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The Abomination that causes desolation set up in the individual sacred heart.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 11. apr. 2022

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Do we start to see how the Abomination that causes desolation has to do with *going back* or standing still for too long? And that even while I believe there is a date as to when this happened in a grave manner, I also believe it could be individual as well. That is when the Christian or believer go so far out either to the left or the right, which will be in the category paganism or worldliness mixed with Christianity, that they are close to commiting the unpardonable sin. They have brought so much of the letter and false doctrines in to the heart where the holy spirit reside, into the innermost holy of holies in their sacred temple that they are close to fall permanently. This is as a consequence an attack on the New, holy Covenant of Christ.

The King of the NORTH

- the right hand. Right wing, conservative mindset. Old law and covenant.

The King of the SOUTH:

- the left hand, liberal mind-set.

Old law and covenant. Or false/counterfeit new law and order.

The true King, Christ in the CENTER:

- the balanced, center. The new, everlasting law, covenant and order of Jesus Christ.


These two hands of the king of this world, on the far left and right, clasp hands with each other. United as one.

This is in the category the righteousness of this world or self righteousness, not the righteousness of Christ.


I should also add nationalism to the list of partiality, pride in the outer/flesh/letter, in addition to racism, misogynism and judging people based on diagnosis or status and education and the generally externals.

Nationalism would here also include Christians who put literal Israel above that of other nations. Or America , or Canada or Norway and other countries. Same goes for those who take pride in their church organization and membership.

Also Christians champion human rights when they should rather champion the law of Christ.

We have probably all been guilty of these sins more or less. In which we should all repent.


See also former articles on these topics.



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