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The counterfeit and true meaning of the Rainbow

Forfatterens bilde: L.A.HL.A.H

Oppdatert: 5. juni 2023

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People and more so Christians see the rainbow now as a symbol of sin, rather than righteousness. The latter was God's intention, to symbolize His rescue plan for mankind to overcome and become reunited with God and His kingdom. The spirit of this world has far too great of a success with its agendas.

People have gradually become accustomed to increased promotion of sin, and also anarchy. But also false versions of peace, justice and love. But notice that I am saying that God has his true version of what Satan has tried to pollute for a long time long now. The true meaning of the rainbow symbolize a lot more than just the promise of there not being another worldwide flood.

The cross also symbolize both the atonement of forgiveness for repented sins, and the new, everlasting covenant. Crucifying the law of the flesh, of the literal, of walking by sight. From old to new, from immature to mature law and covenant. From earthly to heavenly. From literal to spiritual. From walking by sight and circumcision of the flesh, to walking by faith and spiritual circumcision of the heart.

That is why I emphasize Galatians 3:26-29. It is part of the everlasting gospel and covenant of restoring mankind to the image of God by Christ's righteousness, and his sanctification (the law of God written on our hearts and minds, by grace through faith. (Hebrews 8:10). Hence becoming gradually adapted to the society of angels and heaven. Because it is a promise with conditions, as we know that those who do not choose Christ and overcome, will be destroyed on the day of judgment, in the fire that will purify the entire old earth, including all the fallen angels and human beings. (I do not believe the Bible teaches everlasting torment in hell. See Followed by a complete new recreation of this earth made new. What is the true meaning of the Rainbow? A token that remind us that God keep His promises. It also symbolize righteousness. And the promise that if we choose to walk by faith in Christ's everlasting gospel and covenant, imbued with His spirit (grace), we will be clothed with His robe of righteousness. The coat of colors that Joseph received from his father is a figure of what our heavenly father will offer us if we accept it. The law of Christ by faith. His kingdom (law and character) engraved on our hearts and minds = The Image of God.

THE PROMISE went from local, small, immature version (referred to as the old covenant) to all encompassing = the new, everlasting, mature covenant. See Galatians chapter 3, particularly verse 26-29.

"Galatians 3:26-29 .. for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, and heirs according to promise."

Christ at his death (crucifixion), ended the artificial, temporary, separation due to outer factors like race, nationality, birth/genes, gender, status etc. His full covenant and law encompass all regardless of these outer, shallow factors. We can all choose to accept his gift of salvation, His way toward righteousness and true, everlasting life, peace, order, joyand love on this earth made NEW, if we accept it and walk in it by faith. MY VIEW ON HOMOSEXUALITY

I think that in general God does not want us to be so preoccupied with the flesh, the physical and sensual. I do not call the physical flesh and the material for evil, but an overfocus on it may very well be. We should rather seek the kingdom of God, first. Seek that which comes from above, which is that of eternal value more than that of temporal value. That is faith. The heart and mind. The inner, deeper values. Rather than the seen, the apparent.

If we do, and when we learn to walk by faith, in the spirit, then that which is of a secondary value: the created, find its natural place. The spirit and word will then convince you of what is right. I do not think God in His word embrace homosexual acts, but I also think He want all to focus much less on the flesh than the majority in this world seem to do at the moment. I think it is time to find our way back to God and His kingdom. And the taste for that which is below, will lose more of its hold on you. The spirit will set you free and guide us into all truth. So this is far more comprehensive than to simply address homosexual acts as sinful. This is about Satan stealing and reversing the fuller meaning of the rainbow. To be about salvation of mankind from sin by walking by faith (according to the everlasting gospel and covenant of Christ), to revolve around embracing sin and promoting Babylon (humanbeings who did not overcome and who choose to walk by sight and not by faith). The rainbow is rightfully God's, the creator's, not the property of man and creation. And those who want to be under the true banner of the rainbow, the everlasting covenant, need to acknowledge Christ and His law. His Law by faith. His law engraved on our hearts and minds by his spirit (grace) through faith. Righteousness by faith. While Satan is busy mocking or presenting his counterfeit version of the everlasting covenant with the rainbow as a symbol. Think the “social justice”, “racial justice” “human rights instead of the Law of Christ, “LGBTQ+” movement and the rainbow flag that supposedly should represent “PRIDE”. This is a blatant attack and mockery of Christ’s everlasting covenant, order, law and His throne. Satan want to steal and pollute everything that is holy, including Christ and His kingdom.

We should be sounding the Loud cry message now, as Satan becomes more and more bold in his blasphemous counterfeits of God’s genuine. He has a counterfeit for everything that is holy and righteous. A counterfeit or limited version of joy, love, justice, law, order. We should also now proclaim to the world the true, biblical explanation of the rainbow. Concerning socialism, social justice (social justice movement), human rights: Does it focus on the greatest of all commandments, to love God first and foremost and all? This main commandment summarizes the first four commandments of God's Ten Commandments. Love for our neighbor comes second. No, it is only about focusing on the last six commandments of God's law, and ignoring loyalty and obedience to the first four, which are the ones of highest priority. A wrong main priority or focus will be wrong to God. And does humans really have any rights in and of themselves because they are human, according to the Bible? We all have a choice to be saved and choose God and His law, but no one has any right to live even if it is not determined by God. We have no right to demand this. We have all been given a gift of choice to be able to say yes to Christ and His way of salvation. We are to preach the way and law of Jesus, offer humanitarian charity and help to people, but not force through "love" like that, as true love can never be combined with laws or coercion.

It is true that there is a sacred and unholy versions for almost anything. In this sense, one can say that there is a divine / holy version of social justice as well, by preaching, receiving the grace of God and being transformed by Christ and His new, mature law and covenant.

Only Christ's unique form of divine love can heal a heart that is cold, greedy, enslaved in sin, or prejudiced in view of these external, superficial factors. Christ's supreme love is more about the inner, higher and deeper, heavenly values, which are of eternal value.

In fact, at a second glance, I see how this fight for human rights, social justice, BLM, LGBTQ + etc. is a mixture of new false light and love of the old covenant: that is, trying to link love to a set of rules that are forced through, and that all should be obedient to, without being driven by the love of the Spirit of God. It is often combined with unholy spirits like "pride" and often "anarchy". Even "rights" in areas that God never said, is not accordance with His will or law. Hence a counterfeit, false version. You may also see it as a limited version of His much grander law. So why are we using the methods and lower standards of this world, when we have been given a message to proclaim the law of God by faith: the everlasting gospel and covenant? The law of Christ. See Revelation 14:12.

The message of the loud cry, before Jesus' second return, is the proclamation of the everlasting gospel and the everlasting, "new," mature covenant. The law of Christ. The law by faith.

Revelation 14:12. Hebrews 8:10. See also Galatians 3: 26-29.

The Satanic forces will do everything to hinder the proclamation of the Loud cry message. PS: No, I am not judging people here. God ask us to live up to the light each individual receive. I am not claiming that people know this is Satanic. Usually people follow "the beast" without their conscious awareness of it. That does not always excuse the act though. Some receive more light, some less. But Adventists who have received so much light, and at least now, should think very careful about this in my strong opinion, before they proceed or ignore this. "The “Loud Cry” is the angel of Rev. 18:1-4 and the fulfillment of it’s prophecy must take place before Jesus can leave the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary and return to this Earth. The “Loud Cry” is the “Everlasting Gospel” that must be preached into all the world for a witness and then shall the end come, but Satan is determine that this “Loud Cry Message” shall never be given." From I think many Christians now identify the rainbow with LGBTQ + and "Pride" instead of what God intended it to symbolize. Righteousness and deliverance from sin by choosing Jesus' eternal gospel and His eternal covenant. This is sanctification or the way of righteousness (the way of Jesus / the way of the cross / the narrow way) that leads us away from sin, and from the old covenant, the old self, this old earth. And receive His new / eternal covenant, the new self, which is the law and spirit of Jesus in us (the law of God written on our hearts and minds by the grace of God (the Holy Spirit) through faith. Hebrews 8:10.

Faith in His atonement for our sin, if we repent and turn away from it, and His deliverance from sin by choosing His way, the way of the cross (which is sanctification). This is what the PROMISE is for. That He will build His kingdom, His order in us if we love Him and believe in Him. This is how we can be fitted for the society of heaven. This is also the faith of Jesus Revelation 14:12. This represents the new earth, the new kingdom which will soon also become a physical reality for those who are able to walk by faith first, and not by the seen, rather than worshiping sin and Babylon under the same flag and symbol. That was meant to symbolize the throne of Jesus and His law. Note that I do not judge individuals here, and that God expects differently from people, based on the light they themselves have received. That is why I write this particularly to Christians and even more so to Adventist Christians, who I have seen have suggested prayers for the rainbow flag to be taken down from the flagpoles. I think the answer here is rather that we must go out (including online) and preach its true, that is, God's version of what the rainbow was meant to symbolize, which is more than just the promise of there not being another worldwide flood.

If we truly believe in the way of Jesus and His eternal gospel and covenant, then we would soon understand that His way is the way of self-denial, and not the way of indulgence and mainly fleeting, temporal joy. It is the way of faith, to walk by faith, not by the seen and not by circumcision in the physical, in the flesh. But rather spiritual circumcision, in the heart. Romans 2: 28-29.

We should understand that true happiness does not lie in the temporal. It does not lie in sex-change surgeries. It does not lie in performing countless plastic surgeries. It does not lie in living an extravagant sexual life, and this principle also applies to heterosexuals. It does not lie in happiness or pride in the outer. Nor is it the sexual that represents God's heavenly form of love. The sexual represent the temporal, not the everlasting. It is not a sin to have sex with your spouse, but to indulge too much in it over time, could be a telling sign that you are too much obsessed with the physical, the flesh, and the brief, temporary ecstatic type of happiness. And that maybe you need to seek Christ and His form of higher, heavenly love more than you might think.

"so you can have something to oppose those who boast of what they are in the outward and not in the heart." 2 Cor 5:12.

This is far more extensive than just the physical flesh. It is about what is sensual and apparent. As I write, it is not that the sensuous, the created, the physical is evil by itself, but it is about how and how much we prioritize it. Versus being preoccupied with the more silent, inner and deeper form of love that come from above. We are to seek the kingdom of God * first *, which is of eternal value, not the perishable and created first. Although of course there are differences in terms also of the created. There is a huge difference to focus on the physical flesh of a human being, to that of beholding flowers and butterflies. We can know from the spirit what has an uplifting rather than degrading effect on our soul, and what lead us closer to Christ. And this is where we see the contrast. The spirit of this world use the rainbow now as a symbol of the very act of walking by the seen, after the spirit of the flesh, and the temporary, perishable form of happiness. When it symbolizes more to overcome the spirit of the flesh, by having the right priority, not by excluding the created and physical.

"for we walk in faith, not by sight;"

2 Cor 5: 7

That is why I believe we Christians have a responsibility to preach the true, God's version of what the rainbow symbolizes. We should preach the loud cry now, which is the proclamation of the everlasting gospel and the everlasting covenant. Jesus' law by faith. Satan will do anything to prevent this. This will happen before Jesus leaves the Most Holy place, just before His return. As we can see, the time is ripe for it. The prince of this world has been advancing his agenda for far too long, without Christians preaching Jesus' "agenda" at the same time. The world will continue as before, then it is about time for Christians to take our responsibility and present God's side of the matter. Satan (the World) comes as a benefactor and savior by his ways, theories, laws and philosophies. We, as Christ’s servants and disciples, are here to present God's alternative. Christians should know that "pride" is not a character trait or a spirit that comes from God, but rather from the archenemy. The Bible says that "pride" goeth before a fall." The word of God do not speak of pride as something positive. As Christians, one should be able to see what lies behind here. That is why I write that I do not judge individuals here, and that God expects differently based on how much available light people have received. He probably expects a lot more from me eventually than from many others.

Therefore, as usual, this is not about judging individuals, but about seeing it for what it is, and understanding as Christians at least that the solution and "happiness" does not lie in these movements at all. What I wrote about my view of homosexuality, I think I put it cautiously, and wrote that this is not so much about orientation but about linking God's symbols of salvation from sin, to the opposite, salvation in sin. By that I mean a "debauched life", which can also apply to heterosexuals. Even "BLM" (Black Lives Matter) is in fact almost racist compared to what Jesus' full, new, everlasting law and covenant teaches: namely that there is no difference when it comes to these external factors: We can all be one in the faith of Jesus Christ (His law / order / kingdom through faith) regardless of "race, nationality, genes, gender, status, etc." (Galatians 3: 26-29. James 2:1. Romans 2: 28-29. So Christians should offer Christ’s alternative here, I think, not the alternative from this world. These are not compatible. Jesus' way, His eternal gospel, covenant and order, is what is the long lasting, eternal solution to problems. His ways are higher and far better. Please read more here:

A seal inside a more comprensive seal. Connecting the dots (Click Image below to read)

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