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- To be stuck in tradition and in a Laodicea condition, thinking we have received all necessary light. - Stuck in the earth (earthen vessel). Stuck in the mud (jars of clay). Rather than having the mentality of following the Lamb which represent Christ, His Light, His truths, wherever we go. Meaning whatever and whomever we are confronted with. We must learn to differentiate between what comes from the spirit of this earth/world, and the spirit of God. - The Pharisees and scribes were stuck in the mud. Stuck in the outer layers. The physical, the literal, the temporal, the earthly. Cleaning and focusing on all that was in the outward, the facade, the outer layers, the rituals, the apparent. They were also very concerned to be seen and applauded by men.
- Some people gravely mistake standing firm on the truth, with being stuck in the mud, which is a Laodicea condition or a pharisaical overfocus on the smaller things, representing everything that is in the outward, apparent, the physical. God represent and rule over both the physical, but even more so the inner spiritual and deep nature. This go even beyond and above the brain. While Satan rule over the physical and temporal, he often manage to penetrate even our brains and operate by mind control/witchcraft. The irony is that an overfocus on the things SEEN /the apparent/literal, means that you are under a spell. The spell of Babylon, where the god of the natural, physical and temporal rules. That is why we need the holy spirit and a fuller measure of the holy spirit in order to discern the wisdom and the things of God. How? By getting closer to Christ and what He truly represent, and receive light and obey orders whenever He send it our way. Because it penetrates far deeper than anything that belongs to this world. The deep, the unseen, is also the heavenly and the eternal.
Cor 3, 4 and 5.
Hebrews 5:11-14. Hebrews 6:1
Hebrews 8. Hebrews 9:8-11, 23-24
The old law, covenant and order: Earthly sanctuary/temple:
-blood of animals, a type, only symbolizing the antitypical blood of our high priest: Christ, who also cleanses the heavenly spiritual temple, and representing the new, mature, everlasting law, covenant and order. His blood. His word, His holy spirit. By the blood of Christ and by water and fire of His holy spirit. By sanctification.
If we overfocus on the earthly/physical and the things observed (the created), rather than faith in the spiritual/deeper/inner, in the unseen, that more fully represent God and His government, who rule over both, it means we are under the old, immature order. Satan, the prince of this world, only rule over the physical and temporal/earthly.
Though it cost blood, “sweat” (fiery trials) and tears in Christ’s path of righteousness which is our disciple school, the toughest school in the Universe.
“Take up your cross, and follow Me,” Christ says. He showed us the way, which is the narrow way. It is named the narrow way for a good reason: it was never meant to be easy. Albeit often concealed to the world who is under the rule and spell of the prince of this world. The witchcraft and mind control that sweeps the whole world under his feet, as the whole world wondered after the beast. Thinking there is power in the blood of beasts/animals, meaning power in overfocusing on feeding, cleansing and adorning the outward, the temple made of hands, a salvation of works “gospel” which is the broad way that seemeth right unto men, but is the way of death and destruction. Or in the cheap grace gospel, which is a limited doctrine and in reality the broad way. The way of Babylon the great and the prince of this world, and not of Jesus Christ who’s kingdom is not of this world! Overfocus on the things of this world and making the earthly temple into that of major importance (albeit it had a minor importance) is sin, because it is contrary to the way, teaching and principles of the government of God, His Law, His spirit, His character, His gospel. If you do this you are still in darkness, blinded by the enemy. Drunk with the wine of Babylon, rather than being under the rule and guidance of the holy spirit. Nobody can discern the things of God and the deeper things of God unless they receive power and more power from the holy spirit of God. Advancing from immaturity to maturity in Christ and with Christ.
To be able to stand firm on the truth, is to learn to stand firm and solid, on the rock, which is not tradition, it is not Laodicea, it is not to be faithful to one or the other group in the church, but to follow the truth/light wherever it shows up, learning to lean on Christ, not on a pastor or your favorite person or people in the church. That is still to follow man.
When we advance we must learn to lean on God and dare to stand as Daniel, all the way. Impartiality, yet wanting to create peace and friendship. God may not expect you to be able to do this now, because what He requires depends on how far you have advanced in your spiritual walk. When we are immature believers God will give you more human support as well. But when we advance and grow, and sometimes we can make leaps in our sanctification and have received and embraced much light, then God will require more of us. Yes, it is about the most challenging thing in the world because we all want support and friendship and loyalty. Even Christ struggled with this when in Gethsemane, when all the disciples slumbered and fell into sleep. This also represent a spiritual slumber and spiritual apathy. But how often do we compromise truth or avoid the challenging truths when it shows up, out of fear of losing our friends, our family, our group? We can overlook smaller issues, which are often represented by the more shallow, and revolve around the outer layers, but not the more profound and deeper truths, especially the ones that concern our salvation.
God loves us so much that He sent His Son to be created in a human vessel (earthly body), lower than the angels (Hebrews 2: 9), but filled with the Holy Spirit in His inner temple (spiritual body = kingdom of God on earth. Read Luke 10). However, even though He was guiltless, He chose to humble and lower himself, and travel on the path of sanctification.
“Even though he was a Son, he learned obedience from what he led. And when he was made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him " -Hebrews 5: 8-9
Not only did he become the antitypical lamb of God and our atonement for repented sins, but he also showed us the true way. And we can overcome Satan by Him if we build our temple on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ. By forgiveness of our repentant sins, by His atoning sacrifice, and by sanctification, which is the Christian walk towards the goal of being recreated in God's image of grace by faith. This house is built by God by the Holy Spirit, not by human hands. It is not by self-righteousness or deeds that come from the law and spirit of the flesh (these are dead deeds if they willfully give the honor to say self and man, instead of Him), but from the spirit that God fills us increasingly if we advance on the path of holiness. Without sanctification, no one will be able to endure the light when He comes in all His glory to fetch those who are His children.
"For without sanctification no one shall see the Lord." -Heb 12:14.
His church is the hearts and sins of those who truly believe in His way, His law, His character, His spirit, and the atoning sacrifice for our transgressions. There is no other way than having Jesus Christ as Savior and sanctifier in our lives. See Eph.3: 16-21
We need to wake up from this spiritual slumber and spiritual apathy, before we end up with a permanent residency in the heart of Babylon, rather than the heart of Christ.
Entire series "Apostacies and Deceptions"