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Jung, the father of modern Psychology of the world, compared to the Word of God.

Oppdatert: 6. apr. 2022

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An analysis I have made without delving into the subject too heavily, and comparing it with the word of God. -Jung, the father of modern psychology, - healing, the individuation process, self development with a focus on dreams, creativity, imagination, meditation that is more free, without being in harmony with the word of God, the school of Christ and the pillars of truth. It is a Babylonian form or falsification of God's true process of development that is sanctification. Here the person is more his own "lord", without being in possession of the spirit of God. In other words, it is the spirit of the self and the world that controls the mind, if one think and fantasizes while still largely linked to the law and spirit of this world. One is absorbed in the pursuit of happiness for this life, rather than walking the narrow way and taking up the cross and follow Christ. One should pray, and meditate in harmony with the path and kingdom of God. We are to broaden and deepen the truths we receive, we are to go in depth, because the spirit of God searches the deeper things even the deep things of God. (1. Corinthians 2:10). Jung's theories in relation to self-development are also very limited and controlled by genes and innate tendencies. And is presented as if it is a path of individuation where you are to embrace the shadows and light. While in God's school (sanctification) it is God who educates us and educates us by having us walk His way, the path towards holiness. Character formation is not about something we are born as or born for, although God can and will use the gifts and abilities we have received from Him for His purpose, if we dedicate ourselves to His service. It is a transformation process that happens on the inside, where no man have the power to stop if your devote yourself to God. No matter external factors like race, nationality, gender, status etc. “Individuation – the process of fulfilment of each individual "which negates neither the conscious or unconscious position but does justice to them both". -Wiki So according to this psychology theory, we are to embrace both what he refer to as the shadow side (the collective unconscious) and the ego side (the conscious) in his process called individuation. So in a sense we are to embrace both the good and the bad. And then we supposedly reach fulfilment. And the bad, the unconscious is supposedly discovered by free imagination and dreams and what have you. Notice that the unconscious involve a strong focus on ancestry, which is not in the way of Christ who is not a high priest of ancestry, but after the order of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 7:3). Rather than taking the path of sanctification which is God’s true path, the way of the cross, to overcome sin by the power of the holy spirit. (Hebrews 12:14). That is, evil by the definition and standards of the word of God, not after the standards and measurements of this world, or according to any fallen human or fallen spirit. That would include Jung and his sprit guide “Philemon”. The theories of Jung try to limit and even stop the entire sanctification process with these theories and attempt to make the word and spirit of God into non effect. I speak of the spirit that worked through him, not condemning Jung himself. I do not know of Jung later repented of his anti-christian theories. So here you see the arch enemy coming in attempting to silence the very work of God, the very word of God. His weapons are incredibly more sophisticated in this modern day and age compared to any other era in the history of the Christian age. The Ego - shadow side theory that teaches all people have an unconscious evil side that always follows them and that it is almost a "sin" to deny, is not in any way supported by the truths of God. This doctrine is in direct conflict with God's word and sanctification, where the latter is about fighting and overcoming the spirit of the self and the world with the help of God, and the spirit of God who writes His law of love on our hearts and minds (inner man). If you believe in Jung's theory in this area in particular, then you believe as a consequence in Satan's theories and lies, that no human being can overcome by the grace of God (undeserved power of good works). That is, those who believe in this will reject the very gospel message that Jesus, as a human being, overcame and won over Satan (the world) and his spirit, law = his government / kingdom. It is like believing that Jesus failed and that people cannot be saved from the prince of this world and what he represents (sin). It denies that Christ came as a human and won the victory over the fallen angel and his spirit and law that is opposed to the sprit and law of God. This is the spirit and doctrine of the antichrist (1 John 4), which thus denies that Jesus came as man and overcame the spirit and law of the flesh/of the world and the prince of it in His inner man = character = heart and mind, by the power of the holy spirt through faith. (Hebrews 8:10). This also deny that God is greater and has greater power than Satan, and God has no power to open the prison doors and lead you out of this prison. As if you are earthbound, that is bound to the prince of the world, and have no outside source to rescue or save you. Therefore, they deny the very belief in God, His holy spirit, and in the Son of God and His mission, atonement, and way. They make God, who is eternal and unlimited, a god who is limited and small. This is like denying Jesus Christ Himself. It is the very character that is in question, which is the inner man. It is in the character we must overcome by the spirit of God, by having His law and character written on our inner being, by grace through faith. This happens gradually in sanctification. God's word and teachings are absolutely essential here in contrast to the process we find within the psychology of this world, and its falsified sanctification which they call self-development. Note that this worldly form of development has a lot of focus on this life and is shaped by this world and its desires and goals (goal of personal success, worldly form of happiness). While God's school and process is mostly about preparation for the next life. (heaven itself). So it lacks the belief and faith in the hereafter. The school of life versus the school of heaven. If one is not so fascinated by the seemingly rich and advanced use of language, which is often just expressions that are invented to describe the theories themselves, and thus manage to peel away the outer layers and see it for what it is, compare it with God's word and teachings, then the deception will come out clearly. God is an eternal and unlimited God, and we are not to stoop and end up not getting nearer to Christ because of our severely limited view of His glory and greatness. You find it in both camps, or rather, all camps apart from the straight and narrow way, that is Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life, and Him only. The true three angel’s messages is about escaping all roads that leads to “Rome”, that is that leads to Babylon, and by default to perdition. Quote: “Von Franz considered that "the dark side of the Self is the most dangerous thing of all, precisely because the Self is the greatest power in the psyche. It can cause people to 'spin' megalomanic or fall into other delusionary fantasies that catch them up", so that the subject "thinks with mounting excitement" that he has grasped the great cosmic riddles. He therefore risks losing all touch with human reality.” Comment: In other words: “Amazing grace. I once was blind, but now I see». Is being labeled blindness and darkness. The transformation and awakening process of Saul to Paul to mention one, is twisted upside down as if it is the devil (dark side of the self) in Saul that awakened when he transitioned from Saul to Paul. When he according to the word of God went from darkness to light. From spiritual darkness to spiritual light and awakening (that is God’s true awakening, not the new age counterfeit). Jung and his disciple Von Franz, turning the cross and sanctification upside down. Calling light for darkness, and darkness for light. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter”. Isaiah 5:20 “Concepts from Jung's work, such as archetypes, the collective unconscious and the process of individuation, are terms that “have seeped into popular culture. In the New Age, Jung's thoughts have been disseminated and reinterpreted in several directions, not least in the ever-growing self-development literature, where spiritual development is at the center. [27] An excerpt from The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious is included in the anthology New Age, 2007.” -Wiki Satan tried to use the human weakness and the suffering state and even the ancestry of Christ, against him. So does the theories of Jung (one of the fathers of modern, human psychology), who teaches that man can not achieve victory over sin, that we are thus linked to the spirit of this world and that the power of God is too weak to lead you out of his prison of sin, that will connect us and link us to God and heaven. Or worse, that we are to embrace sin rather than seek to God who will purify us in the path towards holiness, in His sanctification. He does not state this up front, but that is the logical conclusion of his theories. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” - Colossians 2:8 ELLEN G. WHITE: "Chapter 6—Our Safety Against Delusions Sincerity Alone Will Not Save Faith in a lie will not have a sanctifying influence upon the life or character. No error is truth, or can be made truth by repetition, or by faith in it. Sincerity will never save a soul from the consequences of believing an error. Without sincerity there is no true religion, but sincerity in a false religion will never save a man. I may be perfectly sincere in following a wrong road, but that will not make it the right road, or bring me to the place I wished to reach. The Lord does not want us to have a blind credulity, and call that the faith that sanctifies. The truth is the principle that sanctifies, and therefore it becomes us to know what is truth. We must compare spiritual things with spiritual. We must prove all things, but hold fast only that which is good, that which bears the divine credentials, which lays before us the true motives and principles which should prompt us to action. —Letter 12, 1890. Link to selection from the writings of Ellen G, White concerning the Sciences pertaining to the mind.: (copy/paste) Entire series "Apostacies and Deceptions"


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