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Seal of life, peace, joy and love everlasting.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

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Satan used the cross (suffering) to try to destroy the Son of God and Christianity (the law, order/kingdom and character of the church.

While God used the cross (suffering, including suffering for both God the Father and the Son) for salvation and to build/ perfect Christanity and the law, order/kingdom and character the church.

So the difference was all about the motive and end goal.

" In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer of their salvation perfect through what he suffered." Hebrews 2:10.

So when we go through trials and suffering. Satan will try to use it to destroy us, while God will use it to build and perfect us. Not only us, but also so the truth and kingdom of God and Christ can win a greater victory. It depends also on us, if we give up on God and Christianity in the process, or if we are educated by it and endure it unto the end, unto salvation, so we can be restored in the image of God and sealed with His seal. The seal of victory of overcoming and of final rest for having escaped the prison of sin, of self and this fallen world. So we can win the crown of life, peace, joy and love everlasting. Sacrifice and Suffering unto Salvation -with the literal and spiritual meaning of the 7th Day Sabbath, the fourth commandment, as a test of loyalty to our Savior and Sanctifier, with devotion and love for the deeper, spiritual first and the literal on second place.

1. Love for the Creator and the Spiritual, major first.

2. Love for Creation and the literal, minor on second place.

Which sums up the two greatest commandments.

To crucify Sin and the Serpent of old. Receiving the law and character of God by grace through faith, and hence be recreated in his image and Sealed with His Seal. Advancing from the old, immature, toward the New, mature, everlasting kingdom of Christ. It is in Christ, who is fully the Son of God (the Creator) and fully the Son of Man, on the cross, that these two great commandments that sum of the ten, of everlasting love, joy, peace and justice for the Creator and Creation, is harmonized and made perfect.


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