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Revelation 17 and The setting up of the Abomination of desolation

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Read Revelation 17. Why the 10 kings who receive power from the Beast will hate Babylon. The 10 kings who receive power from the Beast for one hour, hate Babylon.

We will discuss here how it is possible for kingdoms that are under the same order, the covenant and order of the beast, where Babylon is also under, can still hate each other.

We know from Daniel 11 that the king of the North and the king of the South sit at the same table. “27 The two kings, with their hearts bent on evil, will sit at the same table and lie to each other, but to no avail, because an end will still come at the appointed time. « We know that the king of the North represent right wing conservatives and the king of the South represent left wing, liberals. Both in the world, but more so in the church. We also see that it is the King of the North kingdom mindset or character, which is also linked to the old law and covenant, is also linked to the second beast who set up an image to the first beast, which is the same as the abomination of desolation. Daniel 11:31. Revelation 13:14. So we see then that the second beast is the same as the king of the North mindset, which is a Christian church who is under the old law and covenant, which as a consequence is at war against the straight and narrow path, the new, holy covenant. The first and second beast is linked to the unholy trinity: the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. So we see that both the king of the North and the king of the South, sit at the same table, that is to be under the same order (the old law and covenant), yet they also war against each other, and both war against the Holy covenant. See article New false light, and fallen, conservative light. Yet both belong under the same king and order. Notice: The king of the North is not one and the same individual from beginning to end in Daniel 11. It is a character, a mindset, not one particular individual.

So an individual who represent the king of the North for a time, may not represent this mindset at a later date. The setting up of the Abomination of desolation. Daniel 11: 31 by the king of the North Revelation 13:14 by the second beast of the earth. Image = Character Image of the Beast:

- fail to realize the importance of advancing forward, toward the New, everlasting law, covenant and order. Under the old, immature law and order. The law of the letter, rather than the law of the spirit. - Worship creation over the Creator, God. - Linked to the Unholy trinity : 666.

- The unsanctified human character is often a Babylonian mix of the holy and unholy character traits. Yet the first and second beast seem to be not necessarily completely unholy either.

- Walk and judge by sight, not by faith.

- The Laodicean mindset.

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