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Running the race vs Competing

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 4. apr. 2022

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We are not to compete against other churches or our brother and sisters in the church or churches, or even those in other faiths. Competition does not belong in the path of righteousness. As soon as you are filled with a spirit of competition with regards to spiritual matters, you are filled with the spirit of strife (whether hidden or upfront). You are then under the control of fallen angels (demons) controlled by your heart, and not by holy angels of God, nor by the spirit of God. When you operate by the characteristics belonging to the spirit and law of God, you are in cooperation with holy angels of God and empowered with the spirit of God. But the opposite is true if your hearts motives are currently in accordance with the character, spirit and law of God, by choice. Who you are currently under the control of, is determined by the topic, depending on situation, how far you have advance on the sanctification etc. We are to run the race put before us with perseverance, but without competing, with the aim of achieving victory over sin and its author, in and with Christ. Heaven has room for everyone who choose Christ and His way.

However, we will battle against fallen angels, against false and fallen doctrines and against the rebellious spirit that is in people who are against God. In other words, we are to battle against their fallen self, while encouraging them to overcome. That is, we must respect their choices and fight for religious freedom, while at the same time identifying doctrines and false spiritual powers for what they are. For Satan comes as an angel of light, so does his many followers and even Christians who are still in an immature state. Meaning that they have not yet matured. And even then there is a smaller chance of deceive in areas. It is not until we have finished the race and overcome that we will be safe to not deceive on some point or the other. Only God alone is infallible . But we are called to reveal and identify this as far as possible with the aid of the word and spirit, combined.

Also note that many can be sincere, while at the same time running the arch-enemy's errand. As you strive for the qualities that belong to God's spirit and law, you are in association with holy angels of God, and filled with the spirit of God, if your motives are currently in accordance with God's character, spirit and law, by choice. But the opposite is also the case. Who you are currently in control of is determined by the subject at hand, depending on the time and situation, etc. We are to run the race put before us with perseverance, but without competing, with the aim of achieving victory over sin and its author, in and with Christ. Heaven has room for everyone who choose Christ and His way. "..and run with patience in the struggle we have before us, with our eyes fixed on Jesus, who is the originator and perfector of faith." Hebrews 12: 1. However, we fight against the forces of darkness at the same time as they occupy people. That is, if one is driven by nature and the spirit and law of the world. Until we achieve victory, this will be able to happen to everyone in the Christian church as well.

Sometimes he is like Saul who meets Jesus, and in another area the opposite. An example of a disciple of God who was possessed by the spirit of the world is Peter. We should not be skeptical that we will not be suddenly overcome by the spirit of the world in a weak area. This can happen until we overcome by the grace of God by advancing in the sanctification, and passing the tests that are sent our way often to test us and others. As well as to test and compare God's law vs the law of the prince of this world.

Therefore, it is important to try to analyze oneself, at the same time we should keep in mind that the other side will present light as dark and vice versa. For example, they will shout "peace" while God says it is time for intense struggle against the powers of darkness and prepare for the final judgment. Are we then living by sigh (according to this kingdom of this world and its spirit) or by faith (more in accordance to what happens presently if you are under the kingdom of heaven and the spirit of God) Who seems like the good guys at the time? The world, and immature Christians seen through the eyes of the world and Babylon.

As I said, the immature Christian is like the world, and all to a certain extent from time to time, until victory is achieved. One must try to become and stay spiritually awake, and interpret what time we live in and act on it. For the world will not be able to decipher the spiritual darkness of present time. It depends on which path you take, for God will give all the power of the Holy Ghost to advance on their individual sanctification. But one must also remember that the doors of mercy will close at a certain time, therefore we must do what we can now to turn around completely.

"Ye yourselves know well that the day of the Lord cometh as a thief in the night. When they say: Peace and safety! - then a sudden destruction will come upon them. but ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should come upon you as a thief. "-1 Thessalonians 5: 2-4 Entire series: "Salvation/ Sanctification"


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