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The abomination that causes desolation. Sept 2018?

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 11. nov. 2022


The abomination by the first beast, "Rome", paganism mixed with Christianity, September 2018.

The abomination is mimicked or followed by the protestant church, the church of God. The king of the North, the church that start out speaking like a lamb, and ends up speaking like a dragon.

That is, God's church, yet when they speak like a dragon, not repenting, they represent then the second beast of the earth.

Everyone has sinned, we speak of MINDSETS. I bring up examples, I do not condemn individuals again.

If the abomination of desolation happened sept 2018. In which I would to some extent be guilty for being deceived? Albeit Satan using fear and force and witchcraft to the maximum. I still represented an Adventist who got deceived, in which I later repented of.

The second beast mindset?

Back then I would also be in the category of the king of the North, right wing, conservative mindset.

"The beast with two horns is also to say “to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast;” and, furthermore, it is to command all, “both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,” to receive the mark of the beast"

The only way I could be unknowingly guilty of this is how all conservative Christians and Adventists do not understand the importance of advancing, they are under the Laodicean mindset.

Only, I did not hate the truth or the holy doctrine or Christ or the true church that I know of. But that may not be needed to be in the category of the beast? Seeing how those representing the beast powers also earlier, has not necessarily commited the unpardonable sin, nor hate all holiness. I hated the lie, I hated spiritualism at least a large portion of it. So I do not know what is needed to fit that category for a period?

If i cherished any lie it must have been a very different lie? We are not supposed to love being tormented as happened that night in June either. That was a witchcraft of Satan, it was not of God, even if God would use it later on. I would have died it i did not take another sleeping pill or water to drink, which was not the will of God.

So what lie did I love at the time?

It was more a loss of faith, not a love for the lie. So can you lose much faith, and still hate the lie. Yes. But is that in the category of a beastly character for a time is the question.

As I started being deceived by fear and force during the severe Satanic attack lasting for many months straight, both night and day, of the false doctrine of everlasting hell, I started adopting one-sided grace, which is understandable if you start to believe in everlasting hell. So it would be one-sided grace I embraced again due to my fear of everlasting torment at the time. Before that I was also deceived on the doctrine of salvation by the flesh, the legalist mindset, of relying too much on my physical health for salvation. But I never loved that false doctrine. Still, I got deceived.

Seeing how Protestant Christians in America could be in the category of the second beast by refusing to receive the 7th Day Sabbath and insisting on Sunday sacredness, and enforcing this, while still not hating all holiness, would be in the category of the second beast that set up the abomination of desolation, then probably I could have been in that category also in Sept 2018, because of loss of faith. Before repenting. But I was not beyond reach and God could use this horrifying experience later on to help me wrote these messages and warnings to the churches concerning Satan's manifold deceptions and concealed wickedness in these last days.


-Dragon, beast and the false prophet. They have the same character.

Can the false prophet later become a true prophet? Yes. The false prophet is a fallen or unsanctified character. The immature character. All humans have been under the order of the unholy trinity. Also all Christians, all humans except Christ. Many have also had a prodigal period, that is to fall for a period and then come back. Problem is those who do not repent of any of these states as they will forever be branded. Yet all have been through most of these states one time or another. If you are not sanctified, you will end up with the dragon's heart, the heart of the beast and the false prophet.

We also see how the king of the North, conservative right wing mindset and the king of the South: left, liberal mindset in the church, is depicted in Daniel 11, as lying and deceiving, yet they do so often without knowing it or being aware of it. Which might help to better explain Revelation 17.

And everyone in any church has been either at the left or right side of the center where Christ is, until they are completely sanctified. But how far out you go is also of utmost importance. You can end up far out simply by standing still for too long and not receiving the available light that shines on your pathway, the present day truth.

I have been in both camps, first left then right, and since the end of 2019, aimed at center.

I did not commit the unpardonable sin, but I was far away, very deceived under terrible witchcraft that happened also in 3 stages. From December 2017 - June 2018 - then September 2018.

Then 1,5 years (504 days) of me resisting Satan and striving to get back to God, before the beginning of the 1260 day period of the two true witnesses?

1, 5 years after Sept 24th 2018, would be spring 2020. Around April.

1,5 years also fit with Ezekiel and his shame for 1, 5 years in which his hair was cut off. Like mine.


I started to get back particularly from April 2019, when I planted the apple trees. And also more so from December 2019, when I made those booklets from Desire of Ages of Christ's birth.

Then 5/5 2020.

So three major events or highlights as to how I returned and how Christ came back. He was always there, yes, but I was far away in late 2018.

Then it continued. Many public repentance prayers and my dedication to serve Christ. In which I also changed my name that included Avdiel which means "servant of God".

If true, it is terribly shocking and griveous for me, but I hope God will forgive me.

In fact, I believe He already has...though my sins be like scarlet, Lord I know..through the power of your blood, I will be free.

Because losing faith in 2018, in God's everlasting promise, starting to believe Satan's accusations, that my sins were too great, that the great sacrifice of Christ would not be enough to cover them, and that I was too small and weak to be raised up and used in God's service, equipped by His grace, even if I did not think those exact thoughts, it is still how I failed. I started looking at signs as an answer to prayers, that my sins were forgiven, rather than trusting in the word. Starting to believe in the lies and lower righteousness according to this world, of the unholy trinity, and their judgment of me, rather than the higher righteousness of Christ. Both with regards to wisdom, love, joy, peace and justice.

I do not want to fail Him again. So, I choose to trust Him at His word. That also this great sin has been atoned for at the cross, by Jesus Christ.

All of this is unseen, but yet very real. If I can repent of this in public, in front of both humans and angels, beings both unfallen and fallen, in front of the entire Universe, so can you. If Christ can forgive me, rescue me and raise me up, He can also do the same with you.

I have identified myself with the unsanctified character of Babylon and the beast, of losing faith because of what I stated above, and admitted and repented of my sins for a long time since what happened in 2018. So this is not all new, it has been a long process which has included much repentence and also being educated of the sanctification of Christ. God could also use my brokenness as long as I came back, realizing my sins, to rebuild my character and also for this message to be born. So both very bitter, but also sweet. A bittersweet symphony

I believe this is a large part of the loud cry message, to realize that the human character without the law and spirit of Christ, is in Babylon and will end up under the order of the beast, unless we are born again and cross over from the old, immature, to the new, everlasting covenant of Jesus Christ. We must be saved and sanctified from our sinful nature. We must be purified and filled up completely by the blood of Christ, receiving His righteousness, by the two fold purpose of grace through faith. And that the gift of salvation and Christ's everlasting promise and gospel is for all regardless of race, nation, genes, status, gender, health status.

So, no, it was not paranoia. It was all very real, but because the spiritual world and how people are controlled, how much they understand or not is all highly advanced, I will not point out specific individuals. They are themselves responsible for confessing and repenting of their own evil actions. So I do believe the abomination entered many Christian hearts, only differently than in my case, who started to give in to these lies through fear and force and probably the most terrible and long lasting satanic witchcraft attack ever performed toward anyone. I have forgiven them already and prayed for them since. And while I wish everyone would be saved, I believe there is only one way to salvation, the way, the truth and the life, of Jesus Christ.

According to Daniel 12 the Abomination of desolation is set up before the Loud cry message starts, which will be proclaimed for 1260 days if I understand correctly. So, even if September 2019 should be the date in which it was set up, it does not mean that Satan and the kingdom of 666 has not grown worse since. This kingdom and its lord and kings will not cease their war against Christ and the true church. But the abomination of desolation is set up several years before the end, and Satan just continue his and their war against the kingdom of God. The kingdom of 666 does not become less evil or stagnate.

Remember we speak of character here, not specific people. People can choose which way to go. They could represent the kingdom of the North one week and the next week they have a complete change of heart, and flee for their lives from Babylon to Christ.

Also what happened September 2018, is not what Spiritualism and Satan try to accuse me of which is based on the sciences of Spiritualism. These are false doctrines. It include the belief in the reptilian theory, illuminati bloodline families, and the belief of relying on physical higher energies as highly important for salvation. The law of attraction etc. These false beliefs are an abomination, and to make it very clear I do not acknowledge these theories or the accusations made against me where these are essential now. Back in 2018, even if I felt they were a nightmare, as they were forced upon me day and night, including in the most horrible nightmares over many months, I was still under deception and witchcraft. I was not fully armored back then, and started to give in to the full blown attacks of a magnitude that can not be described in words. Notice what I was guilty of, and how. It is not in the way that Satan accuse me of. Problem is also that Satan come disguised as Christ, think Sananda Jesus, and you will get a better idea. So those who were following his: "witch-hunt" in his gang stalking, deceiving people to think it was okay due to a griveous sin I committed as a child, that was gone from my memory for decades, until activated as an adult during the gang stalking. Which I also repented of over years with great grief, and confessed in public. Those who participated may have believed it was/is Christ, not Satan. Think Jesus Sananda and you will get a better idea.

Also it is not more evil of being deceived by the massive Satanic operation, than the attacks that was made by him/them. That is not what I have said.

It started all the way back in 2011. I fought against it and resisted it for the most part, then these 3 major, fullblown Satanic attacks happened from dec 2017- Sept 2018. But they continued also in between. I state 3 major only those years but there have been attacks made continually from 2011 in particular.

But then in these attacks I mention, Satan and his crowd, which involved both worldlings, papists and protestants, with the advanced religion of the false Christ (Satan), modern spiritualism and science and psychology and Christianity mixed into the whole soup, I started to give in to their lies and accusations. And that was part of the abomination as far as I am involved and guilty for that time period. In which I later repented.

In addition to heavily use of fear and force, great miracles was also used, and that is probably what deceived me most. That Satan had advanced his sciences so extensively that he could now both read minds and get insight into future events. What was present truth when Ellen White wrote that he did not have these exact powers, at least not to be able to read minds, were at this present time outdated. See Rev 13:13 and 2. Tess 2:9-11.

Satan thought He had won in Sept 2018, after extreme attacks over years and more so the last year prior to this event.

So I see that it could have been set up that date whether I was an accomplice or not. See previous article. While I was hunted and tormented during this whole process, and under severe witchcraft, I still started to gradually wonder after the beast and all those participating in the gang stalking against me, and even to lesser and more extent gradually believe the lies and doctrines from "Christianity mixed with spiritualism". I fought against them sometimes, while simultaneously the lies and false doctrines started to get to me. I looked for answers everywhere. Also due to severe group pressure. Every single person, online and offline, seemed to have adopted these beliefs and participating in the witch-hunt against me, trying to make me the scapegoat rather than Satan. Voice to skull was also used. Attacks every minute, day and night for many months continually.

Yet, to end up believing them still, is the abomination, the mix of truth with these impure doctrines and receive them into your spiritual heart and mind. It is Satan who represent what happened in 2018, as God does not represent the methods of severe "fear and force" to compel the conscience.

If anything throughout the history of this world could be classified as using fear and force to compel the conscience, it was during all those attacks. It was maximum use of fear and force, as brutal and extensive and long lasting, ongoing as it can possibly get.

God allowed it, but He does not represent the Satanic witchcraft attacks still. Satan did it with the most selfish and malevolent of agenda, while Christ allowed it for good for all creation, including for me. It is Satan who wants to make me the scapegoat, not God. If I start to believe that, it would be in clear favor of Satan's agenda, not Christ's. Then God would truly be evil. So, no, God is not evil, so Christ would not lead me this far only to try to make me the scapegoat now. After everything I have been through since 2011 in particular. That would be a terrible God that I would never serve. It is not the God I know, it is not the God who has inspired me to write these messages. As if He would have a wicked plan to destroy me and betray me after everything He has built up in me. That would definitely be of Satan, not God. I have confessed my sins. It is Satan who now try to say that the victim is just as guilty as him who exposed me to all of that. No. That is not according to the Bible and it would portray God as an evil God. Everyone has sinned, I have also confessed all my sins, Satan has not, or else this would have all ended a year or two ago. Where everyone seemed to join. No, I am definitely not as guilty as Satan and the camp who did all of that. That idea would seriously damage God's reputation and character and judgment. It is not in accordance to the word of God,who always state that Satan is the one who has planned all of this since before the fall of mankind. He is still an angel, who has never been incarnated as a human.

God did not plan to harm and destroy me for good or to make me Satan, but to build me up again from the ashes and to have me write these messages and warnings in order to be a great blessing to the churches and the world. While Satan, the false Christ, hopes to destroy me according to his gruesome agenda.

I have never fallen completely, yet almost due to what happened in 2018.

We are in 2022, everything has happened since then. Time did not freeze in 2018.

Satan is one fallen angel who has never been incarnated. I am a human being. A humanbeing can be filled with the law and spirit of 666 and 777 more or less in different periods of their lives, but a human being can never become, Satan himself.

All of this does not change what happened since, it still does not change or end the Loud Cry message. Because that is Satan's will, not God's.

March 27th

I believe Sept 2018 still stand as the abomination that causes desolation, but after much contemplation considering the severity of the Satanic attacks, I believe it is more credible that I became in the category "a prodigal" at the time, rather than a "Judas", also considering my immature Christian state at the time. I believe now it could have been Satan who portrayed himself as God and wanted me to falsely confess by him using the name"God" as authority.

In any event, as I am not certain, it would not alter much at this point. I have still experienced and felt the awful sorrow of thinking I would have been in that category and hurt Christ. Although a prodigal would also hurt Him, so it may still be the same whatever you call it. But I continued still, the message was given to me 1,5 years after that event, so it is still Satan who would want me to quit, not God.

So at this point it does not matter or alter anything considering the current state of this, but to say God would categorize me as a Judas in that horrible situation may harm His character. So...

God knows the answer, and I have explained what I believe is the correct answer, but that it does not mean that I committed the unpardonable sin, albeit being far away at the time. I know I did not, or else everything that happened since would not have happened. The evidence for this is in the testimonies written on Via Veritas Vita. I still believe in this message and that God allowed me also to go through all that torment in order to be able to write this and warn the world of Satan's advancements in his fight against Christ. And also how great the grace and love of God is, that even if I was so far away and almost totally deceived by Satan's witchcraft at the time, I was not beyond reach. Christ managed to drag me up from that horrible dark pit, but I also had to strive as hard as I could to get away from Satan and back to Christ. Just as Ellen White adviced, and after 1,5 years, it became obvious that the true Christ was still there, even if I started to see small signs even before that. But Satan tried very hard to make me lose faith and discourage me in every conceivable way until then, but also since then.

To trust in Christ means to trust in His law, His doctrines, His atonement, His everlasting gospel and covenant. In Him as savior and sanctifier.

We have many forms of Christianity, including modern spiritualism mixed with Christianity.

It is not so much what they call themselves, but that they have received much light. Many new age Christians may have received far more light than many orthodox Christians.

We have the socalled emergent church, Christian science and more. Many would also label Ellen White and adventism as esoteric, or connected to occultism. There is a very close counterfeit who represent the old, fallen truth. Back then I was still in the category an immature Christian, which was not sufficient during the former tremendous witchcraft attacks in 2018. Hence why we need the full armour for this last generation. The latter rain and the Loud Cry Message.


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