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When Satan is busy measuring and trying to judge you by your aura, measuring physical energies/frequencies, in his favorite end time religion, modern spiritualism, God assure us that He go far, far deeper, where Satan and his followers can not penetrate, because of their lack of the true holy spirit, which is evident in the way they judge. Their aura reading is based on colors, but it measures physical energies and then they connect these physical states with spiritual states like love, fear etc. This they make into a matter of salvation (ascension). They mix again the holy (spiritual, deeper, higher) with the profane (worldly, shallower). Many Christian pastors mix in these theories and versions of Law of Attraction into Christianity. This is an abomination.
While God see and judge us by our TRUE colors. Not by the shallower, but by the deeper. The innermost, sacred, heart and mind.
“I see your true colors shining through. I see your TRUE colors, and that is why I love you. And don’t be afraid to let them show...Your true colors true colors. Beautiful, like a rainbow...” From the song "True Colors".
That is how God will see us, IF we keep walking on the path toward righteousness, the righteousness of Christ and receive His gospel of receiving His everlasting law and order, written on our hearts and minds, our innermost soul. Having our own sins erased by the holy blood of Christ, because of His great sacrifice for the entire human race. And crucifying our self righteousness, the law and spirit of this world, receiving His holy character and hence being recreated in the moral image of God, by His grace through faith.
Why are these colors beautiful? Because we have received them from Him. That is the everlasting covenant and gospel. The rainbow of colors from the heart of the Creator as a gift to every color of creation to their own hearts. It does not matter if we’re black or white, red or yellow...the gift is for all.
Jesus Christ said:
“Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.” John 7:24
False/ counterfeit/ worldly colors
= self/this world’s righteousness. The law and spirit of the world and Babylon
(a mix of the holy and profane). This represent also the moral character and hence also image of the beast.
Being filled with and also judging by them.
Think the example of spiritualism, aura reading, judging by physical energies, claiming it is spiritual. But also to judge people’s spiritual state, their hearts and minds by the lower sciences of this world, including this world’s psychology. This is also true by attempting to use medical science to measure neurotransmitters and thinking one can determine if a person is filled with sa, divine joy. Remember that Christ was filled with divine love and joy, while still suffering both physically and mentally, without losing the holy spirit. While Satan and this world try to judge the disciples of God and even Christ himself, knowingly or not, by using these methods. That is to use the lord of the old, fallen order to judge the things of God, the lord of the new, everlasting law and order, that can only be rightly judged by God and by being filled with His spirit. However, it is still only God alone who will be able to finally judge people in terms of whether they are finally lost, marked by the mark of the beast, or saved, and being sealed with the seal of God.
See also how the extreme version of health reform is connected to this,
emphasis on the importance on physical higher energies/health for salvation
= nazism and modern spiritualism, pagan witchcraft. The lower, shallower versions of wisdom, love, justice, joy...walking by sight, by a frog’s (temporal, short sighted) perspective, not faith. Belongs to the old, immature, fallen law, covenant, order.
These are lesser, shallower versions. They do not penetrate deep enough, hence a counterfeit of the true. Counterfeit of the true when a more advanced, higher truth has been revealed or is available.
Here lies also the deeper meaning of the counterfeit Sabbath.
True Colors = The righteousness of Christ. Remember here the
typified example of the rainbow coat of Joseph. We also know that the rainbow represent the everlasting covenant, which include the everlasting gospel, which again include the everlasting law and spirit of God, which is also His image. The higher, deeper versions of wisdom, love justice, joy...walking by faith, by a bird’s (everlasting) perspective.
Being filled with and also judging by them.
A higher, much deeper version. Only made possible by the higher power/magic, the true holy spirit of God)
Belongs to the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant, order. Shallow, false colors = shallow, false character and judgment.
Deep, true colors = deeper, true character and judgment.
Here lies also a deeper meaning of the true and counterfeit Sabbath. we now start to see a connection between the psychology of this world, which has also roots in spiritualism, that Ellen White said would be used in the last great controversy, as a strong weapon by Satan against Christ and His followers, to that of the counterfeit Sabbath?
“In the deepest midnight darkness. In the hint of dawn’s first light
In the colors of the rainbow. Is a love that gives me sight.
For God is love. And with his love, my soul divides. For God is love. A God of color and of life. (…) For God is love. And with his love, His steadfast love. He covers me.”
From the song “He covers me”, that started playing while writing this.