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Standing alone like Daniel? Left, Right or Center?

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 3. juni 2023

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The world is not so much the literal government, but the kingdom of the world, where the kingdom is the kingdom of hearts (and mind), which is also the character and the moral image, and the law and spirit they possess. So the core of the last battle is between those characters who choose to stay behind under the old, immature law, covenant and order = Babylon. Refusing to surrender all to Christ, by crucifying their pride and prejudices and all character traits that come from the law and spirit of 666, the beastly character and the unsanctified heart, and is permanently branded by the mark of the beast. And on the other side, under the other banner, we have those who choose to advance and endure the journey of the cross, to cross over from the old to the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order, crucifying the character traits of the beast, and in this way, escaping Babylon, are recreated in the moral image of God by grace through faith, and receive His seal.

The straight and narrow path is in the center of the cross where the heart of Christ is, his law and Spirit, His character perfectly demonstrated. The law and spirit of the world is found more or less on the left side and on the right side. The further away on one of the sides, the colder you are from the warmth of the heart of Christ in the center.

THE CROSS is also like a seal. It symbolize to cross over from the old, immature, to the new, mature, everlasting. From lesser to fuller. From letter to spirit. By the power of the holy spirit of God through faith. Which is the deeper significance of the 7th Day Sabbath.

Example of the right winged (kingdom of the North philosophy) vs left winged (kingdom of the South philosophy):

- If you are located to the right from the center (Truth) , and you remove say a prejudice against two men holding hands who are not acting in a proud or flamboyant manner, and not judging them as if it automatically mean they partake in a sinful lifestyle, you move further to the center. BUT the trap at this point is that when this is done, one can be tempted to go too far to the left and start embracing the sinful lifestyle of sexual immorality, or the sinful character trait "pride". So what you would do here is going first one step in the right direction, away from sin, but then you do not stop and you may walk one or two steps too far to the left, and embrace other sinful character traits.

Satan, or the law and spirit of 666 (the unholy trinity), will always try to make you go too far to the right or too far to the left. "To stand alone as Daniel." I often hear people especially those who are on the far right side in the church, stating that they are the ones who stand alone as Daniel. Particularly in the recent year with the fights between the left and the right side concerning the vaccine and covid-19 restrictions. The right side claiming they choose to stand on God’s side by refusing the vaccine, refusing to wear masks at all, or at least constantly fighting against it, using phrases like “mask of the beast” as if wearing a mask in a store for 15 minutes for the sake of protecting oneself and others from contamination of the covid-19 virus would be to disobey God. They feel this, since they are fought against by the national government, or rather by those who are not as far on the right side as themselves. We have seen several examples of Presidents even fighting against the vaccine and wearing masks. One good, recent example here would be Donald Trump. But we see the resistance movement against vaccines and mask wearing has gained massive popularity votes. So to state that they are the ones who stand alone is actually nonsense. We see especially Christians falling for this, stating that it is their human right, and that it is God’s will for them to disobey the government and gather in a church building in order to be able to worship God. This does not mean that we can not voice our opinions on issues that we regard as unjust and damaging. But to focus so much on this fight, so you end up gettting more engaged in the fight against the government, means that one ends up worrying too much about the cares of this world and the flesh, and champion human rights over that of champion the higher law of Christ. If exaggerated you will end up fighting for the wrong type of freedom. The freedom that represent Satan, not Christ. Notice the emphasis on imbalance and wrong overfocus again.

Many, especially those Adventists who are now found in the far right camp in the church, also contrast that of standing on vegetables and a vegetarian diet (SDA health reform) VS that of taking the vaccine shots, wearing masks and following the policies from the national government concerning the covid-19 pandemic. If we have a look at what views win the popularity votes at least online, we see at least massive protests against the covid-19 restrictions. From what I have seen, as a person who has observed and engaged with many Adventist and Christian groups in particular during the Covid pandemic, if we were to follow the popularity votes here (democracy); those fighting against the covid-19 measurements would have won at this point. So to say they stand alone is simply absurd, they have massive support and backup worldwide. Thousands upon thousands, even millions and millions of people out there backing them, as we see evidenced quite literally worldwide, with all the countless mass protests demonstrations and now also the freedom convoys, against the covid-19 restrictions. It is only if they venture on a few of the groups where this is not the case, that they may feel a bit alone for a little while, until they go back to their crowd of supporters.

And for those Adventists who say they stand on vegetables like Daniel vs the vaccines is even more absurd. I think if they continue like this without repenting, there is a grave possibility that they will end up like Cain, who also brought forth an offering from the ground, namely plant based food, rather than seeking refuge in the blood of a lamb, a type for the blood of the antitypical lamb in Jesus Christ. That does not mean however that we should not opt for a plantbased diet and try to live healthy, which we should. But to rely so greatly on food, when the kingdom of God is not a matter of food or drink (Romans 14:17), as if that becomes their refuge, when even the counterfeit religion of Spiritualism also take their refuge in plant based food, is in the category of self righteousness, it is to rely on the law and spirit of the flesh, not to walk by faith, imbued with the spirit of God.

Both the left and the right side represent the law and spirit of the world, of the flesh of self. Both camps come under the banner of the lord of the old, immature, fallen law, covenant and order. Both sides represent the world. And we see this even more clearly now as we have close to a global society on the world wide web, with all the social media platforms. So who is really the world, the beast and Babylon? It is found everywhere, both in the so called non-religious crowd, but also in the Christian churches. The demons are everywhere, hidden in the hearts and minds of all groups of people. But notice, as long as you stay trapped on either side to the center, where the heart and mind of Christ is located, you will not represent the minority. Whether you fight on the left side or the right side, you will always be targeted from the other side depending on where you stand, but you will still have massive human support. We see this both in the political world and the religious world. This is not in the category of standing alone or with the minority. Neither side is in the category of the straight and narrow path, the way of the cross. This way is found in the center, not to the left nor to the right. The more centered you become, the more you will be targeted from either direction. This is where you find yourself in the category of standing alone like Daniel.

Must read articles in order to understand how this fits into Bible prophecy. Soon I will also post an interpretation of Daniel 11.

Click here to read the entire series, and visit the home page to preferrably read or listen to all 7.


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