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M(aster) 44

Oppdatert: 23. mai 2023



Master on the way of the cross, of the straight and narrow path, of Christ. To build our house/temple on the everlasting rock: the higher, greater things first and foremost). Not a physical temple like Solomon and the physical, literal temples, (churches) they were commanded to build in the Old testament age, but rather a spiritual temple.

Masons (think freeMASONS) have degrees up to 33...these are all about the more literal, observable matters and degrees of masterdom. Like a school from pre school to University degree. M44 is to build our spiritual temple/house, thus a different school, the divine school of God, only achievable with the assistance and cooperation with the highest triune God. The triune God is our creator and sanctifier /teacher.

Not M33 , but M44.

(1. Cor 3 Hebrews 12.)


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