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My interpretations regarding the image, seal and mark

Forfatterens bilde: Linda Avdiel Aanestad HauglandLinda Avdiel Aanestad Haugland

Oppdatert: 2. juni 2023

I try to advance from just focusing on the literal, and move more over to the spiritual, to the heart of the matter. The core of the matter, the inward. The moral character = law and spirit. Rather than just focus on "race, nations, gender, genes, status"..even organizations. The outward factors also represent more the old, immature law and order. While the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order (the order of Jesus Christ) represent more the inward the heart and mind = the moral character = the moral image. See Galatians 3:26-29 with regard to some core differences between the old, immature law, covenant and order vs the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order. See also this series for more on this subject, But notice that I receive it from the word of God, but I go to other books of the Bible rather than getting stuck only in Daniel and Revelation. Truth is revealed and advance from from literal, immature and limited, and mature to become more spiritual. I think many become confused when they see I preach both the 7th day Sabbath, and emphasize greatly the importance of the new, mature law, covenant and order.⁠ Usually those who argue against the 7th day sabbath, use the new covenant as an excuse not to observe the seventh-day sabbath. I have greatly challenged this thinking and explained how the seal of God is connected both to the new law, covenant and order, and the true Sabbath, as well as incorporate the role of the holy spirit. The 7th day sabbath (4th commandment) actually ask us to remember the Creator, His law and His kingdom (the new, mature, everlasting, spiritual law, covenant and order/kingdom). It is a seal of sanctification for the last generations: the 144 000. A sanctification according to the new law and covenant, with Christ as creator and sanctifier. A sanctification according to the new law and order, with Christ as creator and sanctifier. Sanctification is to be re-created in the image of God, and receive God's law written on the heart and mind, by God's creative power (grace) through faith. From letter to spirit . I have since a while ago included the following in my article in this series called: "A seal of sanctification in the Image of God. The Seal/mark of God vs The Beast. Part 4.: "And while we are not saved by being members in a church, I personally am convinced that this denomination is the true Sabbath keeping church/movement that is closest to the pure word and doctrines of the Bible. That is their fundamental beliefs. You can read more about these beliefs and this church organization by clicking here (added link).

I think there are several layers of interpretations of this from the more superficial and literal, to the deeper and more spiritual interpretations. Or maybe one can say that this is to interpret it from a slightly different angle. Regardless, I use the Bible as a basis for reaching this conclusion. The battle is spiritual first and foremost, and is primarily about the controversy between Christ and His way and law, and Satan and His law and ways.

Here is the interpretation that the church I am a member of teaches. The angle I use is not about repealing this interpretation, but about going more to the root, to the spiritual forces behind, and not focusing so much on organizations or countries. But I urge people to get aquainted with this interpretation as well, which is more about analyzing the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, to find out which organizations and countries are the last ones responsible for carrying out the arch-enemy's agendas. But note that we are not called to condemn people anyway, no matter what. That is a sin according to the word of God.

Many also deceive without being aware of it, and we are all called to live up to the light that shines on our individual path, at any given time. Nor do we know if any of these will later accept the full truth available to us today." Lastly, this is in continuation, so I believe there will be added more at a later date. Even if the most important content is in place.

Udated 2022 : I have since writing this interpreted much from the book of Daniel and also Revelation. See particularly the series "From 666-777". The entire series "Identifying the Seal/Mark and Image of God vs. the Beast.


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