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Image of God vs The Beast. Part 4. The crux of the matter.

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

- a Christian or religious (church, nation or individual) who start speaking as a lamb, by receiving available present light. Yet, if they later do not advance and receive the present day light, they will by standing still (getting stuck in the mud = outer, shallower layers), continue to sink, and end up speaking like a dragon.

Stuck in the old, immature, now, fallen covenant and order = the fleshly and earthly/worldly. Walking by sight, linked to the prince of this old, fallen earth.

They drag the holy, spiritual (Kingdom of God), down to this old world (Kingdom of this world), rather than advancing upward and forward, toward increased light in God. 》The new, mature order and covenant of Jesus Christ, who will rule on this old earth made new. Hence mixing religion and politics = holy with the unholy = Babylonian.

This is the case for all the fallen, babylonian churches, nations and individual believers. To walk by sight and not faith, in the spirit, and not advancing and receiving present day light, hence getting stuck in a LIMITED LIGHT, without excuse, is also a common denominator for all false (fallen) religions, ideologies and also humanism/atheism. Take Islam, Judaism, Roman Catholisism, fallen protestant churches (doctrine wise that is), spiritualism, paganism, ideologies like Nazism, Communism and Socialism. Since God has conscientious “jewels” that live up to the light they have received individually in all churches/faiths, they are in a saved condition until they receive more, sufficient light and are called out from Babylon.

One of the goals of the 3 angel's messages is to receive and proclaim as much light as we can obtain at the present time, while simultaneously exposing error, so we can all advance and reach a higher standard. To receive the truth and the law of God more fully in our hearts and minds, so it become a part of our new character. From old, immature to new, mature self in Christ. Keep in mind that many individuals in other organizations, may have advanced further in some areas than those who think they have received all light. To those who have received more light, much is required. All are called to advance from where they are presently.

This is/was also the case for the fallen angels, and the rebel leader, Satan, who once were holy and living up to the present day light, until iniquity was found in him. He had many chances to repent, but incited rebellion and war in heaven in stead. Then he continued falling even after being cast down to this earth.

From holy and righteous, to unholy and unrighteous.

Why Christ did not become a "beast" when he came as a human? We can read in Hebrews 2, Hebrews 5, Hebrews 12 and 1. John 4:1-3, that Christ Himself became human and suffered temptation in every area, yet he was without sin. While having to learn obedience by the sufferings He went through. Meaning by advancing in the sanctification process himself. God's divine school of discipline. Yet, Christ must have advanced perfectly every step on his way from earth to heaven. Hence He never fell, never sinned. Yet being perfected according to the word of God in the path of the righteous, the way of the cross.

But notice that it was his free will sacrifice, as He was the very begotten Son of God, the last being who would need to undergo a sanctification, and yet He chose to make this incredible sacrifice and endeavor this extremely challenging journey, for the sake of being able to rescue mankind. Which include to later being able to become the sanctifier and councelor for the fallen race in their increased fallen state. By having himself experienced the nature of human flesh 4000 years after the fall, he would be able to sympathize with their weakness and guide them in their sanctification to overcome their human character, and become born again, recreated in the image of God. Since mankind by nature have fallen increasingly now for 6000 years, since the fall of man by the first human parents, Adam and Eve.

Note that sanctification, the re-creation in the image of God, is first and foremost an inner renewal of heart and mind. Then physically on second place. Christ did not receive his glorified, immortal body until after he had gained the victory at death. It was not until his resurrection. We will also have to take care of our physical body, but it will not be made perfect until Jesus' second coming. Death is the last enemy to be overcome. This last, external transformation from earthly to immortal bodies, take place at the last trumpet. (1 Cor 15: 51-53). Although we will continue to grow up to our full physical potential in heaven. We are all fallen and are of fallen human nature. Our character of nature, sons and daughters of man (Adam and Eve) are fallen. We must be sanctified and walk from a fallen human nature under the law and spirit of the flesh / world, to be born again of God's law and spirit, and thus recreated in God's image by the triune God. Until we are matured and overcome by the power of God, by the righteousness of Christ, we are all, still under the image of the old, immature order, the order of the earth, of the beast, the natural man. The immature Christian who have not been born again, and matured, and are still legalists, still bound by the letter of the law. hence they still walk by sight, by the flesh, not by the spirit who walk increasingly by faith. Only Jesus Christ advanced perfectly in sanctification and never fell, something we all have done. And therefore deserving the cross, unlike the Son of God who never fell. Since sin is a conscious choice, Jesus never sinned. Thus He advanced perfectly all the way, and never sinned against His heavenly Father and the law and Spirit of God. Though He took on fallen human nature and learned obedience by what he suffered, that is, by God's sanctification and discipline: the way of the cross. While Lucifer did not fall physically, from the vessel of an angel to human. Yet He fell and continued falling in his heart and mind, in his innermost parts, his spirit.

Remember also that when we fall short, or realize we have not made any progress for a long while, or even went in the wrong directions (away from Christ, often without realizing it due to self deception), we have a chance to repent, turn around and continue walking on the narrow path, marching on, upward, inward, forward, towards the kingdom of God. That is good news.

(Luke 17:21. 2. Cor 4:16-18. Hebrews 8:10. Romans 2:28-29. Gal 3:26-29) Read: The Image of God vs The Beast. Let's take it from the start. Part 1

Continue to the rest of the series on identifying the seal/ mark and image of the beast, vs God's, here

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