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Swords in Rock. A fuller interpretation.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 1. mai 2023

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Interpretation as of August 17.

1. I believe it mark the end of creation, where creation make themselves as "God". The end of the old, immature, fallen law, covenant and order. The end of the "stone age" of the law written on stone, in the letter, rather than on the heart/mind (innermost), the spirit, by grace from the triune God, through faith. The end of judging by outward factors and a temporal, frog's perspective, by how things appear like. Rather than what's in the heart and from a bird's perspective (from an everlasting perspective).

"At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken —that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.

Hebrews 12:26-27

"By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear"

Hebrews 8:13

2. At the same time (double meaning) it can also mark or symbolize the claim of dominion and power of the everlasting rock, Jesus Christ and His everlasting law and order/ kingdom.

Of building our house on the great, everlasting rock, rather than on sand. (Smaller and temporal).

Double meaning, because God represent the multidimensional, not paradoxical.

(I also noticed that the dove gave his call maybe 3 times in a row at the exact time I was asking God for guidance and contemplating this.

About 5 hours later, around 11 in the evening:

- As of today I did not hear any other calls from the dove, neither before or after.

Notice that I do not go by signs first, I go by what God has taught me from the word FIRST. Read all my so far 50 theological articles as well as posts made here and on SDA Scandinavia the last 1,5 years. Then I try to make sure that whatever signs may come in addition harmonize with the word and also if it fits with the timing. But even then I am cautious.

As for the interpretation of the "extra", "max:, "always" etc signs, has to do with the battle against the Satanic attacks in 2018. How I interpret them now in 2021, under the order of faith and having been established built up by the Word and advancing in the higher school of Christ. VS. how I interpreted them with close to no faith and under severe Satanic attacks in 2018. Similar condition and pretty much same energy level.

The fullblown Satanic witchcraft attack in 2018, has been reversed by the deeper, higher magic of the highest God. The law of attraction and the Satanic happy human agenda with the worship of creation and this physical kingdom, I believe has now been (or very close to) defeated. No cheating or dishonesty. It is by a fuller measure of spiritual power from God (grace) that it is being reversed, not by higher physical energies, chakra and the like. It is not of race, nationality, BIRTH (including the date), gender, status, title, education etc. The shallower, external factors. Also not to judge according from a temporary perspective. This matter in one area or another greatly to those who are under the old order/kingdom of this world. To walk, judge by sight/the apparant= according to the standard and measurement of the old, immature order. Every mindset, every religion, every denomination, philosophy, every party who do, are all under the old order. But of true, mature FAITH in Jesus Christ. The inner, deeper. This matter greatly to those who are "born anew" adopted by God, under the new, mature, everlasting order/kingdom of Christ. His spiritual kingdom. (God's law written on hearts and minds, in the sanctification of Christ, by grace, spiritual, creative power from the triune God, the creator, through faith). The law by faith, the law of Christ. To walk by faith, by the spirit. = according to the standard and measurement of the new, everlasting order. Gal 3:26-29. Romans 14:17 2. Cor 4:16-18 Eph 3:16 John 7:24 For each sword placed in the rock, in 2021, spiritually speaking, it was a counter attack with the power of the word and spirit, against major attacks being made by the prince of this world of the old physical order/kingdom. Attacks against the word and testimonies of God, against His higher, everlasting, spiritual kingdom and His servants. I am not at all claiming this was the final battle. I think there will be more. But I believe some major battles have been won. Even if those who walk by sight, and lean on popularity, as a sign of success, may interpret it otherwise. As Christian soldiers, we should lean on the Word and the guidance and power of God, and walk by faith. Added 2023: Three swords in rock.

1 representing the Son of God and man, Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross,which symbolize the shift from the Old to the New law, covenant and order.

Jesus Christ is lord of the New law, covenant and order.

The King Arthur attempt tried to pull that sword/ cross out of the rock.

By reversing the law of Christ, by reversing the order of priority. From 2 to 1. Rather than 1 and then 2.

Or rather deleting nr. 1: with the worship of the Creator and that which represent His law and covenant: the spiritual, mature, innermost, deeper, invisible, longlasting/ everlasting.

Nr 2 represent love for Creation: the literal, the physical, the immature, the temporal, the lower, the lesser, the outer, the shallower.


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