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- The literal pollution and literal pandemic, is genuine. It is real, it is happening. Yes. But, the true, and much more potent pandemic and pollution is that of all the false doctrines and worldly entertainment and youtube false truther garbage and “news” that people fill their souls with. While we are to fight against the literal threats, the more serious threat and battle is against the spiritual realm and the spiritual pollution and pandemic out there. The spiritual and gigantic end time plagues of extreme magnitude. Thicker and blacker and unparalleled compared to any previous era in the history of mankind. People fill themselves with so much pollution in the form of Babylonian, and impure doctrines and cheap entertainment everywhere, it function as witchcraft, as it becloud your mind from being able to discern the pure doctrines and truths of God.
Drunk with the wine of Babylon the great, the destroyer of souls.
While we are to battle both, the spiritual plagues are the greatest and most lethal and what our main battle should be about. And lethal with regards to the fate of our everlasting destiny. Eternal life or everlasting death, which is the second death for which there is no resurrection. No this message does not suit any carnal minds, none who are chained to this earth and the spirit of it. Or rather who do not see any problems being slaves to Egypt, to Pharaoh who represent the prince of this world. Which is why we need to let go of all the things that captivates us and hold us imprisoned.
We need to become like Houdini, spiritually speaking, which is only achievable with the aid of the grace and spirit of God and His higher school of education. Yes, we are justified by the atonement of Christ, but we are sanctified in His school of righteousness, where our souls are being prepared for the society of heaven. We are not saved from tribulations in these end days, no we are saved through it and by it. And note that the spiritual tribulations, the unseen tribulations, are defined as more profound than the literal, apparant tribulations. So, do not be surprised if we are in the middle of it right now, though we are not at the very climax just yet. Soon though. But we must be continually armed for battle, each day, until the arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ. By receiving the available light of today and not just settle with first grade, or what we learned in pre school. This is the higher education of God. We are in His army if that is our choice. And if we ask for sanctification, then why do we reject His school of discipline the next day? We are all free to choose though as God do not force everyone, as His character and Law which is Divine Love, do not and can not force anyone, as it is contrary to His very character. His Law is built on His character. This represent His kingdom. This is the kingdom He wants to build in us, and write the Law of divine love on our hearts. So if someone force God on you, it is not of God. Oh yes, there is a decided choice to make, Today, tomorrow and every single day for the rest of our lives, until the end of your journey. Be it the last breath, or the arrival the second coming of Christ. If you fill your soul with the earth, you become the slave of the prince of it. Why not fill yourself with Christ and His truths, His Law of Divine love, and become a servant of Him instead, trained and equipped gradually for the society of heaven? Your destiny will be that which you choose to fill your soul with. For God is not mocked, what a person sow, he will also reap. Why reject the offer of grace for nothingness, or what is something only for a brief moment.
Why build your house on the smaller things of a lower nature, on sand in stead of the richer and grander things: on the rock of ages.
Christ is not just a name. He does not represent just a deed that happened roughly 2000 years ago. Even if that was greater than any deed and sacrifice ever to be made and represent His very character in so many ways. But it is an ongoing act, the act of empowering grace granted to the believer to be able to finally win the race and overcome the father of sin and evil. Not of ourselves, but by God, who molds us, and have promised to complete the work he begun in us, if we just cooperate and stay obedient. And if we sin, He is merciful to forgive us our trespasses.
But the clock is ticking, and I am personally convinced that it is not far until the very climax of this earth’s history.
The great battle between the two forces, the forces of good and evil, that has carried on for thousands of years is coming to halt very soon. But until then, we have to put our effort, works and energies and talents into this. Just make sure you do not substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, and hence end up fighting for the lord of darkness in stead.