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Health reform. Outward cleansing of the physical body.
(Eating healthy, drinking water, water therapy, bathing, proper sleep and rest, appropriate exercise for the individual’s health/situation etc).
This is simply outward cleansing. This is mostly for the temporal, physical body.
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Tim 4:7-8
So it has value and is important, but not as important as the fuller, spiritual cleansing (exorcism).
The physical cleansing for our physical bodies is both sensible also to the minds and hearts of this world, and possible without the journey of the cross, without a fuller measure of the holy spirit, which we only can receive through the cooperation with and assistance by the holy trinity. It is possible without faith, without grace.
If it stands alone, or if we have an over-focus on it or think it is essential to achieve strong health and high energies to be saved, as Spiritualism teaches, then it is in the category of salvation by one's own work, of the flesh, and in the category of self-righteousness, " righteousness ”, salvation or happiness according to this world. This is NOT THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST. We should have a focus on health reform, but not make it an idol. What we focus on most becomes our idol. This is a false god, this is idolatry and an abomination in the sight of the Highest God.
Then we have the more advanced, full, spiritual and far more important demon exorcism.
Which is to receive the law and spirit = the moral character of God and be recreated in His moral image (first), while the physical restoration does not happen until the second advent. ( 1. Cor 15:52).
This is the sanctification, which can only take place by taking the path of the cross (the way, the truth and the life. We receive the word, grace (forgiveness for repented sins by the atonement, the shed blood of Jesus Christ and spiritual power from the Holy Spirit to advance from the old order to the new. From the old, unsanctified to the new, sanctified human.
We must receive the bread from heaven, the spiritual bread: the word/doctrines and law of God, so it becomes a part of us. We must receive the atonement for our transgressions and the power from the Holy Spirit (heavenly, spiritual oil), and take the path of the cross. (Sanctification, the fuller, lifelong baptism).
The demon exorcism we see in movies which often involve a crucifix (a cross), anointing oil and reading Scriptures, are merely symbolic only for the fuller exorcism. This is also the purpose of the Sanctuary message: the sanctification process, the way of the cross. “Thy way oh God, is in the Sanctuary”.
Continue to the related article:
"Attacking the Way, the truth and the Life, is to attack Christ and the Holy spirit"
Entire series: "The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdom of this World"