and fine tune our discernment and judgment. - What are we to judge?


This Bible verse state we are to “judge righteous judgment”

That means that we shall not judge people based on OUTER FACTORS again, (like based on race, nationality, gender, status, genetics, worldly labels, their title, their flesh. But we are to judge (not condemn) them by what comes from the INSIDE, their words, what they teach, their doctrines what they currently believe.

John 7:24

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” Matt 12:37:

"for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Entire series "Apostacies and Deceptions"


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