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The first generations were saved under an age of limited light, yet they were saved individually by advancing from walking by sight to walking by faith, from immaturity to maturity receiving all the available light that was revealed for that time. See Hebrews 11. Hence they received and lived up to the present truth for that time.
We will find the everlasting promise also in the Old Testament. No one could be saved under the old covenant, not even literal Israel. They had to accept the Messiah and be saved by having faith in Him by looking forward to the day when the Messiah would fulfill the prophecies and the promise. As we look back to Christ's' atonement and sacrifice on the cross, by faith, so that we may all be saved and sanctified by grace through faith. See John 3:16 and Hebrews 11.
The last generations living today have the capacity to receive far more light than any previous generation. Thus we must aim to carry the greatest flame, which is the more advanced, higher truth available for these end of days,
“To whom much is given, much is required”,
1. History of the true church (Gd’s professed people) over 6000 years, from shadows to increased light.
2. The individual genuine Christian’s sanctification process/ The Christian’s journey, from immaturity to maturity From walking by sight to walking by faith. From the letter to the spirit of he law. From the old, to the new, everlasting law, covenant and order.
At the end of the Christian dispensation, plus the moment when the individual remnant Christian reach the mark of victory in his/her individual sanctification.
Having advanced from the old, immature law, covenant and order, to the new, mature, everlasting order, by the two-fold purpose of grace, through faith, on the path of the cross. And then enduring unto the very end of our journey unto victory, receiving the image and seal of God.
This I believe will be the perfecting of the saints.
Receiving the fullness is also the righteousness of Christ, and justification by faith. I believe this is the same as sanctification by the two-fold purpose of) grace through faith. From the old, immature, to the new, everlasting law, covenant and order. This is part of the loud cry message.
It is both an individual heart issue, where we must receive the truth made available for the individual in the current time, see nr 2.
And a time issue in the sense that increased light is being revealed in Scripture over time. But there will also always be increased light revealed from the throne of God throughout eternity. Probably on some issues, like the identification of the seal, the mark, the beast etc, prophecies concerning the Christian dispensation, it will cease. 1.Cor 13
"Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears."
To receive the Higher law, the higher doctrine for the last church on earth, is to receive the fullness of the truth in Jesus Christ. The fullness of His truth involve higher love, higher wisdom, higher joy, higher justice, higher peace. This Christ demonstrated perfectly for the human race when suffering and dying for the sins of the human race, so we could all be reconciled with the Creator. Hence it start with faith in the Creator's love for Creation, and receving His grace and taking up our own cross and follow after Him, and crucifying the flesh, the letter, daily, and advance forward toward the new, everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ.
* You can switch the term "higher" with fuller, everlasting, mature, new, divine, righteous, holy, deeper, spiritual.
